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The Pyro (From TF2)

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Status Updates posted by The Pyro (From TF2)

  1. Yeah, vote for The Dead World (http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=8859&do=findComment&comment=513170), I'm awesome, be sure to read my epic, The Chronicles of Masuko, look at my 3D stuff, the works...

  2. Hey guys, not much on my mind right now aside from Summer.

  3. Check out my kinda-sorta idea for an RPG in the RPG Planning Topic. BIONICLE: Shadow of the Combine. It may not ever get past conception but it seems a bit cool to me.

  4. New profile pic. It's a Blender model of a Kanohi Kanasi from my RPG you should totally vote for, The Dead World. I'm still awesome.

  5. Wow. I'm one of those dead users now, I guess. So this is what it feels like. I should probably start being more active again sometime. Oh well.

  6. Just saw Man of Steel. AWESOME!!!


  8. Hey guys, I'm back. Check out my new topic in Fan Created Media.

  9. I can't believe my account was deleted!!!!!!! That and I am awesome.

  10. I'm so... dormant on this website. What's wrong with me?

  11. I need to post SO much more often. It's like I'm back to lurking.

  12. So... close... to a hundred... posts...

  13. Yay 100 posts! Anyway, I need somebody to read my epic The Chronicles of Masuko. It needs some love.

  14. Guess I've grown out of the I'm awesome in every new status thing. Not really, I just got tired of putting it in all the time.

  15. Vote for The Dead World RPG! It's awesome like me! Darn it, that rhymed...

  16. Ooh, I never realized that I became a Toa after a hundred posts. I have successfully lived up to my username. Now to live beyond it.

  17. Hey, Evan! Welcome to BZPower!

  18. 12 days... no WIFI... *dramatic death sigh thing*.

  19. Hey guys, I won't be here often till the end of the school year. I'll try and get on when I can, sry. I'm awesome...

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