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Posts posted by xeneus

  1. Might I add the mask of clairvoyance is pretty stupid With it, you could see into the future, find out you're utterly doomed, and get exhausted, even debilitated for a while.

    The worst thing is, you can't change anything about it, just sit there and worry about it all day

  2. Hi, guy's! I am taking a short trip to Paris so I'll be gone for four days but I can tell you that I have been busy and am even so satisfied with one MOC that I will make a seperate topic for it.(link to it when it's there!)-= :x: :e: :n: :e: :u: :s: =-Allright, I'm back from Paris and have a new MOC for ya:great being onua:front: http://www.brickshel...Cs/dscn0595.jpgside: http://www.brickshel...Cs/dscn0597.jpgback: http://www.brickshel...Cs/dscn0598.jpgtop: http://www.brickshel...Cs/dscn0599.jpgAfter the toa mata vanquished the world of makuta's evil grip and spherus magna was reformed they became great beings themselves in thanks for their accomplishments. onua was granted the strength to reform the entire galaxy.-= :x: :e: :n: :e: :u: :s: =-

  3. Hi guys! I thought it would be a good idea to, like pantera said I should, tell y'all what I think of my MOC's.Metax: very cool and I couldn't think of anything that could make him much better. I give him a 10/10zuron: FAIL!1/10(in all seriousness I really dislike this guy A LOT!)Zantar: Allright, I don't like him much nor do I dislike him. 5/10Corrux: This was my first MOC of my latest building spree and still probably the best.10/10Chanaz: I don't mind him much but if I would show someone this for the first time ever and not tell them I made it they would probably mistake it for my little sisters. 6/10Rocka mantis: Yes, I was most certainly bored. I don't tend to have much good inspiratin when it comes to hero factory. 4/10Thernas: Probably my favorite one yet. 10/10(unnamed): I was inspired by a MOC I had made about a year or two ago. The only thing I have to say the only thing that's different is also one of my favorite parts, the arms.I'll be busy!

  4. Hi everybody! I just finished another MOC and didn't want to make a whole new topic for it. The proporsions are a bit weird but I still like it. So now I present you:thernas:pose 1: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/xeneus/MOCs/dscn0528.jpgpose 2: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/xeneus/MOCs/dscn0536.jpgback: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/xeneus/MOCs/dscn0543.jpgI didn't get Arthur in these, sorry! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sighw.gif Hai Arthur!My grandmother is visiting here today and she knows a thing or two about photography so I will be working on that. :takepic:

  5. Thanks guys! I like to hear my work is appreciated! Now about Zuron, for those who want to know, I made him about a year ago and am not entirely satisfied with him myself and Metax was a MOC that is basically finished but I want to work on him some more. As for Corrux and Chanaz I know they do not have any mask/helmet and that is because I can't choose :tounge: (give some ideas!) And as for my cat his name is Arthur. Say hi!-xeneus

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