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Posts posted by th!nk

  1. I've not been in the community that much, so perhaps some of these won't be as unpopular as I expect, but this is based on what I have gleaned so far:I enjoyed building all six of the Bohrok sets I got as a kid, and rebuilding them multiple times, even recently. Repetitive or not, they're fun to build and I absolutely adore the design, I loved each of the six similar weapons (though a reversed one for the other hand would've been nice!) I'm annoyed I never got more than one bohrok kal - and that one years later in a sale bin! I like the inika torso's, while they may feel a little "cheat-y" for smaller builds are a gift for MOCing - they offer so many attachment points and despite initially having somewhat of an awkward shape (the piraka torso has similar, albeit somewhat harder to work around due to the lack of chestpieces) they combine very nicely with other torso parts/other parts in general for larger MOC's, and that perhaps small risk of lower detail or workmanship can be compensated for elsewhere (though the parts versatility often means you sacrifice no detail or anything).I love silver (and dislike gold). Admittedly, I do get annoyed by the "fraying" of the edges that occurs with mine (as a result of sitting in a giant tub rather than being divided up, and/or heavy use), but I still love the color - especially as I generally like blacks, whites and greys on larger MOC's, and silver suits them really nicely. Oh, and the toa hordika are my absolute favourite set of Toas parts and look wise, and the sets from that season were pretty neat part wise - admittedly I'd have liked an axle at the back of the visorak pincers but eh, it's not hard to work with them. ... I think that's everything.EDIT: Oh, and I liked Teridax's name and that he had one.

  2. Oh, well, in that case Icarax is available, which works for me. Could I get that as well as Takanuva (2008) in addition to my previous things? This would make the order:Toa Ignika, Maxilos and Spinax, Hewkii Inika, Pridak, Stronius, Mantax, Lhikan and Kikalano, The Karzahni Set, Takanuva (08) and Makuta Icarax.If you're willing to throw in the other four Barraki at half price ($10 for 4 rather than $20 for all four), I'll grab them, Nocturn, and Skrall too? Hope you don't mind me asking, either way :P

  3. EDIT: My sincerest apologies, but someone just cancelled an order with the two sets I was after here with a seller I already have a pending order with, so I'm going to get them from him as it will be significantly cheaper that way. Again, I'm very, very sorry to have caused you any inconvenience. Hopefully the following shipping explanation will make up for it a little:International shipping from the US *usually* isn't too expensive (at least not compared to Australia's international shipping which is pretty horrendous) depending on the method used. Usually non-huge items can be shipped under $30 either using Flat Rate options (which I'd think, from experience, would be the way to go here) or First Class (and sometimes even Priority Mail), though for First Class you should always make sure the package is insured IMO as I've had far too many of those get lost on their way to me in the past.If you have a decent scale most of the preparation can even be done online/on the computer, IIRC the USPS also provide free packaging for flat rate methods (and perhaps more) from their website, haha. I think they also have guides and stuff on their site you could look over, too.Overall, though, rates seem to vary strangely and I don't have much insight into why as that is usually on the sender's side of things and I generally don't ask. But, I would not expect it to be more than $30 for this kind of order, and I'd guess perhaps around half that ($15), but as I said, it's not always easy to say!The USPS has a shipping calculator on their site though, which requires the weight and size of the package generally, and I can PM you any information you'd need in terms of my address or post code if you want. If you know the dimensions and it fits into a flat rate box then it's pretty easy.Either way, it isn't overly complicated as far as I'm aware (though I tend to make things sound more complicated than they are when trying to explain, haha).

  4. Sounds fine to me, and discard the canisters. :)EDIT: My apologies, but could I also get Mantax, Lhikan and Kikalano and the Karzahni set? I've just realised I could really use some of the former's parts for an MOC I'm working on, and the latter two are really awesome and I'd end up buying them anyway, haha. Sorry for any inconvenience!

  5. Axonn is definitely my favourite of those I own, I mean he looks awesome, and the design itself allows for fairly easy creation of MOC's that still look significantly different from the original, as well as the red parts being fairly easily available in other colors, allowing for palette swaps (I've gone with a black/gunmetal/silver one, myself). The Axe parts are great as an axe and as a shield and for various other things, and his overall look is great, he just seems very well designed in terms of theme (it's hard to explain).For comparison, I have '03 Takanuva, Makuta, Krekka, Keetongu, Vezon and Kardas (and therefore Brutaka, Vezon and Fenrak and a second Axonn, all of which I've built after initially building the combined set) as well as Irnakk, if that counts. Of course, Vezon and Kardas as a whole would be better than Axonn as that set itself contains him, but I think that's kind of "cheating". Keetongu was a particularly enjoyable build for me, but I hate the color yellow.

  6. Almost certainly the Hau. My only criticism of it is that it never looked like a defensively-oriented mask to me. Nonetheless, it is iconic and looks excellent on almost any Toa or toa-style titan MOC. Of course, Tahu was my first toa, and how iconic the mask is could be biasing me here. Still, it would be my choice if I had to pick one. Lhikan's version is pretty cool, too.The Kakama is great in terms of looking appropriate for its function without being too blunt about it (eg the Kaukau).The Kraahkan was really cool for introducing the double-mask thing, and the "animal" mode looks great. I guess the more normal mode is pretty cool too (though it definitely looks like a squid head, though perhaps that was intentional).The Kualsi was very cool, too. The low hanging design is real nice, and it is suitably shaped for a fast movement-related mask.

  7. Gorast, definitely. I bought it for the wings, which I must say are quite nice (currently being used on a slightly modified Krika), but aside from that it really is quite dull... I don't have many uses for lime parts, and the silver claws are rather annoying to use in an aesthetically pleasing manner due to their design... Between that and the relatively few parts I probably should've passed it up. Oh well.Other than that I don't think there are any I regret, most of the sets I haven't liked as sets (many of the inika, for example, mainly due to the ugly rubber heads (which I also disliked the design of as a whole)) have still come with useful parts for MOCing or whatever (most inika parts bar the heads, for example), and as a kid I generally kept to getting what I thought was really cool because I had to make the most of any opportunity for a new bionicle.Oh, the Red visorak was also pretty lame, I could've bought one with more useful pincers for MOCing (though I had the black and white ones). I don't even use the feet, as I already have four from my two Axonn's (neither of which are using them).

  8. Hi, I notice you've stated international shipping would likely be expensive, but I am curious, how much do you think it would cost to send Icarax and 2008 Takanuva to Western Australia, without their boxes? I'm quite interested in the two sets, and am used to buying things internationally, so unless the shipping is extremely steep I'd almost certainly buy them.

  9. Hi, I was wondering, would you ship to (Western) Australia? If so, what would a rough estimate of postage be for: Toa Ignika, Maxilos and Spinax, Hewkii Inika, Pridak and Stronius. Without boxes, if you wouldn't mind, as I have no real desire for them and it should make things slightly more economical. As long as shipping isn't outrageous, I will buy them.Thanks. :)

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