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Posts posted by Darkon219

  1. Soooo, it looks like that I am the ONLY Bionicle fan that takes it seriously to create ambitious Bionicle stop-motion projects on BZPower and I can't share a link to the one of most popular internet websites without reason. Where is the logical explanation? Why block? Is it harmful to anyone?Ok I will make an edit with link my Site with forums removed. -B6 page ok?

  2. Since I already have something I want to show my animation project.For now I have a teaser trailerhere: Site with forums removed. -B6This animation is an adaptation of a Bionicle moment in storyline when powerless part of Toa Nuva's team led by Kopaka fought against powerful Bohrok-Kal.All the shooting and special effects are done. It only needs to be properly cut with scenes and sound.Hope you like it and share this information with other Bionicle fans.

  3. This topic is nonsense and should be immediately closed. Anything that was shown in any bionicle heroes game was not canon and had nothing to a story. Everything that wasn't consistent with the real story was made just for needs of game which is one of many reasons why the game sucked (DS version was ok for gameplay) because they didn't have to make story completely different they should made this game like Lego Star Wars or Indiana Jones and Harry Potter, but no they done something different that lowered the standards of a whole Bionicle series.

  4. Couldn't you just team up with someone? There must be some cultural center in your town where someone might help you with maybe not programming but computer graphics, music and other stuff. You see about a year ago I started to go to one of cultural centers in Lublin and I can say my life has changed. Now I look for every spare time after I finish skull to go there and make stop-motion animation. I have just finished photos for original comic inspired Toa Kaita Nuva vs Bohrok-Kal Kaita movie.Sorry for telling all this sheet but I just want to give you an advice.

  5. What I think:System teleporting to the Red Star definitely did not work fully automatically in the same way for all subjects. Namely, when a Matoran, remember the worker required to work for Mata Nui is dead in an accident such as lava fell on him from the furnaces in Ta-Metru or sink as Marvah then Mata Nui as the assumption of the Great Beings while flying in space he would be informed at some interface or what he had there, and not even looking at it closely, because as we all know he was not interested in what was going in the inside of him. He accepted the request of the system, such as "Do you want to send the dead Matoran to a Red Star". In case of death of any Vortixx or Skakdi is the same or not. My point is that it is not known whether Mata Nui at all for some time after the start, would use such a system and whether or not such a system would operate in this manner, however I don't know if it was an automatic system?. If so, That individual would not disappear immediately in front of the rest. Maybe the character who died first would have to be prepared for the teleportation lightly touching on such things as in Greek mythology?Anyway, what I wrote is just my theory quite plausible that it may not prove to be true until we receive more information from Greg. There is still one thing I came up with for Makuta: Mata Nui certainly knew about teleporting to the Red Star, and he created the Makuta. While creating them he gave them the opportunity to existence as Antidermis after the destruction of their bodies. Of course, Makuta had to evolve first. I think it may have some connection.And don't get used to this reincarnation stuff. Remember that it never worked at all and there wasn't such a thing as "I see dead people" AND Lihkan couldn't be teleported coz his dead was just after the Great Cataclysm.Sorry for bad english I had to post the same thing on two forums with another languages and put all of this text to the google translator.

  6. Two words: Team Deathmatch. Something that could slow down the action. Sometimes there are so many enemies with everyone vs everyone makes a big mess. There should be also:* option to limit number of players.* 2 type's of attacks light, heavy with guarding + some little combos (not only stabbing).* ability to have 2 twin weapons.* more health - sometimes you die too fast.Sorry if I demand too much from you.

  7. You know there is a glitch with armor that makes character hardly or unable to move after respawn.I don't want to push you but why don't you make elemental powers and abilities first with making existing weapons and Kanohi usable then new weapons? I think you should finish more fundamental things first and then add some extra stuff like new weapons.

  8. The one and only thing that I don't like in Hero Factory is making sets without hand pieces. You see 2.0 heroes with shields had only 1 hand and second hand was replaced with multi-tool ice shield while they could have 2 hands and a shield at the same time like it was shown in animated series. The same thing was with fire villains and in 3.0 hero sets. In breakout series sadly the problem comes back, I'm happy that Lego has introduced larger sized heroes with covered backs that was awesome, but that what they have done with Julius Nex was horri-terrible! There was not enough for them that he has poor weapon they replaced one of his hand with it. Imagine that they could just use longer arm piece attach his weapon to middle ball joint and then give him a hand on last joint but NO! They couldn't do that!

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