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Posts posted by -Auron-

  1. Fighting the Bohrok in a Boxor, from a first person perspective(i.e. the boxor arms would be visible in the top left and right hand corner) sounds like a great idea, whether it's done like the Nui-Rama minigame game or otherwise. Since Boxors use melee primarily, perhaps if this were to be done like the Nui-Rama minigame, if you wanted to make it easier a targeting reticule could appear on the Bohrok when they were in range of the arms, at which point you would be able to hit them. Their attacks would be elemental attacks at long range(which you would have to dodge with the arrow keys, or have a visible health meter and health powerups), and then at short range they would try to hit you with their handshields or a swing forward of their heads(in which case you would have to hit them before they get close enough to hit you). From the description of needing several boxor to take down a bohrok, I think you'd have to hit them multiple times for a single bohrok to fall.

  2. Yeah, I thought that was kind of weird too after seeing it. It's unexpected because the story starts off being narrated in third person, but then switches to first person without actually saying who's narrating, though it becomes clearer after a few minutes of it.

  3. I think there needs to be some consideration as to the target demographic of a potential BIONICLE relaunch. Look at the BZP birthdays list on any given day. >50% of the birthdays listed are above the age of 20. When BIONICLE was created, many of us were only kids, and those kids are now university students or older. We're hardcore fans to still be visiting and posting on these boards after BIONICLE has ended as a line. A lot of people grow out of LEGO as they grow older, so what age group could a BIONICLE relaunch target? The age group of the original fans, now grown up?Look at the 2001 line of BIONICLE Sets. This seems to target a large age range due to the sets released-you have "Toa" action figures and you also have complex builds present in the form of the larger rahi sets like the Muaka+Kane-Ra and the Tarakava. You'd be counting on 20-30 year olds who bought into BIONICLE as children to come back and purchase sets. Now, to me personally, I'd love this. This would be awesome. With this target demographic, you'd be able to justify creating incredibly complex, intricate sets. Who wouldn't like that? I would love to see what BIONICLE would have looked like if it stayed a part of the TECHNIC line, and the sets stayed in the same vein as the 2001 Rahi. As a kid, I purchased BIONICLE sets BECAUSE they were originally from the technic line. TECHNIC is timeless and engages an enormous audience.The problem is, as I said, the general trend is that people grow out of LEGO as they grow older, as a significant majority view LEGO as a kid's toy. The way I see it, bringing BIONICLE back with TECHNIC as a label on the box is one way to both entertain the kids and captivate the AFOLs, and thus bring back the original large targeted demographic of BIONICLE's origins. After dropping from the TECHNIC line, it became just another action figure line and lost the TECHNIC fans along the way.

  4. I like your Metro UI implementation on the homepage, it's great to be able to see all that information at a glance quickly without having to navigate to each page. Nice work. I'd use CSS to make the tiles light up on mouseover to give the impression that there's something dynamic there and you won't be taken to another wiki page, but other than that it's very well done.

  5. I know there is a media discussion forum but I thought that since I'm discussing this from a storyline point of view I would post it here. Who is this guy? This scene takes place AFTER the Nui-Rama attacks Kopaka and Matoro, the inside of the character's mask is WHITE where the Nui-Rama had two green rurus(in the comic), and it couldn't be Pohatu. Pohatu wouldn't have a white ruru, body, or a white Onua claw. The Nui-Rama didn't show up again in the first comic, so it's not showing this was intended to foreshadow a later attack on Kopaka/Pohatu.24334958.png

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