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Lord Vorpal

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Posts posted by Lord Vorpal

  1. Name: Skyfall (ferglutz, that's a G1 name isn't it, but I WANT THAT NAME. 'cause I like it. And it's not like he survived LSOFTW. Yeah.)

    Species: Cybertronian

    Gender: Male

    Faction: Decepticon

    Appearance: Skyfall resembles what is termed by humans a "Samurai", but with katana-blades on his arms, and jets for shoulders. His coloration is a fairly standard Decepticon coloration, battleship grey with purple highlights and some yellow. Basically an anti-Star Saber. Oh dang, sorry Snark Knight. Just noticed your thingamajig.

    Alternate Mode: Skyfall transforms into what is basically a V-22 Osprey configuration, but more futuristic-y. His arms come up and the katana-blade rotate to form dual rotors.

    Weapons: Energy Daisho. (traditional samurai sword set)

    Personality: Cold and Emotionless, rather like Shockwave, but less so.

    Skills/Special Abilities: Metallikato, Circuit-Su, and Crystalocution. And Sith/Chain Lightning

    Weakness: Skyfall tends to be a little slow, because of his armor, and when using his Chain Lightning he cannot move.

    Bio: Update later

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