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Posts posted by Cajun




    I'm not sure if the light in his chest is supposed to be an eye/head of some sort, but I gotta say the holes in the upper/central part of the Hero Factory chestplate look like eyes and mouth, and that's great.

    The light is supposed to be his eye, in order to fit with the aesthetic set by the previous MOC. Someone did point out to me that the holes do look like eyes and mouth. I can assure you though, that was completely unintentional :)

    Shame seeing how the face formed just above the eye looks much more like that of a brute, than the mouth-less one-eyed one, to me.


    Nice job on the lights btw.

    I think we are all reading the light as the chin. It looks like a mouth right above the light. That's actually the part I like the best.

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