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Posts posted by Ultimate_Alchemist

  1. IC: Patrick Radoslav cruised along the road, his car turning in to a gas station. He looked around cautiously. That being had been following him for hours, if not days. Patrick had lost track of time since he found the artifact. This being that followed him apparently didn’t want to attract attention, as it had never tried to attack Patrick. Deciding that the creature probably wanted his artifact, Patrick always kept it close at hand, just in case…Patrick exited the car and walked over to the gas pump. As he reached for the handle, he heard a low hissing sound behind him. Patrick whirled around, holding the artifact in front of him. But he didn’t see anything. As he filled his car with gas, Patrick wondered if that sound was just the wind, or whether it was something more sinister.After filling up the car, Patrick jumped in and hit the pedal. The car sped off, and sure enough, Patrick’s strange pursuer followed. As he adjusted the mirror to get a clearer view of his pursuer, Patrick thought to himself What should I do? I can’t keep running from this person forever. Then again, I wonder if he is really to be feared. Maybe he’s on my side. Maybe he’ll help me. Only one way to find out…Patrick drove off the road, and into the open Texas plain. When he had driven a few miles, he spun his car around and hit the brakes. He opened the door of his car, sauntered out, and said, “What do you want?”Patrick saw the other person stop his own car and step out as well.Then, the strange man spoke. “I’m a demigod, and I want that artifact you have.”Patrick tightened his grip on the artifact. “You say you’re a demigod? Prove it.”The demigod chuckled and shook his head. “If you’re sure…”Patrick nearly dropped the artifact with surprise when the demigod removed his glasses, revealing eyes swirling with dark matter. “You scared, puny human? Then why don’t you hand over the artifact before something happens to you.”“Wait,” Patrick exclaimed, “Maybe we can come to a compromise. I might be able to give you the artifact if you give me something else in return.”“What exactly do you want?”“You say you’re a demigod? Then how about I exchange this for the blessing of your immortal parent.”The demigod shook his head. “I cannot control my father’s actions. He doesn’t even want to get involved in the war.”“War?”“Haven’t you noticed? The Egyptian pantheon is regaining control over the human race. Soon, you will all bow before Amen-Ra once again.”Patrick was startled, but replied anyway. “In that case, why don’t we invoke these Egyptian deities to help us settle our dispute, and perhaps explain what this artifact does.”“But they may try to steal the artifact by force.”“So they are untrustworthy?”At this, the demigod became enraged. “Of course the deities are honorable! They—““But can we trust them?”“Well, there are some we can trust... maybe.”“Then let us invoke them for help.”Patrick and the Terenum began invoking the more honorable Egyptian deities one by one: Thoth, Isis, Osirus, and even Ra himself. They hoped that at least one of them would respond.OOC: Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, and I’m fine with the timeskip.

  2. What's far worse for me is that sound of metal against porcelaine. Sometimes' date=' if at the right angle, and with the right pressure, a knife might... well, sort off slide over the plate, creating a horrible screeching sound. ><[/quote']I despise that sound as well. Whenever I hear it, it's as if my thoughts shatter into a million pieces. I also find humming very annoying.I can't think of a word or phrase that particularly annoys me, but I find it very irritating when people misapply quotations.
  3. Granted, but it has twenty children, all worse than the original.I wish I could meet Plato, speaking English, in real life, with him staying in the modern world for a month before returning, and that he was not harmed or caused trouble or anything while he was here. (Try corrupting that :P.)

  4. IC: "...I ask you take the fight to those who have wronged you."Terenum grinned and shook his head; those humans had courage. And who knows? Maybe the resourcefulness and modern technology of the humans would win them the struggle in the end. Terenum didn't really care which side won. He just wanted to survive to the end, and perhaps make a little profit along the way. As he followed Patrick, Terenum was already formulating a plan to sell the artifact to the gods for a vast sum of money...

  5. OOC: I guess I didn't read the posts closely enough (I had the impression that certain areas of the country were overrun, but others had yet to see conflict, and that there could still be some doubters). I'm changing it now.

  6. OOC (approved by Toast of Awesomeness and Man with the Hex):Username(What do we call you?): Ultimate Alchemist, or simply “Alchemist”Name(Who's your character?): Patrick RadoslavAge: 37Gender: MaleSpecies(Include parent or dominion if demigod or god): MortalAffiliation(Work for anyone?): He leads a small group of archaeologists, but none of them are with him right now.Appearance(What do they look like?): He has dark brown hair, dark green eyes, and a clean shaven face. He carries the object he found (it’s about the size of a microwave, more on the artifact below) in a backpack. He is about 5’10”, and a little on the heavy side. He usually wears t-shirts with witty demotivationals.Weapons(carry anything around?): He has a pocketknife.Powers/skills(What can they do that's special?): He has a Master’s in Archaeology. He also has a strange artifact he found a week ago during a dig, but he doesn’t know what the thing does. The artifact has a globe on one end, and there is a red dot on the globe in the middle of Texas.Biography(tell us a little about them): Radoslav is a German archaeologist with dual citizenship in both Germany and America who found a mysterious object while digging in Egypt. He has no divine lineage, and descends from a line of archaeologists and historians. He is also bilingual, speaking German and English. Patrick has a slow temper, but rarely trusts anyone. He is also willing to guard his prized find with his life. Currently, he is in Texas, trying to figure out what the artifact does.About the artifact: It basically looks like a golden block with engravings and hieroglyphics. The globe is on top of the artifact, but still attached to the artifact. The artifact gives the being who activates it (only gods and adept magicians can activate it) a golden sicklesword with immense power. The sicklesword is enchanted so that it can pierce through almost anything, and the force of a blow from the sword is augmented so that an average adult could lay waste to a tank in a few swings. Since the globe is made of the same material as the rest of the artifact, it also becomes part of the sicklesword. The sicklesword looks similar to a scimitar, except made of gold. In addition, the sicklesword turns back into the artifact when a god or magician deactivates it. While the artifact is not in its sicklesword form, it is quite fragile, as if it were made of glass. (It is a thin coat of gold over a brittle crystalloid substance that changes into enchanted gold.) The object was originally from the tomb of a pharaoh, but it was stolen by a tomb raider (see below). Eventually, it ended up in the ruins of some palace, which was where Patrick found it.Username(What do we call you?): Ultimate Alchemist, or simply “Alchemist”Name(Who's your character?): TeremunAge: About 4000 years old, but has the appearance of someone in their mid 20sGender: MaleSpecies(Include parent or dominion if demigod or god): demigod, parent: Ba-PefAffiliation(Work for anyone?): NoneAppearance(What do they look like?): He always wears a dark robe, and his eyes look like swirling dark matter (when he is walking among mortals, he wears dark glasses so nobody can see his eyes). The man also has pointed teeth, so he wears fake ones to cover them when in public. He is also completely bald. Generally seen with a slight smile on his face, Teremun is somewhat tall but also on the thin side.Weapons(carry anything around?): NonePowers/skills(What can they do that's special?): He can blast bolts of dark energy out of his hands. Each blast has the power to knock a car flying. Teremun can also levitate a few feet off the ground.Biography(tell us a little about them): For the entire 23 years of his life, Teremun seemed to be simply a normal villager in a rather small town. Unfortunately, his village was very poor, and the town was also oppressed by the nearby Egyptian ruler. Angry that the gods let his village suffer, Terenum decided to rob from one of the tombs and sell the artifacts he found there for gold. Ba-Pef, who was currently not on good terms with Nun (god of water), helped Terenum learn how to unlock the powers he had inherited from Ba-Pef. In exchange, the god had Terenum agree to rob the tomb of one of Nun’s descendants. In a few days, Terenum had learned how to blast bolts of energy and levitate. He set out for the tomb of one of Nun’s sons. While there, he stole a wide variety of valuables, and among them was the artifact that Patrick Radoslav would later find. When he was back at the village, organizing his stolen treasure and preparing it to sell at the market, Nun appeared. Enraged at Terenum’s offense, Nun cast a curse on him, making the demigod even more fully absorbed in shadow. Terenum jumped out of his house and roared with pain as he lost his hair, his eyes took on the appearance of dark matter, and his teeth became sharper. Nun demolished the village as he left, and the remaining villagers, seeing that Terenum’s actions had brought about Nun’s wrath, swarmed Terenum and killed him.Teremun has now revived, the same age as when he died, and he has returned to Earth with the other supernatural beings, but the shadowy demigod’s motives are unknown. Remembering how his actions 4000 years ago led to his death, Terenum is now more respectful of the Egyptian deities. Teremun has learned how to speak English thanks to cultural immersion upon his return to Earth (Teremun materialized in an inconspicuous house near Dallas, Texas that Ba-Pef had obtained for him). He is currently wandering around America, but will soon end up in the middle of the conflict.IC:Patrick Radoslav grimaced as the light turned red. He had to get to Texas as fast as possible. He wasn’t even really sure why hefelt he needed to hurry; he just wanted to find out the purpose of his artifact before someone else – or something else – found out that he had it. Patrick turned his head and leaned back a little to look at the backpack by his feet. The dull brown-grey coloring had the beating of countless expeditions. Protruding out of the backpack was a corner of gold, with some intricate, mystical engraving.He looked up again just as the light turned green. Hitting the gas, Patrick pondered the significance of the artifact. Patrick had not rested since he had flown back to America. He didn’t even turn on the radio, as it interfered with his contemplation. Unfortunately, that also meant that he didn’t know about the strange happenings in the Lone Star State.IC:Teremun bobbed his head to the song he was listening to on his iPod. The song's Arabic qualities reminded him of home, of his past life. Meanwhile, a reporter discussed the situation in El Paso.“…rained down on strange flying serpents and other odd creatures. Giving her expert commentary on this strange turn of events, we welcome…”Terenum switched off his music and the radio for a moment. He sensed something, and he knew exactly what it was. That strange artifact he had stolen in his previous life… it gave off that same aura. The sensation was faint, but Terenum knew where it was coming from. Rather than returning home, he took an alternate route to trail whoever had the artifact.Terenum switched on his iPod and the radio again, listening in to the interview.“… not really sure. I haven’t seen anything like it. It’s almost as if all these ancient myths… they’re coming to life before our eyes, fighting for control over the human race. But these things, whatever they are, will not conquer us! We will unite to rise up and chase off these monstrous beings!”Terenum laughed to himself. Just like the rest of the mortals, this “expert” obviously had little knowledge of Egyptian gods' power. They’ll soon see, he thought to himself Soon, Ra and the others will control the heart of the world’s power once more. He had heard of strange creatures and beings that definitely weren’t from the Egyptian mythology he knew, but Terenum dismissed these as perhaps new creations of Ra who appeared over the last 4000 years.He had now pinpointed the exact car that was carrying the artifact. Terenum's dark, violent nature, a result of the curse that Nun placed on him, urged him to blast the car to smithereens and retrieve the object from the remains. No, he thought to himself, That would attract the attention of the gods, who would destroy me in the blink of an eye and take the thing for themselves. Terenum calmed himself and instead quietly trailed Patrick. He would only unleash his powers if he absolutely had to.

  7. Granted, but since "creative" is a relative term, this corruption of your wish can be defined to be "uncreative." Therefore, the wish is constantly alternating between being corrupted and being granted but corrupted at the same time. Then the universe folds in on itself.I wish the next person to post would leave their post blank (heheheh).

  8. I don't own any Lego Super Hero sets, but I may get a few sometime. It would be cool if they had a Lego Minifigures wave that had Marvel figures (especially ones that you wouldn't find in sets).That Spidey vs. Doc Ock set looks pretty awesome. I wonder if they're going to make sets based off of the new Avengers show coming out and Hulk and the Agents of SMASH.

  9. Since my room was always covered with Lego pieces, my brothers and I learned to be especially nimble and rarely stepped on a piece. However, once I stepped on a plain old 2X4 brick, and it made my foot bleed.Among Onua's claws, Onua Nuva's drill things, and Nuparu's mask, it becomes apparent that Toa of Earth don't like kids.

  10. It's been about two weeks since June 6, when he said they would arrive. Also, I didn't see any of the videos of these sets on his channel. Hmm...Anyway, if the Bionicles arrived, and if the sets were in the condition described, then congratulations on that awesome find :)!

  11. The worst movie I've seen would definitely be Christmas in Wonderland. That wasn't even a B-movie - it was a C-movie at best. The scene with the elves might be the worst CGI I've seen. Although the film was bad in pretty much every aspect, the dialogue might have been the worst part. I got the impression that the bored-sounding actors were thinking up better dialogue on the spot while delivering their lines.Twilight was, in my opinion, a bad movie. It wasn't terrible; it was just bad, kind of like Green Lantern. For both movies, some of the characters had strange looking appearances (for Twilight, the ponytail-wearing not-very-menacing main villain, and for Green Lantern, mediocre CGI on some of the characters) and the stories were definitely lacking. However, Twilight is absolutely hilarious with Rifftrax.And finally, there's Barnyard. I don't remember much of it since I watched it several years ago, but what I do remember is that it was unfunny and mildly disturbing. If I remembered it better, I might say it tied with Christmas in Wonderland as my least favorite movie.

  12. First would definitely be Teridax. The only major flaw IMO about him was his somewhat anticlimatic death.I also liked Nidhiki because his story was interesting, and a sort of tragedy (referring to the form of drama). He was somewhat evil, but due to bad luck and bad decisions, his two main fatal flaws, the former Toa became a real villain.I liked the Dark Hunters because they were such a diverse group with interesting backstories. Plus, their fortress seems to be a pretty crazy place, kind of an underworld with who-knows-what lurking around the next corner.And finally, the Piraka were cool because, well, they were amusing. They didn't know how to work as a team, and were constantly betraying each other and making mistakes. However, their raw power got them through most situations. Oh, and the Piraka Playground on Bionicle Heroes was hilarious.

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