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Posts posted by gentlemanscarecrow

  1. You did good. I feel like you had some of the most consistently impressive and aesthetically pleasing entries in the entire competition. If I'm being honest, I certainly preferred your entry over the one that stole your spot in the finals.


    One recommendation I'd give you is probably that you step up your photography game. The photos you took are by no means bad; they were good enough to show off how well-made your MOCs are, but they could've been more clean and better lit overall. I know my photos aren't perfect either and I could stand to improve them as well, but having the best photographic presentation you can possibly achieve does wonders for the impression a MOC can give, so I'd say we should both aim to deliver even better photos.


    I always thought you were a solid builder, but you really caught my attention with your Self-MOC and each and every one of your Bio-Cup entries, so I feel like I'm seeing sharp improvement in your ability in recent times. It's amazing how much someone can improve when they keep at it. I hope to see more of your entries next time the Bio-Cup comes around. Cheers!

    • Upvote 1
  2. One of my absolute favorite creation I've seen ever.  The sheer amount of detailing is enough to make this guy up there with the best creations I've seen, but it doesn't stop there.  The quality behind the creation, particularly in the more expressive parts such as the head and hands, is just spectacular.  Thanks for putting up this thing, it really blows my mind.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Wow, he actually looks really impressive! The color scheme is very smooth and well balanced and the shaping is pretty good for such a simple MOC. I like the Throwbot shoulders and suspension piece for the torso. The story seems a bit cliche though, and it would be nice to at least be given a reason why he hates everything.

    Thanks bunches!  I do see your point, though. I kind of pulled the story out of thin air at the last second.  Perhaps I should change it up a little...


    I added the image, but it was gigantic and took up most of the screen.  I'm not entirely sure how top get the image to appear smaller.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

    Alternatively, you could link text or a thumbnail, by highlighting the text or smaller thumbnail of the pic by selecting it and clicking the "Link" button.


    E: See now, you were able to link the thumbnails, but you didn't link them to the picture itself. Click on the image until its surrounded by white, then link THAT url onto the image.

    Alright, I'm pretty sure that I've gotten all the links to work properly.  Thanks bunches for your assistance!  

  5. dsc_1461.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1462.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1463.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1464.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1465.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1466.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1467.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1468.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1469.jpg_thumb.jpg   dsc_1470.jpg_thumb.jpg


    Drokkna, a vengeful barbarian who desires to bash the skulls in of all whom he encounters.  He is feared by all who know and know of him.  With his terrifying spiked maces, he crushes and tears apart his foes.  His favorite food is roasted Kane-Ra and he has a secret passion for Kohlii, but no one to play it with.  Everyone he attempted to play Kohlii with rejected him.  His anger towards the villagers along with his longing for a good Kohlii match would cause his endless murderous rampage.
    For the BFTGM contest.
    Constructive criticism welcome and appreciated!

    • Upvote 2
  6. dsc_1461.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1462.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1463.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1464.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1465.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1466.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1467.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1468.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1469.jpg_thumb.jpg dsc_1470.jpg_thumb.jpg


    Here's the link to the full gallery on Brickshelf.
    Entry #1:

    Drokkna, a vengeful barbarian who desires to bash the skulls in of all whom he encounters.  He is feared by all who know and know of him.  With his terrifying spiked maces, he crushes and tears apart his foes.  His favorite food is roasted Kane-Ra and he has a secret passion for Kohlii, but no one to play it with.  Everyone he attempted to play Kohlii with rejected him.  His anger towards the villagers along with his longing for a good Kohlii match would cause his endless murderous rampage.


  7. A very solid MOC that is near perfect!  Only real issues I have are with the upper arms and maybe the head.  I'm not too crazy about when people line up those little connectors as armor, but it still works and contributes to his (awesome) color scheme.  The head, at a second look, is really good, I just get a little lost in the large amount of greebles.  An impeccable creation otherwise!   :)

  8. 1416068296m_SPLASH.jpg


    Link to MOCpage:  http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/400658


    Hello all.  This is my first topic on BZP, and I'm not perfectly sure if I've done this correctly.  If you notice anything that should definitely be changed about this topic, or if you have any advice to offer, feel free to tell me what you think.  Otherwise, this is SAND, a lonely wandering mecha who intends to eventually punch everything in the known world.  I had a wonderful time creating a MOC with this tan and light grey color scheme.  Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.



    • Upvote 4

    I bet that Lego never planned on ending Bionicle permanently in the first place.  In 2010, they were probably just like, "We'll end Bionicle now and bring it back in 5 years.  Mwahaha, they'll never see it coming!"

    Unlikely, but for what it's worth they were never committed to NOT bringing it back. Part of the reason they ended it when it did until milking it until it was dry was so they could leave that door open. If they had kept BIONICLE going until it became their worst-selling theme they'd have had a much harder time trying to convince retailers and licensing partners to put their faith in new BIONICLE sets, let alone any similar products. As it is, being able to boast that they're "the creators of BIONICLE" still holds some power, if not as much as it would have back in 2002 or 2003.


    Related: this is why Galidor is probably never coming back. It's got a story that could probably have potential if its creators were to approach the sets from a different angle, but no retailer or licensing partner wants to invest in a franchise that nobody in the industry remembers as anything other than a miserable failure.


    Yes, yes, I was mostly joking.  But you're right, when Bionicle left, Lego never said, "It's gone forever."  They said "For the foreseeable future."  Which means we can know for certain that Lego had no plans for a permanent end of Bionicle.

  10. It may be that the original 6 toa are kind of lame in SOME ways, but that's only if you look at them from the perspective of someone who's familiar mostly just with the more modern sets and characters.  If you step into the shoes of someone in 2001 who'd just came back from the store with a shopping bag full of new toys, you have no other Bionicles to compare them to.  They were flimsy, barely articulated, and quite delicate, but they were Bionicle, and they were the best.

  11. I could seriously cry right now.  Bionicle was such a big part of my life, and now it's going to be again!  I'm in chemistry right now, and I'm completely off track.  I can't even pick up a single word my teacher is saying!  I just casually went to BZPower.com, and at the top of the page was the news I thought would never come.  When I get home, I'm going to cry tears of joy.  :br:

    • Upvote 5
  12. I wouldn't say this is the most complicated MOC I've ever seen, but it has some of the best shaping, definition, and character that many other MOCs don't have. I believe you've captured the essence of Pohatu professionally :thumbsup:

  13. Excellent work on this and the mask especially! Normally I'd frown upon custom masks, but this one is done so well I just can't help but commend you for it. As for the toa, some quite impressive techniques were used on it, a bit too many cut parts to structure areas of the MOC (seems like when people do that, it's taking too much of a shortcut) but overall a very well done MOC.

  14. This works quite well. It reminds me of the old 2005 Titans like Roodaka or Keetongu. Interesting techniques all around, especially the zamor sphere on the chest. Very well made with its own unique style. Great job!

  15. The greeblage and techniques on your creations have always amazed and baffled me. This one is no exception. You've taken Bionicle building to levels beyond my reach. The black arm is an interesting idea, is it supposed to be organic? If it is, I would have spread out the organic-ness into more areas of the MOC. Not that it doesn't look great. I am in awe how you attached the claws on his shoulders to make a greebled but flowing chest design. Bravo, for you are a truly masterful artist.

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