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Lewa Pathfinder

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Posts posted by Lewa Pathfinder

  1. It's an interesting story so far, and Eldair and Lekan seem pretty cool to start off with. Your settings are decent though there is some detail missing. And the plot, well, I want to see where it goes next. =DHowever, one main thing that concerns me is that one note you made at the top of the story. There shouldn't be any rated R content within this story. If you want more information you can check out the rules featured around BZP.

    Did I seriously say rated R? My mind must have been somewhere else, I meant to say PG13. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/fear.gif Completely brain dumped! I'll edit it now. Thank you for your critique!
  2. Okay, so I'm going to jump right into this, but first a quick outline. This takes place on Spherus Magna, after Makuta's defeat at the hands of Mata Nui, and the Skakdi are roaming the deserts/jungles/plains/mountains of the planet, having united with the scattered Skrall and bone hunters to bring Chaos on all of Spherus Magna and it's inhabitants.We follow Lekan and Eldair, two hardworking Matoran that migrated from the MU to the newly re-created SM. They are hard working, average Matoran who are just trying to survive, and run into trouble along the way.Lekan is a Pakari wearing Po-Matoran. He is generally pretty "chill" or laid back, but when someone threatens him or Eldair he gets aggressive to the point of no return. Killing he has no problem with, although he doesn't like it. He had close quarters combat training prior to coming to SM, due to him being a former OoMN operator.Eldair is an energetic Ga-Matoran who wears a Rau. She is well mannered, and speaks like that of someone with a higher level of education. She has a crush on Lekan, and wonders if they'll ever "Be together", but for the present is content to be with him. She is good with numbers, which is why she deals with bartering for goods when the she and Lekan travel to cities.Oh, and this focuses on the ups and downs of their lives, so it may become slightly gory at times, but nothing too R rated. :)EDIT: Meant to say PG13, don't know why I didn't.Chapter 1AteroLekan, a Po-Matoran, stood outside of one of the many general stores in the city of Atero on Spherus Magna. Next to him was parked a Thornatus, painted to match the sandy wasteland Atero was located in. Even when Mata Nui dissipated his life energy and restored some of the planets jungles, there was still plenty of desert to cross to trade with other villages.Lekan was waiting for his partner, Eldair, a Ga-Matoran, to come out of the store. The two were merchants, getting the raw materials they bartered with directly from the sources, which is why they usually got a good sum of profits. Unfortunately, some beings couldn’t respect their occupation, and wanted what they had. Lekan didn’t take kindly to thieves. He had rigged the Thornatus with a Thornax turret, and he carried a shotgun at all times. He also had a couple rifles and a second shotgun in the rear compartment of the desert rover.Lekan had been waiting for Eldair to come out for a good hour, and his boredom showed on his brown Pakari. He looked around at the bustling market place. There were food stalls that sold daily meals and provisions for passers-through. There were also stalls that sold weapons and ammo, Thornax fruits being the most expensive. Some stalls were dedicated to animals, such as sand stalkers, the native pack animals of Spherus Magna, and a few Husi brought from the Matoran’s old home. A few stands contained jewelry, made of bone or gold and other expensive materials.Finally, Eldair came out of the shop. She carried a satchel that contained their most precious items and minerals. The look on her blue Rau told Lekan that today hadn’t been good.“So? How much?” Lekan asked her. “Fifty widgets for the gold nugget we mined up there in the spikes, and twenty-five for the old Vorox sword we found.” She frowned. “The economy isn’t doing so good, probably due to those Skakdi war bands, and their Bone hunter friends.” Eldair continued. “Your right.” Lekan replied. “Well, you wanna get outa here or do you think we should we get a room some where?”Eldair thought for awhile. “I know you would rather just get out of the city, but I would like to sleep in a real bed for a night. We can get an early start tomorrow.” Lekan shrugged. “Fine by me. You get us a room, I’ll go park this hunk a junk. Take one of the pistols though, just in case, I saw a shifty lookin‘ Agori takin‘ a gander at our ride.” Eldair smiled. “Whatever makes you feel better. See you soon.” She started off toward the center of the desert metropolis. Lekan sighed as he grabbed on to the bar of the roll cage attached the Thornatus, swinging himself into the seat.He pulled on a chord attached to the engine, starting it with a loud rumble. He put his foot on the gas pedal and he moved toward the entrance of Atero, where all the travelers left their vehicles if they were staying for the night. As he drove, he saw three Agori in fire tribe armor bolting for an alley between two huts. The one in back carried a backpack filled to the brim with something. He kept looking over his shoulder as if someone was following them. Lekan was put on edge by this. “Somethin’s goin’ on in this town.”<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Eldair walked through the busy streets of Atero. It was getting later in the day, and Matoran and Agori were getting off from work. Most were heading to local inns and taverns for a drink. She went with the flow of the crowd as it started to swell. Eventually, she found a suitable looking inn, and went in. The bar was crowded, but she found a seat between a large Glatorian wearing Ice tribe armor and a bulky Onu-Matoran.Eldair sat down between the two, and asked the bartender for a room for the night. The Matoran nodded and gave her a key for a room on the second floor, and she slid him a few widgets. As she waited for Lekan, she looked around the place. There were stuffed heads of iron wolves on the walls, and everything looked worn down, but it was clean.The Glatorian looked over at her. “Merchant?” He asked. She nodded. “Thought so. You don’t look like your from around here. You travel alone?” “No.” She replied. This guy seemed kinda strange. “Where’s you traveling companion?” He asked. Eldair decided that she had had enough, this guy was kinda creepy. “I need to go now.” She replied, and started to get up. The ice Glatorian grabbed her by the arm. “I’m not done talking to you, girl.” She was scared now. “Who does this guy think he is?” She thought. He picked her up with one arm and sat her down next to him.“Hey, Onatus, this chick’s pretty funny, ain’t she?” The Glatorian asked the Onu-Matoran sitting on Eldair’s right. “Yeah, Grovar, she’s funny. Funny lookin.” Onatus replied. “You know what we do with funny people in this town?” Grovar asked. He didn’t wait for an answer. “You don’t want to know.”<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Lekan had parked the Thornatus and was now headed down the road. He had no idea which inn she had picked out, but he figured he would just start at the center and work his way out, being that she had headed for the center anyway. The crowded streets were not easy to navigate through, but he made good time anyway. As he neared the center of Atero, he heard shouts from inside one of the inns. He headed in to check it out.He opened the door to the tavern in which he was investigating, but an object flew through the portal, missing him by a few inches. He looked inside, and there was Eldair, lying on the bar, an Onu-Matoran holding her down while an Ice Glatorian held a dagger to her throat. She was struggling, and a glass had comeflying in his direction, hit by one of her arms. This was not good.“I think we should just kill her, Grovar.” The Onu-Matoran said. Eldair struggled more. “Yeah.” Replied the Glatorian, apparently named Grovar. Lekan had heard enough.“Hey!” Lekan yelled. Grovar snapped around. He smiled. “Look here, her boyfriend, coming to save the day.” The Onu-Matoran laughed. “That ain’t gonna happen.” The Matoran behind the bar looked frightened.“C’mere, runt!” Grovar yelled as he rushed Lekan. Lekan jumped out of the way at the last second. He wasn’t going to use his shotgun for this fight, as he didn’t want to kill or maim anyone, he just wanted to teach this Piraka a lesson.As Grovar started to get up Lekan ran up to him and tackled him. As Grovar hit the ground, Lekan rolled while grabbing Grovar’s neck, launching him out of the door and into sand outside. Grovar slowly stood up. He looked dazed, as if he hadn’t expected someone the size of the Po-Matoran to be capable of such a feat. As he looked back into the tavern, he saw him charging.Lekan ran and jumped, landing on Grovar’s right thigh with his foot of the same side, and using his forward momentum to swing his left leg around Grovar’s neck. He ended up on the bulky Glatorian’s shoulders, with his feet hooked under his armpits. Before Grovar knew what had happened, Lekan leaned all his weight forward, toppling the giant. He hit the ground with his left shoulder, rolling on impact and landing on his back, slamming Grovar into the ground.Lekan’s legs were now in a position where he could grab Grovar’s arm, extend it completely while lifting his hips, which he did. The result was Grovar screaming bloody murder as his shoulder was dislocated and his arm broken at the elbow.Lekan rolled backwards over his right shoulder, ending standing on his feet. He proceeded to straddle Grovar as he lay there in pain, and punch him repeatedly in the face. When Lekan was finished, he stood and looked down at the moaning Grovar. “Don’t get up.”<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Meanwhile, as soon as the imminent threat of the dagger was removed, Eldair shoved up with all her might, knocking Onatu off of her. She quickly rolled off the table and picked up one of the bar stools, slamming it over the back of Onatus’s head. He slumped as he succumbed to unconsciousness.Eldair sighed. She thought Lekan wouldn’t show up, but thankfully he did, saving her from having her throat slit. Now she wanted to know why the two who had assaulted her were so violent. “Maybe resources are getting scarcer because of the Skakdi. But that doesn’t explain why they thought I looked funny. “Maybe they just don’t like new faces.” She speculated. Eldair shrugged her shoulders, and looking out the door noticed Lekan finishing off Grovar. She grimaced, glad he was on her side. She remembered how he had learned all of what he had just performed, as well as the rest of his seemingly Toa like skills.Lekan had been a slave to a Vortixx before Aqua Magna had crashed back into Bara Magna. His master had been very cruel to him and a few others, so they escaped and hid in the city of Stelt, biding their time until they were able to escape. But that wasn’t until a few years later, so they had plenty of time to teach themselves in the art of fighting, and sharpen them on each other. They hijacked a trading boat, and arrived on the island of Metru Nui, where he had met Eldair. She worked in one of the ports in Ga-Metru, where the boat docked. They became friends, and when the Matoran and various other species migrated to the seemingly endless world of Spherus Magna, they decided to work together.Eldair came back to the present as Lekan walked through the door, and laid fifty widgets on the bar. “For the damage.” Lekan told the bartender. He turned to Eldair. “How about that room?”“Upstairs, room fourteen. Here’s the key. I’m going to hang out down here for awhile longer, leave the door unlocked for me, okay?” Eldair replied.“Sure.” Lekan replied. He headed toward the far side of the room, where the stairs were located. All the way, he could hear the occupants of the tavern whispering, and felt their gazes. He rolled his eyes.As he opened the door, he looked around. A small room with one bed, a table and a chair. He put the key on the table, and stared at the candle sitting on the table, it’s gentle glow barley lighting the room, the windows being shuttered. he blew it out and laid down on the floor. Lekan studied the floor for a second, then rolled over, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>When Eldair finally decided to got to bed, she opened the door, and saw Lekan lying on the floor. She looked around in the dark, and saw the single bed. She smiled. “Always the gentlemen.” She thought. “Goodnight.”






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