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Posts posted by Twi

  1. I find it depressing that one of the Disney sets is just based around Ariel's attempt to get kissed by the prince. Pity they didn't choose more dynamic scenes from Tangled, because that movie had an excellent strong female hero girls could look up to.


    On a more interesting note, those Hero Factory sets are beautiful. I hope to get Splitter Beast, the XL Evo mech, Rocka's stealth machine (I know, more Rocka, but it's a nice mech), and the not pictured Stormer vs. some form of beast set.

  2. If only Bionicle could have gotten this kind of treatment with its movies. The ones they had were nice, but maybe this could have sliced off a bit of the cheese... plus Bionicles fighting on the big screen would satisfy my childhood in a way few other things could.


    Nonetheless, it's great to see Lego expanding into new mediums. I haven't really been following Ninjago, but a movie may be a great way to see it at its best. I look forward to seeing it.

  3. I've never really been that entranced by Back to the Future, so I'll give this a miss.


    Kinda disappointing to see stuff like this succeed when so many amazing things are sitting at low support.


    And some guy's highly marketable Lego Homestuck proposal still sits at 20 supporters -_-

  4. Disappointed that they only featured about half of the summer Hero Factory sets. I miss the days when the catalog would have pretty much the whole current product range.

    Agreed, I was rather disappointed to find that only one small page was used, showing only three of the seven sets. Granted, it's more space than in the last catalogue, where Hero Factory sets were not present whatsoever.


    In other news, I rather like the Jor-El figure, even though I've never been familiar with Superman (or even cared to be). It looks much better designed than that ugly hulk minifig I got as a promotion.


    this is so surreal, a toy franchise is dead and people are arguing over how rotten the carcass is wow

    I know! We True Fans of Bionicle need to stop arguing over how dead it is and start arguing over why it's dead! Did BIONICLE die of natural causes, or did Greg shoot it with a poison bullet? Or was it something it ate? I demand a full autopsy!

    Well, we do know it was killed prematurely (more story was planned), and, at least from the vantage point I'm sitting at, unfortunately rather needlessly.

  6. Well, as far as I can tell, no children are actually following the new storyline of Hero Factory, and as I said before, they have two other themes with simpler stories, Ninjago and Chima. With this, added to the fact that they are now running consecutive action figure lines, the end of Bionicle just seems like it was aimless to me.

  7. I went to Target yesterday to see if they had the Brain Attack Wave 2 sets (which they emphatically did not), and saw two young boys walk into the lego isle. They walked through uninterested in everything, until they saw the Wave 1 sets. They ran to them, one of the boys exclaiming to the other, "Dude, look! Bionicles!"


    Apart from the huge emotional impact I felt there, as well as feeling old (I was around following Bionicle from the very beginning), a thought struck me. Was not the reason Bionicle was replaced to provide a more accessible story to younger audiences? It seems unnecessary, as I saw Savage Planet DVDs sitting on a shelf gathering dust. It certainly didn't matter to these children, who couldn't tell the difference between Bionicle and Hero Factory. I now question the abrupt ending of Bionicle even more-so, particularly with themes like Chima and Ninjago around to provide other original stories which, in my opinion, although not necessarily great, far outclass the cheesy, predictable Hero Factory story.

  8. No offense to any of you optimists, but to me, Chima is just cheese on cheese. Hero Factory has this too, but fortunately Greg Farshety is there to help as much as possible with the books, and the sets for both themes are fantastic.


    I can't say much about Ninjago, because I never got into it.


    However, the best story themes, in my opinion, were still Exo-Force and Bionicle. The darker tones and complicated arcs were fantastic, and aside from the odd catch-phrase, the dialog was rather cheese free. And that's the way it should be.

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