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Carlton Lassiter

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Posts posted by Carlton Lassiter

  1. OK, heres my order: sand blue tohunga foot, both teal feet, lime green throwing arm, yellow foot, red tohunga arm, blue tohunga foot, white tohunga foot, yellow hau, and infected hau. How does 4-5 dollars sound? Could you also throw in some of the dark grey tohunga heads?


    Someone else actually is going to be getting the Infected and yellow Haus, as well as the yellow foot.

  2. Hey, sorry for not replying right away everyone.


    I do have a lot of those and in I think every color (I should have two of each and plenty of grey ones).


    I actually don't have the axe or shield, but I have everything else. Although the parts you showed in black (with the plus on one end and the hole on the other), I only have in blue.


    Well, I'm not exactly sure if it's worth shipping something for only 25 cents.

  3. I'd like to know what masks (with colors/restyles) you have. I'm also interested in:

    Ball joints

    Teeth/claw/eye/horn/spike pieces

    Black half-rod-half-axle pieces

    Black pieces

    White pieces

    Really any other small parts...


    Can you give an idea on how you're going to price things?




    Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy. I have a picture of my masks up there. http://www.majhost.com/gallery/DarylDixon/Stuff/picture_004.jpg


    I also have basically all those small parts you asked for on there. And it really depends on what you want for me to give a price.

  4. Oh god that was intense. This episode was finally the character development I need to hate and be scared of the governor.

    Yeah, I can't wait to see what happens next. I can't believe Andrea was so close to the prison and the governor just took her away. I'm hoping Milton will see that and help her.


    See, I dont understand why people hate Andrea so much.

    From the first two seasons, which is all I've watched, she seems like just as much of a loose canon as Shane (and deserves the same fate, in my opinion).


    I got up through the penultimate episode of season 2 and then decided to stop watching. I wouldn't say it's a bad show, but after they killed off Dale I just didn't see any reason to keep watching. He was pretty much the only character who strived to maintain civilized morals, and as such was the only character who I didn't find completely obnoxious (well, okay, him and Daryl). With him went all my interest in the show.


    Hershall is actually similar to Dale now. He's not how he was in Season 2.

  6. Im actually quite interseted in reading the comics as well. The game was also fantastic and I cant wait for season 2 of that. And Velox, I have to agree with you about Rick. He's my favorite too. I love how much he's developed. And, am I the only one whos getting annoyed by Glenn recently?


    The comic based game? I got the first episode of it, and I really want to get the second one. It's amazing and definitely worth the price. I had no idea there was gonna be a season 2. But at the moment, I'm actually saving up for the new Walking Dead game coming out on the 19th. It's a game with Merle and Daryl! Gonna be awesome! :D

    I'm kind of annoyed how Glenn is getting hasty with things, but then again, you have to try to put yourself in that person's position and see how you'd feel. That's usually what I think when I wonder why a character acts a certain way (Unless it's Andrea... >_>).

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