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Posts posted by BionicleEvolution

  1. Had a lot of fun creating it. Swapped a few parts around for a more original light/athletic Tahu look. Also includes a new torso/chest build. Added red feet and hands + added metallic effects to his blades and golden armour. Wanted to keep the design simple and inline with the sets. The background assets were borrowed from the 2009 Glatorian Legends promo poster, I've reworked some of it to get a better overall aesthetic fit. Thanks for checking this out!


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  2. How much for Tahu? I really need a new canister. And buying a mint one maybe not the best of ideas, but just having it around would be nice. But splatter already asked, so whatever happens happens.


    Hey Spladder, none of them are availabel now. They've been sold 

    How much is the Tahu?

    Ah sorry all have been sold now, but good luck on your search! 

  3. So I know that BZP has been going strong for maaaaany maaaaaany years and its well known within the Bionicle community but does anyone see reddit.com/r/bioniclelego thread as a possible threat to BZPower? Does anyone think that /r/bioniclelego will come out on top in the future as reddit in whole is a more popular platform?  :OMG:


    Kongu Tohunga

  4. Loads of anticipation here haha all waiting to receive our masks. I payed £50 in total, £43 for the mask and £7 shipping. Should be here around Mon or Tue next week.


    Munty - Sure I'll pop by and visit you Facebook page! What's it called though? O_0 


    DeeVee - Good point there, I wonder where the masks were mass produced 


    I would have loved to get my hands on the limited 100 VIP Transparent Hau mask, the only difference is the packaging though




    Great idea man, I would come all the way from England just to have a look at your museum! I would name it: ''Bionicle Evolution'', not because it's my name (honestly) but just because, it correlates nicely as to how Bionicle sets evolved through out the years and how the Toa etc had to evolve and adjust to new environments to overcome new enemies! Hope this helps...let me know what you think 

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