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Posts posted by Siriol

  1. Here's exactly how this is going to be: We spent the first hour or so on Earth, where we meet our human cast; a cliche Jake Lloyd-esque little kid, his goofy dad (whom I'm guessing will be portrayed by the likes of Kevin James), his annoying little kid sister who does nothing, and his friends; the stereotypical wise-cracking black kid, the fat kid who can't stop eating, and the nerdy kid with the three-inch-thick glasses. They spend the duration of the hour making extremely low-brow slapstick and scatological jokes, and we find out that Jake Lloyd and his dad are having bonding problems or something like that. Then, in the last twenty minutes, an evil alien robot villain who can inexplicably speak English (and with a terrible Russian accent), along with his Mudflap and Skids-like henchmen, comes and says he's going to "take over the world" and stands around maniacally laughing the whole time. Then, completely out of the blue, with no explanation given whatsoever, the Heroes come, handcuff the villains, and bring him back to Makuhero city in a suspense, violence, action, and effortless process in which they were in the human cast and have them somehow help save the day or something, which helps bring the Jake lloyd doppelganger and his dad together. Synchronizer pop music played the entire time. The end.

    I would watch that!
    Why? A movie like that would be worse then Meet the Robinson's, and that was a pretty bad movie.In my opinion a live action movie about robots is going to turn out as well as loading a fire Elemental onto a ship full of explosives, or Matau's first attempts to fly. I like HF, but not enough to watch something like this will most likely be.
    Some movies, are just so bad, you HAVE to watch them.Like a car wreck.
    Yes. Couldn't have said it better myself.In our house, this is known as mindless entertainment.It is good for when you don't have enough energy to think about the movie plot and have therefore ceased to care.
  2. That's an interesting theory. It certainly sounds plausible, especially considering that the matoran/toa/etc . . . were meant to be little more than drones. Maybe since the "glitch" occurred, the willpower part of the brain was less easy to access. With the introduction of personalities and individual thought, the "computer" systems could be less straightforward - hence toa having to "learn" how to use their masks.

  3. Excellent! Take your time Greg, actually raise your child instead of letting the TV do it, like my parents did :PAll jokes aside, what is it he does for a living now, anyways? I know he's a writer, but what does he write? Does he have his own little book series or what...MTL

    He's been writing for Ninjago, apparently.
    I wonder why Ninjago?
  4. I personally am of the belief that Bionicle has come to a conclusive end, for two reasons.1. Mr. Farshtey has a child now. A kid is agruably one of the greatest blessings one can ever receive in life. He is by all means obligated and entitled to spend time with his growing daughter, and raise her to be a thriving person. Also, we can't really blame him. At such an age, children are very high-maintenance and will take up much of his free time to begin with.2. Mr. Farshtey gave us fair warning the storyline would end with the year 2011. And at the time this is posted...that's only 3 days away. Time simply ran out.Of course, it's our job to carry it on here, though. :)

    On the other hand, Greg managed to write two chapters of TPTB in November 2010, when he already had a child. So that shouldn't be a problem. Also, small children sleep a lot. I really don't think Greg is using all of his spare time taking care of a child that's now almost a year and a half old.And yes, I know he's married and such. I know BIONICLE may not be the first thing you will do when you've got some free time. But no updates in six months? Family can't be the only reason.Let's just hope he's okay and nothing has happened to him.
    Well, weather he is spending more time than needed or not, he probably just wants to spend time with his (almost) new daughter.
  5. The ironic thing is that the books were the main reason I became a big fan of Bionicle in 2004-05. Consequently, those were my two favorite story years. However, I do see the problem with putting such a large amount of story in a non-free package. I may have bought every single one (or had my parents by every single one :P), but most kids probably couldn't swing it. And while my public library had a reasonably good collection of the books (my library is awesome), it was missing a few.Personally, I think that mountain of backstory was the main reason for Bionicle's end. While I agree somewhat with what Alyska said about accessibility, I think that the main reason was simply the amount of backstory. Kids felt like they had to read tons of stuff to get into Bionicle, so they didn't bother. While that wasn't true, it was the impression that was given off by the 20+ novels, 4 movies, dozens of comics, numerous serials, multiple guidebooks (I count at least 5 on my shelf right now), and the flat-out massive wiki on Biosector01. Is it really worth it to read all this stuff to get into Bionicle? Many kids answered no, and went off to play with their transformers.-don't touch my pocket protector

    So you're saying that the story was to ...added on to continue.
  6. Ah. I see you all are finally acknowledging that the web serials are OVER. Forever. It's the cold, hard truth; no sets, no story.

    So, just because Greg has been extremely busy for the past six months because his wife had a baby, you think he has totally abandoned the fans and the BIONICLE story forever? Give the guy a break. Family is much more important than the plot line of a toy line.I believe that it will take a while, but the serials will again be updated. I don't believe that we'll be getting any new serials after the current ones wrap up.
    Thank you. I don't understand why everyone is thinking Greg abandoned us just because he has more important things to attend to.We might be getting new serials. Who knows? :shrugs:

    LEGO won't be updating the website because BIONICLE is a dead franchise, and LEGO has moved on with Hero Factory. LEGO will need to update their policy to allow employees to speak to their fans. Greg Farshtey has become busy now that he has a daughter, and he needs to obtain some sort of social license. BIONICLE has pretty much come to a stop.

    For now.
    Top: do you really want Bionicle to end on this incomplete note?
    adurna is trying to say that hopefully BIONICLE has temporarily stopped rather than ending permanently.
    I hope so too. Otherwise, the burden will fall on us, the fans.No offense adurna (I share your concern), but hasn't this been kind of discussed before in other topics?
    Yes there are,but they are all in need of revival.So, I don't see any harm in this.=)
  7. LEGO won't be updating the website because BIONICLE is a dead franchise, and LEGO has moved on with Hero Factory. LEGO will need to update their policy to allow employees to speak to their fans. Greg Farshtey has become busy now that he has a daughter, and he needs to obtain some sort of social license. BIONICLE has pretty much come to a stop.

    For now.

    We could create websites about Bionicle.

    IMO, there are already way too many of those. What we need is one unifying website to bring all the official content together and link to all the other existing sites. Then maybe another website for new fan-based content, instead of 4.
    Good point. Does anyone have any websites in mind?
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