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Status Updates posted by SkyLandOceAnna

  1. Rare Lunar Eclipse...November 28th...last one of the year!

  2. tried conquering my fear of the dark...epic fail :)

  3. WHY NOT...take a crazy chance!...WHY NOT...do a crazy dance!

  4. When was the last time you did something for the first time?...

  5. Twilight was awesome!

  6. Just watched BRAVE again...great movie!

  7. Day 7: I am thankful for laughter and joy.

  8. "They say that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but I was looking for mr. endangered species."

  9. worried...about to go sit and wait for a big decision to be made

    1. SkyLandOceAnna


      didn't work out, waited 4x as long as Lois did, but it wasn't meant to be

  10. Happy Halloween everyone! Hope yours is going better than mine!

  11. Hang onto your dreams.

  12. Give more than you planned to.

  13. Friends are treasures you can keep forever.

  14. Had an amazing night last night with an amazing person...hope to get the chance to talk with them again. He had great opinions and comments and I loved listening to it all.

  15. Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

  16. Don't give up and don't give in.

  17. Had a great discussion tonight about Superman...BEST NIGHT EVER!

  18. Consider things from every angle

  19. Believe in yourself so that others may follow.

  20. rare meteor shower tonight and tomorrow night for those interested.

  21. To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your ABC's: Avoid negative sources, people, places, things, and habits.

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