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{Con Quy}

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Posts posted by {Con Quy}

  1. As far as I could find, Biosector01 didn't have any information on the head piece/tail on both Roodaka or the Vortixx's page.


    I over heard that the interesting tail like appendage was a head piece though I can't remember where I heard it! Personally, I prefer the tail-thingy to be part of the Vortixx anatomy but that could just be me. :shrugs:

    I remember now where I read that: The Vortixx page on Maybe where you read it to? Anyway is an accurate source?

  2. Not certain, but I'd think it was a headdress, either as a female Vortixx or as the viceroy of the Visorak.


    In WoS it looked like some sort of cloth thing, so I can imagine it being a headress or crown. After all, Roodaka was a high-ranking Vortixx.


    I thought it looked organic (partly) in WOS, actually. Also, not sure why being biomechanical would make having hair not have sense. :P But I always assumed it was a biomechanical appendage mainly for decoration, not a headdress, though I suppose that's possible too.


    As far as I could find, Biosector01 didn't have any information on the head piece/tail on both Roodaka or the Vortixx's page.


    I over heard that the interesting tail like appendage was a head piece though I can't remember where I heard it! Personally, I prefer the tail-thingy to be part of the Vortixx anatomy but that could just be me. :shrugs:

    Do you guys think it's something all Vortixx wear/have, or something just females wear/have?

  3. I'm a little curious how anyone could miss that there was sunlight on Mata Nui, Voya Nui, Bota Magna and SM in general. :P

    Well of course I knew there was a sun because of the sunlight on those places, I was just confused because the space view of the UDD didn't show it, as Floridan Citrus explained. :)

    Also speaking of light, how were the cycles of night and day maintained within the MU? Did Mata Nui have to manually control the amount of light at day and at night, or was there a built in lighting system that dims the light at night or something like that?

  4. So I know about how Spherus Magna was split into three, and Aqua Magna and Bota Magna acted as moons. But shouldn't there be a moon (or many moons because of it's SM's size) left over from before the Shattering? Also when the three planets were shown as the UDD, there was no Sun, and doesn't there have to be a Sun for there to be life on a planet? And also would there be other planets in the same solar system as SM? Maybe there could be life on those planets, possibly where some of the Great Beings fled to? Just wondering.

  5. So Roodaka's thing on the back of her head is often referred to as "hair", probably because in WoS it was wavy like hair, but it doesn't make sense for a bio mechanical being to have hair like us. I think I recall reading somewhere that it's a sort of headdress (maybe worn by the females because of their status is Vortixx society?) Anyway hope someone can clear this up.

  6. Preeeetty sure you're just supposed to assume they all "really" have humanlike hands, and brush aside the rest as artistic license. I doubt the story team ever sat down and said "this one actually has only four". I certainly don't recall Greg ever commenting on it (though I didn't see everything he ever said so who knows).


    One thing we can say for sure is that the sets that didn't show fingers are only representations in that respect. The Toa Mata had normal humanlike hands, just like their MOL Nuva portrayals. (Those sets actually DID portray fingers, loosely, with Tahu and Lewa in the hands they weren't holding anything with, though.) Same with Matoran and all relatives.


    No idea if the same is true of Agori/Glatorian, but I see no reason to assume otherwise. The Matoran/Toa were based on Agori/Glatorian (by the GBs).


    Other MU species might be different but I doubt it. Not until you start getting into the humanoidish Rahi.

    So did the Glatorian hand piece with 4 fingers, was it an accurate portrayal? Do Agori and Glatorian have 4 fingers?

    • Upvote 1
  7. Well, one major factor is whether Matoran names have meaning or not. For example, I find it rather likely that the Toa Mata's names translate to their elements or more poetic terms related to their elements (so "Kopaka" could mean "ice," or breaking it down into "Ko-pa-ka," ["ice-something-spirit"], a poetic word like "reticence," for example), but this hasn't been confirmed (I actually edited one of my posts in the "Ask GregF a Question" topic to include this question, so hopefully it'll be answered). Anyway, if Matoran names do in fact carry meaning, it'd probably be more likely for there to be beings with the same name than if they didn't.


    Another possibility, although once again unconfirmed, is that Matoran spelling varies. English spelling wasn't standardized until the dictionary, so it isn't something to be immediately dismissed. It's possible that there was Ehrye up in Metru Nui and Eryee down on the Southern Continent, and their names would both be pronounced AIR-yee and would mean the same thing, but would be spelled differently as to minimize confusion. Naming Day rituals could also fit in to this, and are evidence that Matoran words can be spelled differently while still being pronounced the same. If there were lots of Matoran with the same name and the same spelling throughout the MU, it could be an honor for a Matoran to be granted a new spelling and to be distinguished from the rest in that way.


    We know less about this facet of Agori society, so it's hard to say with them.

    If I recall correctly the Toa Mata were regarded as avatars of their elements and thusly were named after their elements, as not many Toa names start with their elemental prefix. And we know Vezon means "Double", but I'm not sure if it's in Matoran Language or Skakdi Language. Also many Matoran names have the same ending, such as Matoro and Aiyetoro, which may indicate they have a similar meaning.

  8. 1. So the Toa Inika got their organic Kanohi when they got struck by the Red Star, but how else can an organic Kanohi be made?

    2. If a normal Toa wears an organic Kanohi can it communicate with the Toa and help them like the Toa Inika's did?

    3. Is Tobduk's Sanok and Jovan's Kadin organic?


  9. So we know that the Toa Mata became Toa Nuva because they were destined to transform from EP. Were the Toa Mata the only destined Toa to become Toa Nuva, or is it possible for another destined team or individual Toa to become Toa Nuva from EP?

    If so will the team or individual Toa get a full set of Nuva Kanohi, Nuva Symbols, and a Nuva Cube like the Toa Mata?

    Also can Toa Nuva still wear regular Great Kanohi?

  10. So it's kind of been a mystery for me mainly because most Bionicle sets had no fingers. The Toa Mata in set form (only Tahu, Lewa, and Pohatu) have 2 fingers on those original block hands, Onua has 3 on each hand and Gali and Kopaka hold weapons. Also in Bionicle The Game the Toa Mata and the Toa Nuva have 2 fingers, but in the Miramax films Matoran, Toa, and Turaga have 5, while the Toa Hordika, Keetongu, Roodaka and others have 4. In the movie I believe Teridax also had 5. Bionicle Heroes shows the Toa Inika and Piraka with 4 fingers. Hydraxon, Axonn, and Takanuva '08 in set form also have 4 fingers.


    The Legend Reborn and most Glatorian sets (besides Fero and Malum) make it pretty clear that Glatorian and Agori have 4 fingers, but when the Stars were released, the ones from the MU (Tahu, Takanuva, Piraka, and Rahkshi) used the Glatorian hand.


    My question is, is there a standard number of fingers per species? Or does it vary? Do all Matoran, Toa, and Turaga have the same number of fingers? Do all Glatorian and Agori have the same number of fingers? Do all Makuta have the same number of fingers? And so on and so forth will all the other species.


    I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.

    • Upvote 1
  11. This is outstanding, personally I don't think I've ever seen a MOC using a Manas body, I like how you customized the remote control! The front is awesome with those wheels, and the (eyes), but the little guns top it off. When i saw that the cannons moved at the same time as the wheels I fell in love with the creation, gears are something I haven't really messed with, but this makes me want to! 10/10

  12. Not bad. Not bad at all.I like your style. It has this kinda organic feel to it, and yet remains very Bionicle-esque. I think his left leg needs to be shifted, by which I mean that his left foot is facing sideways and his right foot is facing front on, but both of his legs look the same. In my experience, when a foot is turned, so is the leg, so his left leg should be side on.Other than that (and besides adding a little shading), he's quite good. Nice job.Astris Janus

  13. We know that there is a very wide variety of plantlife in the Matoran Universe, so I wonder;Is the plantlife in the Matoran Universe like Spherus Magna's;organic or Protodermic?And also is the organic parts of Matoran Universe Inhabitants some kind of organic protodermis?

  14. Just line art but I don't plan on coloring it so I'm just going to put it on here




    Yeah, he's maskless.Anyways comments appreciated.

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