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Posts posted by NapalmDeathTurahk

  1. Devourment and Cephalotripsy are definitely good.Cryptopsy w/o Lord Worm is meh, and utterly mindblowing terrible in The Unspoken King.I'm also a big fan of Aborted, mostly their earlier efforts. Goremageddon is classic. Also check out GUT, they're odd German grind. Very morbid and the vocals are unusual.The best band to chill to is definitely Torsof--- though.

  2. Rammstein are overrated tripe, IMO. Their pyro shows are decent, a shame the music isn't.Also being "industrial" doesn't excuse them one bit.Listen to Godflesh for good industrial metal. I'm not a fan of Neue Deutsche Harte, but there should be plenty of bands better than Rammstein. I think Oomph! might qualify, they're the second best-known, but I haven't heard them in ages, can't decide.

  3. Awesome metalcore - KsE, All That Remains?What a laugh.Cro Mags and S.O.B.* are awesome old school metalcore. As I said, none of that modern junk people call metalcore, that's my stance.*just to make sure people don't think I'm talking about S.O.D. Stormtroopers of Death - they're awesome too though, way better than anything Anthrax has put it in the last... 15 years or more.By the way, Pig Destroyer are great. They're also in my top grindcore bands. Deathspell Omega and Blut aus Nord are excellent BM, even if BaN has experimented with all sorts of styles and keeps on doing so. Taake are one of the few consistently great Norwegian BM bands though.

  4. There is a lot more to the melodic side of metal than people think."Melodic metal" doesn't just mean cheesy power metal and Gothenburg (what most people call "melodic death metal").Same is with metalcore.The original metal-hardcore fusion has nothing to do with today's "metalcore" like Killswitch Engage.

  5. As you can guess, I'm a fan of Napalm Death and grindcore in general. Repulsion, S.O.B., Insect Warfare, Wormrot, Assuck, Terrorizer, Carcass, etc.Not into deathcore, listen to little doom (mostly Electric Wizard, Candlemass, Warning and Warhorse), love some old school death metal (Massacre, Master, Possessed, etc.) and a little black (Taake, Darkthrone, Burzum...)I honestly despise most of the bands people in this thread and in general seem to think is great metal.

  6. Who here is a fan of Serious Sam?For those who don't know, Serious Sam is a series of first-person arena shooters developed by Croteam. The first one was Serious Sam: The First Encounter in 2001. The series is typical for its wide variety of weapons (minigun, laser, giant cannon, Serious Bomb, etc.) that you use to fight hordes of enemies (dozens and dozens spawning at you at once) in very wide open, albeit linear levels. Sam 2 came out in 2005, which was much more cartoony, and HD remakes of the two classic games came out in 2009/2010.Serious Sam 3: BFE came out five days ago on Steam, with reloading, sprinting and brutal melee kills. Great game, worth picking up, it starts off slower but later evolves into utter insanity. Also the engine handles such vast levels with so many enemies cluttered in them remarkably well.So yeah... are you a fan of Sam?

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