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Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

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Posts posted by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

  1. Yeah, I know, but the only character persona I have already mostly written that can apply to BZPRPG I'm saving for a Dasaka.Plus, it took me a day to work out the full logistics to make Voutok as he appears in BZPRPG, and I've already had Voutok as a full-on character in another personal something of mine for at least a year. Basically, I put a lot of thought into the characters I make, and if I was to make one from scratch it would take quite a bit longer to make sure it's not a copycat, a cliché, or just plain flat. Ergo why I've been preparing my Dasaka character since...well, the first day they were revealed to become a playable race later.

  2. ...Karz. I've been away for a week and didn't notice the first mention of that expedition, I'm already signed up for the Xa-Koro thing, I have a feeling Voutok hasn't done enough to really define his personality to the point of "three-dimensionality" (make no mistake, I did clock in multiple days of thought into him for the long run and he's not a cliché or "flat" character; I might just be suffering "First Timer's Paranoia"), and I can't think of a legitimate reason for him wanting to join unless a "Help Wanted" sign was posted all around Ga-Koro when he returned from the Diving Expedition.*sigh* Maybe next time.

  3. Well, just an FYI I am generally going to be "gone" all next week for a sort of "trip", for those who would care. When I say "gone" I mean most likely I will not be consistently online every day. I know for a fact I will have my phone, so I may periodically drop by to read posts or (struggle to with the tiny keypad) write up a few posts of my own, but other than that I can't guarantee much. Hopefully nothing too important happens with the Xa-Koro Dive at this rate =PI guess just bunny Voutok as absolutely necessary and avoid trying to instigate IC conversations until I know for sure what I will have in the area of "free time", to be on the safe side.

  4. IC Kirgan(Ga-Koro): Finally! Kirgan thought. This has been taking forever. Kirgan entered the interviewing room. "Kirgan. Yes, that's me", he said. "Ready for any question... but don't ask me about fishing, I know nothing about that."

    IC: Voutok (Daylaria's Office)"Well, then you can take heart that, last I checked, 'fishing' wasn't exactly on our agenda. Apologies for the time consumption, we've been a bit busy. Just have a seat right there in front of the Commander's desk, please."
  5. IC: Voutok"If I recall, Shadd's fellow archeologist was last. I think his name was "Kirgan". I'll go get him now. This way, Kitane." Voutok turned the sound suppression of his headsets back up to "3" before opening the door and ushering Kitane out of the office. He called out (hopefully for the last time) for whom he assumed was the last applicant for the trip."Kirgan? You're up now, assuming you're still here. Come on in."

  6. IC: Voutok (Daylaria's Office)Voutok had to turn his headphones' suppression level down a bit to hear what he could only assume was either a lack of confidence or a sense of insecurity. Once he did so, however, he soon forgot that Kitane was whispering. Like Shadd, Kitane seemed to possess some very practical skills that would generally be appreciated for the voyage. If one planned to sail into the unknown to dive for artifacts that may or may not be submerged within a sunken village's ruins, a navigator and someone with even minor sailing experience would be appreciated."Ok...Now, if I might ask, could you tell us in general what you are expecting in return for your services?" Voutok intended for the question to be as friendly as necessary (focused around the Commander's demeanor, ultimately), but passively prodding. Knowing one's intentions, as Voutok had seen from these past few interviewees, is the strongest factor for determining if they will be accepted (or, at least, how closely one should pay attention to them).

  7. Oh look, now that I re-read it I was actually accurate when I described the "spawned" blade as made of "pure energy".Take that, whoever-it-was-that-implied-I-said-it-wrong![P.S. please don't hurt me for that half-joking remark. Thanks.]

  8. IC: KitaneThis was my chance. I had been called up, and now I just needed to make a good impression.I opened my mouth to say something witty. Then drew a blank.".........hi"That didn't go well.

    IC: VoutokThe De-Matoran did his best to repress a grin and mask a chuckle as a cough. "This should be good." he thought to himself."Right this way, Kitane." Voutok motioned to enter the Commander's office.
  9. IC: Shadd"Absolutely! Is this all you need to know?"

    IC: Voutok"For now, I believe so." Voutok stated, pleased with how easy this interview was. He turned to face Daylaria. "Commander, shall I call in Kirgan--Shadd's alluded-to accomplice--now, or do you have another in mind for the order?"
  10. IC: Voutok"FINALLY, another Matoran who actually knows what they're doing and can theoretically hold their own."Voutok, too, was pleased with this applicant. He didn't seem to be over-zealous, he wasn't in it for wealth, and he had skills that were quite practically appreciated in this type of operation. He did not hide this in his gestures to the Commander from behind the Ko-Matoran.

  11. IC: Voutok"Eh...sorry. Was in a hurry. Thanks." Voutok toyed with the envelope for a bit. "Well what do you know, I actually got mail that ISN'T a paycheck or urgent orders." He glanced the name printed as the sender. "From Lenat? I'll be sure to look at that after these interviews are over." With that thought, he slid the note into his satchel and followed Shadd back into the Commander's Office, taking point by the door.

  12. IC: Voutok"I'll call him in, then."Voutok walked outside the office. And called among the remaining interviewees."Whoever of you is 'Shadd', you're up next. Please enter the office and have a seat." Voutok quickly caught Lipa before the Marine got too far away. "Anything for me come in the mail?"OOC: Kughii, I'm just using this as an excuse to acquire the letter Lenat dropped off for Voutok, basically.

  13. IC: VoutokSomewhere between the quips of information and the lack of anything particularly direct was raising the De-Matoran's suspicion. He also wasn't sure how he'd react to losing 10% of anything found on the expedition. Voutok himself wasn't taking a liking to it, and his confidence in apparently knowing what was there was...unsettling."So, about these ruins:" Voutok quickly replied. "Care to be a little more...specific in regards to what you seem to confidently know exists in those sunken ruins?"

  14. IC: Voutok"And so we have his potential motives." Voutok speculated in his mind. There was no knowing for sure until this "Krios" confirmed verbally (assuming, of course, a Toa with a Mask of Telepathy hadn't recently joined the Marines and Voutok wasn't aware of it) but what Voutok could already infer is that this Vortixx was either a fugitive, a rogue, someone who deals in some way with either of the two, or the offspring of any of the above, considering his brithplace being the now-wiped-out Xa-Koro. And of course, what a coincidence to find him here, asking to join a diving team heading to search these same ruins. Perhaps there was a certain artifact or heirloom of his that he wanted to retrieve? Maybe he was seeking the remains of an individual? Or, worst case scenario, his intentions were more sinister."Why is it always Vortixx that have the interesting scenarios?" he thought with a mental sigh as he moved towards Daylaria and quietly reported this inference of his, out of earshot of the nearby Vortixx. After which, he walked back and forth behind the Vortixx and asked him his own questions."Xa-Koro, eh? Interesting. I can't say I've met anyone from there yet. Now, I have several guesses and your heritage alone appears to give us an idea..." he moved towards the side of the chair in the line of sight of the Vortixx. "But I don't think we should jump to conclusions, so I would like to ask: what brings you to this diving exploration operation which just so happens to be heading to the sunken ruins of your homeland?"

  15. Also, "in media res".

    Oh, sorry, that was a typo.

    If you ask me, he has a loophole in the rule of having to ask permission to kill PCs: technically, sending somebody into a legend isn't killing them, so technically...

    Well, what Tyler said, Plus, if I recall, that mask works in a way of "one thing goes in one thing comes out." So let's put it this way: Who would Stannis rather have trapped: 'ol Terri( /Makuta. I don't think it was ever made official the Makuta of this "dimension" so-to-speak was Teridax), or a character of JL's?
  16. When I first saw Nuju Metru post in Ga-Wahi, I got a little nervous. Now I'm just kinda interested in knowing what the Onu-Matoran are up to. Maybe attempting what that group of Sentinels did? Regardless, my paranoia was somewhat misplaced, but I guess you can't blame meI mean, the last time Nuju posted in Ga-Wahi in media res, a giant hole appeared outside the koro and an army of Rahkshi appeared.

  17. We could be lying. Wouldn't it be interesting if, for once, the "clue" was nothing more than a massive decoy? We haven't done it yet in ANY incarnation of the BZPRPG, but therefore stands to reason that such a move becomes more and more plausible with every passing arc. I would find it hilarious if not devious. Then again I could be lying about lying and the vault is quintessentially important, the answer to life and everything, and somehow NOT 42. You never know with staff... In any case, watching this topic come up every other week and seeing you all run around trying to figure it out makes me giddy. I enjoy the antics... hehe, you guys are so much fun to watch :P

    I know the feeling. In a small-group RP I was in on [sITE OF MINE WITHHELD DUE TO RULES AND STUFF] I wrote up a super-convoluted plot that pretty much thickened every ten posts and such. It's always fun to watch other people speculate details of something convoluted you write, and can be hilarious depending on what they speculate =P

    Anyways, I'm more questioning HOW Makuta managed to put that riddle on his door; he had, after all, been planning to win his fight agains the Maru, right?? I think if we solve that, it'll help solve the riddle.....and to solve that we just have to wait out the story.

    Or...What if Makuta didn't write the riddle? Was that ever explicitly stated? I forget, but if not that's something to scratch your head over (and potentially give Tuck a laugh if we're wrong_..
  18. IC: Voutok"Allow me to reword and divvy up the question then." Voutok responded to Scylla's initial reply, not paying much mind to the rest of what she said due to its application to the Commander specifically. "Are you good at following orders? I also can't help but notice your nonchalant observations of the room. Would you consider observational deduction or reconnaissance as a, say, skill or talent that you possess?" Voutok wandered nonchalantly about the room himself, straightening the occational crooked picture or wiping off the rare specs of dust, keeping tabs on the conversation and being perfectly aware of what is said or murmured with his supressed-but-effective hypersensitive hearing.

  19. IC: Voutok"O...k then. We should be at HQ in about two minutes at this pace." Voutok's heightened hearing (he still had not turned the sound supression on his headset up since the moment he was observing the rapidly-enlarging group) picked up a whisper closer to the middle-front of the group."How long do you think this will take? Before we get to dive, I mean""Depends on how long this screening process takes, how long it takes to get onto the boats, and how long it takes for us to reach the sunken ruins of Xa-Koro from here." he called to the whisperer. "All goes well, we'll be there by sundown. All goes a little rough, we'll probably be there by this coming dawn. I personally don't think it will be too long."

  20. IC: KaithasVoutok, huh.I followed slightly behind the De-Matoran.No one needed to look at me too close.Anyway."So, your name is Voutok?"

    IC: VoutokUpon sensing the movement of a Toa wearing a mask that looked like a Huna—one of the individuals interested in the Dive—Voutok rounded behind him, calmly ushering him ahead; the De-Matoran WAS assigned to be the flank of these applicants."Yes. Private Voutok, De-Matoran Sentry." he spoke in a practical tone with a quick, casual salute. "According to the Commander, I will be participating in the screening process for this expedition." Voutok scanned thr rest of the group as they moved towards the HQ, noting the ratio of Matoran to the much taller Toa and Vortixx. "...I can already tell I'm probably going to need a bigger chair." he said, quietly.
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