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Posts posted by IronyMan

  1. I got into BIONICLE too late to have experienced anything before the 2006 story, but I do remember thinking the 2008 ending was brilliant. Then came Bara Magna out of absolutely nowhere, along with the irredeemably corny Legend Reborn and "Beware my stinger tail!" That was a hugely crushing disappointment to me.
    I'm going to be completely honest: as somebody who has also been exposed to the storyline and lore of BIONICLE late (around 2006), and as somebody who does not consider the first three movies to hold any nostalgia, they were just as bad. From Vakama's "I've got a plan!" to Whenua's "That's what friends do!" to the general awkward appearance of every character (yeah, I get they were trying to make them look more "biomechanical," but seriously), I honestly think the first three movies were no better than TLR.
    That's true, but TLR came off the heels of what I saw as an amazing ending, which just made it seem worse in comparison. I stopped caring after "Beware my stinger tail!" and "It's just a skin wound." I started caring again when I saw that the story was ending, but the final battle was so clumsily done that I decided to disregard everything in the canon after Mata Nui's exile that wasn't an online serial.
  2. ...Back to the original subject of the topic:What ideas do you like to portray in your BIONICLE stories?Wow. I haven't written anything for BIONICLE in a looong time, and this jogs so many memories.Anyway, my stories, such as they were, were mostly attempts at taking new looks at the MU (never Bara Magna, never). I tried to emphasize the humanity of the characters, and I say "tried" because I never really succeeded.What's your favorite genre to write about?What I wrote back in the day was very sci-fi action-y, with lots of spaceships and explosions. I'm too young to have known BIONICLE in 2001, when it was more fantastical; I entered the story in 2006, when there were cities and guns (and later, flying machines), so that's what I absorbed. If I wrote a fanfic now, though, I'd say it would be more of a drama.Why do you post stories?I don't, or haven't, yet; all this nostalgia I've gotten since joining the board may compel me to write a short piece or two.When do you find time to read other entries?I joined six hours ago. Gimme a break.Do you enjoy epics or short stories more, and which do you enjoy writing for overall?When I was really into writing fanfic, I wrote almost exclusively epics, mainly because I have a tendency to overly complicate everything I'm involved in, so almost all my short story outlines evolved into novellas or novels, few of which I actually completed.Don't really have answers to all the other questions.

  3. I got into BIONICLE too late to have experienced anything before the 2006 story, but I do remember thinking the 2008 ending was brilliant. Then came Bara Magna out of absolutely nowhere, along with the irredeemably corny Legend Reborn and "Beware my stinger tail!" That was a hugely crushing disappointment to me.

  4. I've seen more than my share of objectively terrible movies (I recently forced myself to sit through Battleship), but the movies I absolutely hated the most are the three Austin Powers flicks. I watched them all for the first (and hopefully last) time with a friend, and my disappointment in the lack of any actually funny material turned quickly to abhorrence and eventually utter disbelief as I realized that said friend actually liked those movies.

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