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Posts posted by Tahu5181

  1. Alright, cool. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. And as for my opinion on the G1 vs G2 debate-well, I have more money now than I did during G1, that's for sure. I have three of the new sets, and I am pretty happy with them, plus I wasn't a BIONICLE fan back in 2001. I'll say over all, it seems like LEGO has learned from it's past mistakes and taken a lot of the good things about the old sets and added some more good things. Story-wise, G2 isn't great, but it's better than what Hero Factory had (in my opinion). As for the whole argument about the kids of today being different from kids in 2001, that's absolutely true. But I still believe that kids of today can appreciate a rich story...which LEGO has certainly not given us. I have read a Star Wars book by Ryder Windham (I think he's going to be the author of the next BIONICLE book) and it was decent. Also I have the Mask of Creation game, and it was fun at first but now it's getting boring and stale.

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    Is it bad that I don't plan on buying every single set?



    Not at all, as it is I highly doubt TLGs business plan has the average buyer as buying all of them (¡Or even most of them..?)



    The problem is, I want an Xbox One like you wouldn't believe and we all know those things aren't cheap.



    Aye the current gen consoles aren't exactly cheap, & I don't think a vast majority of people direct all their luxury-funds into a single hobby, but I'm surprised you find an Xbox One really worth it, obnoxiously pricey, not a huge variety of games (all of which one will be able to play on PC to a degree)... if one can afford that I'm surprised one doesn't wait longer to buy a great PC (doubles for work capabilities etc. although that may not be relevant...) that should last just as long and be able to play games from the game-generation after this one... but if you're set on an Xbox One; it's your money & it's what you want, then yeah, I really don't see it as anything bad that you don't want to pour money into an expensive toyline.

    I want an Xbox One because it's what I like. If I wanted a PC, I'd ask for a PC and talk about how I wanted one. This was never about the PC. If it was, I'd mention it. The Xbox One has just started out and will get more games as it grows. 


    Obviously, you've never played Dying Light or Sunset Overdrive. If that isn't variety I don't know what is.

    Really? Dying Light? Everyone I know who have played that game (six people, give or take) have all hated it. They said it was buggy, boring, had really cheap deaths because the levels aren't designed around the parkour. It's essentially the lovechild of Dead Island and Mirror's Edge, but something went wrong, the baby was stillborn, but they're still trying to raise it. AND it's also on PC. It definitely plays better on the Xbone, but I am a member of the PC master race, and (puts on Nazi helmet) MOOST SHOW YOU ZEE BESS GAMES ARE UNT ZEE PEE CEE. (takes off Nazi helmet) 




    Heil Steam.


    Back on topic, has anyone noticed how... what's the word... simian Lewa looks now?

    I do find that odd. I also don't really understand why they made Onua with such broad shoulders…although it does look pretty cool.
  3. When it comes to Wave 2, I've gotten over the hideous look of the sets and am able to appreciate them a lot more for what they are trying to convey. It's just a  shame that four of the sets are $15 ($20 for Aussies like me) and the only other one is twice that. There was a lot of missed potential here, sadly.


    edit: Forgot to mention this. For those of you complaining about TV specials, all nine revealed episodes add up to a grand total of approximately 15 minutes and 40 seconds, by the end of the year we should have around 30 minutes. Less than NINJAGO, but more than HF got in its final years.

    Are those the American prices?

    Thanks for the info and warm welcome. I've read the new BIONICLE has been planned to run three years. Is this at least three years, or only three years?


    It depends. If Lego finds Bionicle successful, they're continue for more than three years.
    Do we have any information on how they have been selling? At my local target, there were a few Toa on clearance.
  5. A few questions about the hero pack.

    1. How long will it be available?

    2. Can you get it just by calling LEGO and asking for it, or do you have to buy a set?

    3. Does it come with a set for free if you buy said set on LEGO.com?

    Thanks, everyone.

    I haven't been on bzpower in ages, and I recently found out about the new BIONICLE from a friend. So far, I have Tahu, Kopaka, and Onua, and they're all pretty awesome.

  6. Even though it is a story/series for kids, I found that BIONICLE has some quite disturbing plot sometimes.The one that disturbs me most was the fact that Bohrok are actually Av-Matoran transformed. Then I think of the Boxors Nuparu made... argh. Nuparu why did you have to do that...
    Yeah, that was quite disturbing. Plus the way Icarax was killed was disturbing (imagine seeing a thousand parts of his body sent to a thousand places at the same time).
  7. At this point, it's unlikely that he's just got 13-month writer's block or something. Most likely, he gave up, and he's staying clear of us so we'll think he's still dedicated and all that. He's probably glad to be done with BZPower, too.
    I doubt GregF would do that. He wrote the story for years. He wrote the comics, the stories on BIONICLEStory.com, most of the books, Greg is Mr. BIONICLE. I'm sure he wants to get on BZP, but LEGO isn't letting him, or something. I don't know the details, but I think it's that Greg isn't allowed to talk to people under 13, and there's no way for him to know the ages of people on BZP for sure. Plus, I think he had to get a "social media driver's license" or something. I don't know the details.
  8. Who do you think died just for shock, pointlessness or another reason?I felt that Zaktan, Telluris and Carapar all died just to show how super serious the villain was, yo for nothing but shock but value. That's just me, I could be missing something. What do you think?
    Botar, definitely. Immediately after he was killed (by Icarax, I think) he was replaced by someone that was virtually identical to him.
  9. So, presumably, whenever Vezon and Fenrakk are defeated, they come back in some more powerful form. The problm with that is, at least once Vezon and Fenrakk are shown emerging from lava BEFORE the Inika came, without being reincarnated. So, why did Fenrakk transform into Kardas that one time? Does transformation only only occur when defeat is percieved by others?
    When was that shown?
  10. By my count, over 13 months have passed since the last serial update. I know Greg probably won't ever finish the serials, and I don't blame him. He's moved on, and we have to do the same. I just want to thank him for the 10 years he gave us, that gave my childhood something worth coming home to every day, when I felt down, Bionicle was always there to make me feel happy. It's just sad that BZPower never got to say goodbye to the man who made all the difference in our childhoods.But seriously, does anyone have their own continuation of the serials? It would definitely be good for our community to get closure on the story, seeing all the loose threads.
    I don't have a continuation, at least. I'm sure some people have posted there own continuations of the serials, but nothing canonical as far as I know.
  11. POST IN THIS THREAD, NOT THE DOUBLE PLEASEDo you not think the enemies would have been better if they had actually have been close.Hers an example. All the Piraka think they hate each other. One of them, lets say Reidak, gets killed by lets say, Jaller. ThePiraka realize they actually do miss him, and Zaktan, being the leader feels some what responsible of his death. The remaing six Piraka (especially Zaktan) are fueled with new hatred for the Toa Inika.I personally think thats a bit better than just "You got a mask we want so we're going to kill you. Oh and we hate you for no reason as well, simply becuase youre on the other side"Do you agree or disagree
    Not all of the enemies were like that. For example, some of the Makuta, or at least Gorast (she's the only one I remember) was devoted to Teridax.I agree with you, though. For the villians that were one-sided, I think it would add more depth, and transform them into more interesting characters.
  12. Everyone has a favorite Matoran. Some value the Heroes, like Jaller or Takua, while others like the weirdos, like Midak. Others like the wild ones, like Kongu.Personally, my favorite is Vultraz in his shadow form. I'm into the shadowy matoran.Note: If you post a Matoran like Gavla or Radiak, who was a Shadow matoran at one time, specify which form was your favorite. ex: Radiak light form, Kirop shadow form etc.
    My favorite Matoran is Gaardus. I really like the set of him (it was a combination of all the BIONICLE Stars and the Golden Armor), plus he has an interesting role in the story. He's also the main character of one of my Epics, The Gaardus Chronicles.
    Do you mean the Matoran form or the set form, because in the combo model, he isn't really a Matoran, but more of a bat like creature.
    Angel Bob already answered this.If you don't count Gaardus as a Matoran, then my favorite Matoran would be Tanma.
  13. Everyone has a favorite Matoran. Some value the Heroes, like Jaller or Takua, while others like the weirdos, like Midak. Others like the wild ones, like Kongu.Personally, my favorite is Vultraz in his shadow form. I'm into the shadowy matoran.Note: If you post a Matoran like Gavla or Radiak, who was a Shadow matoran at one time, specify which form was your favorite. ex: Radiak light form, Kirop shadow form etc.
    My favorite Matoran is Gaardus. I really like the set of him (it was a combination of all the BIONICLE Stars and the Golden Armor), plus he has an interesting role in the story. He's also the main character of one of my Epics, The Gaardus Chronicles.
  14. That's why I was confused about the whole Quest for the Great Beings thing. I thought the quest to awaken Mata Nui was after the Ignition saga.
    It was. The Ignition saga was going to be 2006-2008, and then the Quest for the Great Beings/Quest to Awaken Mata Nui was from 2009-2011. I don't recall anything about the other two "books", however, if that's what you mean.So does anyone mind if I make an epic based on the original plans?
    I would love that. But it seems like too much of a big thing for anything to be risked going wrong. Perhaps a collab project? This could be a huge epic story!
    That would be awesome. We could all contribute ideas, and help write it. Then, we could post the final product on the Epics Forum. But would we start at the beginning, or would we wait until 2007, or 2008? What year would we start at? I think we should start in late 2007 or in 2008, where the original story would probably change from the story that was actually used.
    Can I help? I have many ideas for BIONICLE and I could share my ideas for the story.
    Yes, of course. It's for anyone who wants to. However, it would be based on the Original Plans, so if you have your own idea, you might want to make an Epic about it, where you can tell your story.
  15. When you're using one of these masks, does it just turn you invisible? Or does it turn everything on you invisible as well? (ie if you're wearing a cloak, detachable armor, a Laker's jersey and carrying a sword, will those turn invisible?"
    The Huna will turn you invisible, but if someone is using the Kanohi Elda, Arthron, or Rode, then they will be able to see you, and you'll still cast a shadow. Same with the Kanohi Volitak.
  16. If I'm not mistaken, at the end of Reign of Shadows, everyone escapes, Teridax is killed and everyone lives hunky dory. But a few new plot threads are brought up, one of which is that the Piraka species, in an attempt to overthrow the evil overlord that is Makuta-Nui, threw a Vortixx, a Zyglak, the Voya Nui Piraka, a green cloud and a member of Krekka's species into a magic pot of energised protodermis to create a golden skinned muscular reptile with Irnakk like features that could make dreams literally come true.The creature isn't evil, but not entirely good either. It somehow sensed the Toa Mahri were spying on the Piraka, and the creature influenced them to serve it and the Piraka. But the Mahri are never brought up in later stories, not even when the creature and the Piraka show up in Sahmad's Tale.This thread might be pointless, so I ask you: What do you think happened to the Toa Mahri?
    It's unknown, but I assume they continue to serve the Golden-Skinned Being. The only way we'll know for sure is if Greg resumes the BIONICLE story, in which he might reveal what happened to the Toa Mahri.
  17. That's why I was confused about the whole Quest for the Great Beings thing. I thought the quest to awaken Mata Nui was after the Ignition saga.
    It was. The Ignition saga was going to be 2006-2008, and then the Quest for the Great Beings/Quest to Awaken Mata Nui was from 2009-2011. I don't recall anything about the other two "books", however, if that's what you mean.So does anyone mind if I make an epic based on the original plans?
    I would love that. But it seems like too much of a big thing for anything to be risked going wrong. Perhaps a collab project? This could be a huge epic story!
    That would be awesome. We could all contribute ideas, and help write it. Then, we could post the final product on the Epics Forum. But would we start at the beginning, or would we wait until 2007, or 2008? What year would we start at? I think we should start in late 2007 or in 2008, where the original story would probably change from the story that was actually used.
  18. How many of you use the Lego.com message boards? How often? What do you think of them?I occasionally use the bionicle forum, but not very often, because I think they are disorganized and immature. They are obviously made for younger kids."I don't think 627 WAT UR FAVORITE BIONICAL topics are enough, so I'll make another one!" :P
    I use them often, though it is hard to have an intelligent BIONICLE conversation without weeding through dozens of BIONICLE IS NEVER COMING BACK topics (usually spelled incorrectly). I enjoy BZP a lot more.
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