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Posts posted by Takanuvainika

  1. IC: Sanka, Hahnabi


    As the two toa approached the Koro Hahnabi said. “Sanka, there is something wrong; there is guards all over the place.” She had been using her mask to scout ahead. The two toa quickened their pace, arriving shortly at the gates. “What’s going on?” Sanka asked the gate guards.

  2. IC: Sanka, Hahnabi


    The silence of Ko-Wahi was broken by two snowboards speeding down the slopes of Mt. Ihu, the two snowboarders hit a drift and flew into the air, the sun glinting off their crystal boards as they executing a 360 in perfect harmony before landing back on the slope at the same time. Sanka glanced at his toa sister knowing they were thinking the same thing, ‘Perfect.’ They finally slid to a stop when the ground levelled out to much for it to be viable to continue snowboarding. Hahnabi handed her board to Sanka who reabsorbed it as well as his own. “Now we just need to figure out how to make electrically powered crystal snowboards, then we could ride them all the way to Ko-Koro.” Hahnabi said. “Hmm, how would I make a motor?” Sanka said as he started thinking about the possible designs for a crystal motor. “I would have to make a crystal tread and two crystal gears attached to a drive shaft that was surrounded by a crystal tube that when you run electricity though it, it would magnetise and spin the drive shaft...” They started walking while Sanka continued to work out how to make electrically powered snowboards. “It would be tricky, but I think I could do it, the real problem is how to send electricity from your snowboard to mine.” Sanka finally decided, Hahnabi was scouting ahead with her mask. “Good.” She said “but not right now, I want to hurry up and get to Ko-Koro.” The two toa continued on their way to Ko-Koro.


    OOC: Open for interaction in the drifts.

  3. Name:  Sanka,

    Species:  Toa

    Gender:  Male

    Powers:  Elemental power of crystal. 

    Mask:  Volitak shaped as a noble Matatu. 

    Alignment:  Good

    Weapons:  A pair of gauntlets that he channels his element through.  Whatever he makes out of crystal.  A backpack full of supplies and things he can’t make out of crystal.  His crystal balls take some time to make so he usually carries one around with him and has a few spares in his home.  He has made a giant crystal serpent copying the ones on Artakha, of course he has never seen the ones on Artakha so he just used his best guess.  This serpent can not focus the light into powerful lasers like the originals or even move on its own as it is not alive so Sanka can’t do much else while he is controlling it.  He has a spare serpent hidden in his home on Mt. Ihu as well. 

    Skills:  He is a master at his element, creating and controlling large and intricate crystal structures with perfect detail.  He knows practically everything about crystals and can use them for things that other toa of that element would never even think possible.  He also likes making a crystal golem to use as a decoy.  He has learned how to make a crystal ball that he can look through to cast his gaze a distance around him, the higher he is, the farther he can see and from his home on Mt. Ihu he can see a good portion of the island, but in most places he can only see a short to medium distance around him.   Hahnabi is also training him in physical combat though he is far from skilled at it yet.  He is, however, quite skilled at both throwing and shooting.  When he does fight up close he uses crystal weapons and uses his elemental power to increase the speed and strength of his strikes. 

    Appearance:  He is tall and fairly thin with a dignified look, he has a primarily white color scheme with a light blue secondary with intricate crystal designs inlaid in his armour.  His Volitak is shaped as an almost clearish white noble Matatu with a crystal imbedded in the center of his forehead, there is actually another crystal imbedded in his forehead underneath his mask, but of course you can only see it if he removes his mask.  He has blue eyes and a blue tinted heart stone made of crystal. 

    Weaknesses:  He is not the best at melee combat and prefers to engage an enemy from a distance with his element while he remains hidden by his mask. 

    Bio:  Sanka was once a matoran living in a cave hidden high on Mt. Ihu where he grew and made crystal jewellery, focusers (for telescopes and such), and other objects of crystal.  He only came to Ko-Koro once in a while to sell his goods and pick up supplies.  He became so skilled that people from all over Mata-Nui special ordered complex crystals designs and objects that some toa of crystal couldn’t even make.  On one of his trips to Ko-Koro he met the vo-matoran guard Hahnabi and quickly became best friends with her since they were both striving for perfection.  She was looking for a place to train and meditate so he invited her to train at his home since it was so isolated, she accepted and from then on she often visited him.  At one point while he was traveling alone on Mt. Ihu he found two toa stones, he used one of them himself and gave the other to Hahnabi, because of his years of working with crystals he quickly mastered his elemental power and Hahnabi trained him in using his enhanced physical form.  He and Hahnabi stayed at his home training and mastering their new bodies and powers for some time.  They participated in the defence of Ko-Koro from Makuta’s final attack and helped with the rebuilding.  They heard that mysterious beings from another island had landed in Ga-Koro with crystal armour and weapons.  This peaked Sanka’s interest and Hahnabi was interested by the stories of the vault deep in Makuta’s lair. 

    Personality:  One of Sanka’s most defining characteristics is the desire to improve, to perfect; he treats everything he does as an art form and seeks to perfect himself in everything he does.  He knows almost everything to know about crystals and uses them for practically everything.  He is calm and fairly cautious, and likes to be prepared, but he also fairly curious.  He can be quite philosophical at times and often uses crystals as analogies.  He tends to analyse things before acting, and often has to slow down Hahnabi before she rushes into a trap.  He appreciates many forms of art and especially likes arts that require high amounts of skill, practice, and patience.  He doesn’t enjoy fighting except as an art form, and prefers not to even harm someone.  He follows the toa code.  He works well as a team with Hahnabi with her fighting close up and him providing elemental support. 


    Name:  Hahnabi

    Species:  Toa

    Gender:  Female

    Powers:  Elemental power of lightning. 

    Mask:  Akaku fitted with a telescopic lens with the additional ability to see electrical currents. 

    Alignment:  Good

    Weapons:  Twin protosteel Tonfa that she can charge with her element to form a sort of cutting blade, she can also spin them at high speeds and charge with electricity to form a shield similar to Nokoma’s weapons.  A backup collapsible bo-staff and a backup dagger. 

    Skills:  She is incredibly skilled at both unarmed combat and with her Tonfas, she has practiced fighting so much it has become an art to her, and many have described her fighting style as a dance, smoothly flowing around attacks and perfectly counter striking.  Though her Tonfa look light, she can hit remarkably hard with them especially when she spins them to build up momentum.  She has also trained with many other weapons like most other Ta-Koran guards.  She is fast, agile, and fairly strong.  In combat she relies mainly on dodging or deflecting enemy attacks then quickly counter striking with her hands and weapons charged with lightning to produce powerful, numbing shocks on contact.  When she can, she prefers to fight unarmed and can even hold her own against armed opponents, however, she will use her tonfas when facing another skilled fighter.  She is best at precision use of her element and is able to create shocks from her hands and weapons that screw up a beings nervous system, numb or disable limbs, etc., that is not to say she can’t do large, flashy lightning bolts, but she prefers to do them precisely to use as little elemental energy as possible.  She has learned to use her Akaku to monitor a person’s body temperature, heart rate, and breathing to tell if they are lying, although the better liar they are, the harder it is to tell. 

    Appearance:  Her electric blue Akaku is sleeker and more feminine then most, she is primarily electric blue with white secondary coloring.  She has intricate crystal designs inlaid in her armour similar to Sanka’s, but with a more electric style to them.  She has blue eyes with a clear white crystal heart stone.  Her Tonfa are crossed on her back with handles at the bottom so she can grab them quickly.  

    Weaknesses:  Rubber, obviously.  Because she focuses on physical combat she has a harder time defending herself from larger elemental attacks.  She tends to focus on one thing a little too much and can miss the other things like a trap, she depends on Sanka to help her slow down and consider other possibilities. 

    Bio:  As a Matoran, Hahnabi lived mainly in Ta-Koro as a guard where she displayed her mastery of physical combat.  She often traveled to Ko-Koro to learn meditation to further improve and perfect her combat skills.  On one of these trips she met Sanka and found that he had the same drive and desire for improvement and perfection as she did and they quickly became best friends.  She was looking for a peaceful place to go to train and meditate and he invited her to come to his home, hidden high on Mt. Ihu, she accepted and traveled there many times.  Once when she was going to visit Sanka she found that his door had been enlarged, when she entered she was astonished to find that Sanka had become a toa, and even more astonished when he handed her a toa stone, transforming her as well.  Because of her years of physical training she quickly mastered her new body and Sanka trained her in using her element.  They both participated in the defence of Ko-Koro from Makuta’s final attack and helped with the rebuilding.  They have heard the rumours of the vault and these have peaked Hahnabi’s interest although Sanka was more interested in the stories of a new people from another island visiting Ga-Koro. 

    Personality:  Like Sanka, one of her defining characteristics is the desire to improve and perfect.  She has trained hard to perfect her fighting style and even learned meditation to clear her mind and improve her skills even further.   She is fiery, strong willed, determined, and confident, full of energy and a bit hot tempered, though this has been cooled by meditation.  Through meditation she has learned to clear her mind and just act, giving her good focus and very fast reflexes.  She is quite headstrong and doesn’t really listen to anyone but Sanka whose advice she takes seriously.  She works well with Sanka with him providing elemental support while she gets right up close.  She thoroughly enjoys a good fight but dislikes actually hurting someone and sticks to the toa code.  She loves getting into long fights with someone as skilled as she is and will let someone back up to continue fighting as long as they are not a huge threat.

  4. How about this:

    His collar has the power to absorb and release kinetic energy, this means whenever he gets hit or hits something it stores power in his collar, this doesn’t reduce the damage he takes or gives at all, it just gives power to the collar as well. He can release this energy when ever he wants and can control how much he releases at a time; for instance if he is punching then he releases some energy into his hand to make his punch more powerful how much more powerful depends on how much energy he puts into it.


    Example: He is fighting an ogre or something, it punches him into a wall, the collar absorbs energy from both the hit and the impact with the wall, he slowly gets up, the ogre charges at him and he grabs it’s arm and using it’s own momentum, swings it into the wall while twisting it’s arm behind it’s back then he releases enough energy into his hands to continue twisting it’s arm until it breaks.


    Any problems?

  5. Don't worry guys.


    This tall dude obviously has magical ogre genes in his blood.


    Perfectly normal for him to be tall.


    (Because really, we live in a world where other sapient creatures exist. It isn't too difficult to imagine cross-breeding.)

    Actually I originally planned for him to by a descendent of Beowulf.


    @Takanuvainika As the others have mentioned, height at that age is just asking for lots of problems. The kid Lev mentioned in India, my parents, who are doctors, and I were actually discussing him a while back. They specifically mentioned the large number of problems he was bound to face, all of the other people who have grown to be really tall have, without fail, had a complication of some sort causing their death. However we're getting hung up on one problem.


    First off killing a seamonster, let alone killing it underwater, is just not possible for someone with the skill level of a Student. Let alone before a trained Hunter has enough time to react. Him getting to the scene before the Hunter I can buy, but beating the creature too? That sounds highly unlikely. Even if the Hunter was on the other side of the boat, any professional Hunter would still react fast enough to get to the other side of the boat within seconds, maybe a minute if they were blocked getting to the other side.


    Also I need a limit on the strength enhancements as well as some sort of balancer. If you'll notice, all other strength enhancing objects and things have some form of a balance. For example, despite Excalibur being capable of increasing Alistair's strength 1.5 to 2 times his normal, it also tires Alistair out much faster. Similarly Dante can increase his strength, but it requires a sacrifice of some sort.


    Finally, I'm confused as towards if he's really a Hunter, since the only time you mention creatures, and not Demons, is when he fights the sea monster. Every other time its about him fighting Demons or something. With the exception of one paragraph.

    I can make him a little over six feet tall. I meant that he dove in before the hunter could react not that he killed it before the hunter could react. Really I only put that in there as an excuse for him to be late for school also I used it as an oppertunity to break his sword, besides it could have been a small seamonster and when he dove in, it grabbed him and tried to eat him but he stabbed his sword into it's mouth, mortally wounding it, it bit down on his sword, breaking it, and after thrashing around a bit, died. At least that's how it played out in my head.


    As for his strength I really don't what an proper upper limit is. But as for a balancer I was thinking the collar would slowly feed off his muscles as he uses it, meaning every time he uses it feeds of his muscles forcing him to exercise to rebuild that lost muscle, this may not be to much of a drawback he has so much muscle that he could have it on for some time before he suffered any serious muscle loss but keep in mind that he really doesn't have any other powers or skills besides wrestling and that isn't much use without strength.


    I think I've removed all the referances to him fighting demons if you see any more please tell me.

  6. @Takanuvainika Krayzikk is right, power is overpowered. Also punching Demons, yeah no, to actually harm a demon you generally need some sort of enchantment, so if you want to punch demons to death, use enchanted gauntlets or something that'll allow you to hurt them. The most you could probably do without an enchantment is maybe knock them back, but you won't really hurt them. Seven feet tall at 15 is ridiculous, also in his bio you state that he beat a sea monster faster than a trained hunter? The students in this academy, in comparison to trained hunters and teachers, are on a much lower level.

    I removed all that stuff, now his collar just enhances his strength just like a Pakari, I'm not sure how strong is too strong so I didn't say what his max was instead I'd rather just try to play it not overpowered.


    I thought I said he only fought creatures but I could have made a mistake, also I wasn't sure if Imps were demons or creatures.


    Seven feet tall at 15 is not that ridiculous, I was over six feet tall at 15 and I've met people taller then me, also the hunter on board could have easily taken care of the sea monster, he just wasn't brave or stupid enough to dive into the ocean with a sea monster armed with only an unenchanted sword. Besides the hunter could have been doing something else at the time of the attack or he could have just been on the wrong side of the ship, simple as that.


    Also I think you were talking to Light Laser about the minimum driving age in Japan.

  7. IC: 149 Personnel Deck, Starboard Deck Retreat


    !49 was slightly taken aback by being's reaction. "I think I'm 149, I just followed the blood trail until it stopped then I kept following the hallway. I just came to see if anyone was hurt." !49 replied.

  8. People can push past their limits and hurt themselves on their own, the collar allows him to pass his limits without hurting himself, increasing the strength of the rest of his body to keep up.


    Thanks for pointing that out, I couldn't figure out how to explain that before.

  9. Ok here's my profile.


    Name: Eric Wulfgang


    Gender: Male


    Age: 15


    Type: Hunter


    Specialization: He wants to eventually become a slayer but in the meantime is looking into other things including some branches of exorcist.


    Appearance: If you tried to describe him in one word it would be huge. He stands at a towering 7 feet tall with broad shoulders, steel blue eyes, and brown hair. He wears the school uniform but he ordered his a size bigger to accommodate his chain mail, he also has the tie loosened and the top button undone because of his collar. He wears a gold collar inscribed with strange runes that he rarely takes off.


    Personality: He is strong (obviously), courageous, cheerful, honest, slow to anger, quick to forgive. He is very athletic and loves to wrestle, run, swim, climb, etc. His hero is Beowulf whom he tries to pattern himself after. He prefers to take action rather then standing around waiting and the reason he wears armour is because he likes to get right in the thick of a fight. He is often frustrated by demons that he can’t touch.


    Biography: He was born in Sweden to parents who had nothing to do with demons or exorcists, however when Eric was 4 he and his parents got into a car accident and would have been killed if not for a free floater demon with telekinetic powers who protected them from harm. This sparked his ability to see through the shroud (his parents as well but to a much lesser extent), unfortunately this also meant that other demons and such began to target him, especially a few imps that had lived around his town for a long time loved to pick on him, making trouble that he would get blamed for, causing accidents to happen to him, and things like that. Finally when he was 6 he got fed up and punched one of them right in the face, knocking it flat on its back, this was the beginning of a whole new life for Eric as he had never realised he could hit them before. He started learning everything he could about mythology and the heroes of old, his favourite was Beowulf whom he idolised and he took it upon himself to his neighbourhood of creatures just like Beowulf would, then his town.


    By the time he was 10, creatures were actually coming to see just how strong this boy was. By the time he was 13 he was getting in over his head as no matter how hard he trained, the creatures were just too much stronger then him, that’s when he was visited by the same free floating demon who saved him when he was 4. The demon’s name was Triac and apparently he had been around for a long time, impressed with Eric he decided to show him the way to something that would help him. Triac led Eric to a hill next to the ocean and instructed him to dig.


    And dig he did, eventually he got down to a huge layer of rocks which he had to move. For a whole week he was digging and moving rocks before he found something, just a few gold coins but it was still something, after another day of moving rocks he had uncovered a lot of treasure until finally he found what Triac had told him about: a golden collar inscribed with many runes. He also took a mail shirt, a sword, and a dagger, the rest he mostly left (he may have kept a few gold trinkets or jewels but that’s not important). With the power of the collar he was strong enough to fight off the creatures, but he rarely used the sword.


    When he was 15 he was invited to the academy but was late because his ship was attacked by a sea monster, before the hunter on board could react Eric dove in, surprising everyone, and stabbed the monster to death but in the process broke his sword. No one was harmed but the ship had to go back for repairs.


    Skills/Abilities: His most significant ability is his incredible strength, he was very strong without the collar but collar but with it his strength would easily be considered superhuman, he has already wrestled and beaten werewolves (Albeit they weren't the strongest werewolves but they were still werewolves). He is a powerful and skilled wrestler. He is an excellent swimmer and can hold his breath for a long time. He has been practicing throwing knives, axes, and pretty much everything else he can throw.


    Weapons: His ancient golden collar gives him enhanced strength beyond his normal limits. (Basically it’s a Pakari.)


    A mail shirt that although it is old it is well made and will easily turn a dagger or a claw, even a weak hand gun would probably not completely penetrate; he will probably be replacing this with better, more modern armour.


    He has a well made dagger that is not to fancy, most likely made for a wealthy Viking. He carries it with him most of the time but only uses it when he has to.


    He used to have a sword but it broke in a battle and he is currently looking for a new one.


    Weaknesses: He prefers to be right in the thick of things and this can get him overwhelmed, he will also push himself past his limits and could hurt himself badly. He views sneak attacks and lying as cowardly and as such won’t use such tactics.

  10. I have a few questions before joining this:


    What exactly is the point of hunters, I mean it seems to me that a blaster or a banisher could kill any thing a hunter could and more.


    What are the limits to humans with powers or special abilities; for instance would someone like Hawkeye with the ability to hit almost anything with his arrows or someone else with a seemingly superhuman ability be allowed.


    Can I be a dragon? :D

  11. IC: 149 personnel deck


    149 continued to follow the blood trail until it turned into a collapsed hallway, he considered trying to blast it open with his gun but considering it had already collapsed once it would probably do it again. He decided to follow the main hallway, eventually he came to a door. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door and saw a few other beings around a computer. "Hello." He called out hoping they were friendly.


    OOC: That would be group three.

  12. IC: 149, personnel deck


    149 got up and stretched his limbs, he had learned a lot from his manuals, well not a lot but some was better then nothing. He ignited his sword to provide a more stable source of light then the flickering ceiling lights as he started to explore. He had only gone a short distance when he found a large patch of blood with a trail of blood leading down one hallway. ‘Someone could be hurt or dead and the one that did it may be still around, either way I had better check it out.’ 149 prepared his gun and slowly followed the blood trail, now a lot more nervous then before.


    OOC: Is there any way for my other character 913 to meet up with one of the first two groups?

  13. IC: 149, personnel deck.


    Gold eyes slowly opened and looked around, taking stock of his surroundings, he was in a green crystal tube filled with a strange liquid. As his mind realised where he was, he began to panic before something in the back of his mind told him to calm down, he pressed against the crystal to test it before giving it a strong punch then a second, the first punch had no visible result but the second punch cracked it, a third cracked it even more, and a forth shattered it. He fell into the open air and landed on his knees, breathing deeply. After he recovered he looked around. He was in a large room with many other tubes some empty, some full, some were broken out of just like his meaning there could others on the ship ‘Wait a minute.’ He thought. ‘What ship?’ His thoughts were answered by his HUD which popped up saying. ‘The ship Requiem’ along with a picture of the ship from the outside. ‘Well now I know where I am but Who am I exactly.’ His HUD popped again saying. ‘Designation 149.’ ‘I guess that’s me. What else does my HUD have in it?’ A barrage of windows opened up telling him about his weapons, combat tactics, and toa philosophies. ‘Toa philosophies? I am a toa, why would I need a manual on how to be me. On second thought since I don’t know who I am anymore I guess this will pretty useful.’ 149 settled in the space between two stasis tubes for a long read.

  14. If you could give me a really good reason, I could start you off somewhere else. I don't start folks off in other places just for no reason.


    Considering the weaponry already possessed, I'm going to put a ruling down - you will not start off with knowledge of how to use the mask due to the power suit. You may learn how to do it over the course of play at my discretion, but it's awfully strong for starting the game off.

    -Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:


    Fixed the power suit telling him about his mask.


    I was thinking 913 could start in or near the training room, the reasoning being that he is an engineer and was working on the training robots. Of course he could just start somewhere in the personel deck right next to a stairway down to the training room.

  15. ID Tag: 913


    Gender & Species: Male toa of lightning


    Appearance: He is tall, thin, and lean but is actually a lot stronger then he looks, his armour is dark blue primary and gray secondary with blue eyes and heartlight and a dark blue mask of Fate. His power suit is dark blue with gray lightning bolt highlights.


    Power Suit: His suit is fairly well armoured but not heavily armoured. It has a large multi tool built into its right arm holding things like a welding torch, assorted screw drivers, pliers, wire cutters, wire stripers, a small knife, a light, etc. His visor can become tinted when welding and has night vision for working in dark areas. The fingers of the suit interlaced with wires allowing him to use his electrical powers when working close up with electronics. His database provides him with manuals on working with electronics and building repairing many devises on the ship including the power suits; it also tells him the functions of his multi-tool and how to use them. Strangely enough it also includes a few manuals on basic melee combat and how to use his Calix.


    Abilities: Elemental lightning powers, Calix mask of Fate. He is naturally good at inventing, building and repairing electronics.


    Personality: He is a bit eccentric but a great inventor, he appears to have a short attention span but in reality he just pays attention to too many things at once, sometimes seeing things that others miss, the only time he is more focused is when he is fixing or building something, and even then he will sometimes stop when he notices something else interesting. He seems to have an interest in fighting and learning to fight.



    ID Tag: 149


    Gender & Species: Male Toa of light.


    Appearance: He is tall, strong, and agile with gold and white armour and a gold mask of imprisonment shaped like a Kanohi Kaukau. He has a gold eyes and heart-light. His power suit is gold and white with some light blue on it.


    Power Suit: His suit is fairly advanced with overlapping plates that provide good protection without limiting mobility very much. It has a laser sword on its right arm and a highly adjustable energy gun on its left; the gun is able to fire anything from small, high speed shots to large, slow firing shots, the smaller the shot the faster the firing rate. His suit provides him with information on how to operate his sword and gun as well as information on melee and ranged combat. It also has combat tactics and toa philosophies.


    Abilities: Elemental power of light. Mask of Imprisonment which allows him to create the perfect form of imprisonment for the target as long as he can see and focus on the target, if he stops concentrating the prison will disappear. He has a tough constitution that allows him to take a lot of punishment before going down.


    Personality: He is brave, loyal, kind, cheerful, calm in the face of danger, almost the model toa, however he is also young, inexperienced, impulsive, slightly unfocused, and slightly overconfident. He seems to have a desire to prove himself which could get him into trouble at some point. He is optimistic and even losing his memory barely fazed him, he was just happy that he got the information he did.

  16. Question: Can I start out 913 somewhere closer to one of the first two groups?


    Here is my second character:


    ID Tag: 149


    Gender & Species: Male Toa of light.


    Appearance: He is tall, strong, and agile with gold and white armour and a gold mask of imprisonment shaped like a Kanohi Kaukau. He has a gold eyes and heart-light. His power suit is gold and white with some light blue on it.


    Power Suit: His suit is fairly advanced with overlapping plates that provide good protection without limiting mobility very much. It has a laser sword on its right arm and a highly adjustable energy gun on its left; the gun is able to fire anything from small, high speed shots to large, slow firing shots, the smaller the shot the faster the firing rate. His suit provides him with information on how to operate his sword and gun as well as information on melee and ranged combat. It also has combat tactics and toa philosophies.


    Abilities: Elemental power of light. Mask of Imprisonment which allows him to create the perfect form of imprisonment for the target as long as he can see and focus on the target, if he stops concentrating the prison will disappear. He has a tough constitution that allows him to take a lot of punishment before going down.


    Personality: He is brave, loyal, kind, cheerful, calm in the face of danger, almost the model toa, however he is also young, inexperienced, impulsive, slightly unfocused, and slightly overconfident. He seems to have a desire to prove himself which could get him into trouble at some point. He is optimistic and even losing his memory barely fazed him, he was just happy that he got the information he did.

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