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Posts posted by MiniKakashi

  1. District Revolution.



    “The Fourth District is in the north of The Alliance where the last of the Independent Rebels fell under the jackboot of the Imperial Legion, at the battle of Darkfort 17,000 Rebels stood against 80,000 Legionnaires in a last stand battle, A total of 15,000 Rebels fell in the battle taking 20,000 Legionnaires along with them in one of the bloodiest battles this world has ever seen.”

    “What happened next, Pa?” I asked my father,

    “Well as you know” My father began with a deep voice, “Your Great-Grandfather survived that battle and he was the one who signed ‘The District Pact’* to end the Great War**. When he returned to Stonewall, He was faced with an old hag sitting in his Lord’s Chair and before he could have her removed she vanished in a wisp of smoke and let her voice ring out a prophecy.”

    “What’d she say?” I rushed,

    My father’s voice changed into a shriller tone, “In one hundred years a child will be born to the Kirai family and he will be destined to be the Maou***, He will destroy the Alliance and his 20th birthday he will make a choice, to destroy the people of this world or to save them.”

    “Who’s that child, Pa?” I asked,

    “Well Takamaru, Eight years ago on the day of your birth and the death of your mothe…”

    My father paused at the moment he mentioned my mother, He never liked talking about my mother.

    “That day was exactly one hundred years after the prophecy was foretold, Takamaru you are going to destroy the Alliance”


    “Stay here!” my father yelled, drawing his sword, He tore out of my room and down the hall.

    That was the night the Kirai family was destroyed.



    Eight years later…


    I climbed up the wall and began sprinting along before jumping across the street gap and into the window of the abandoned two-storey home, with a break role landing I slid up against the opposite wall, I took my rifle off my back and propped it up on the windowsill and marked my targets.

    “Five Rangers, grey coats, 245 meters, wind speed 5mph east towards the bell tower, Master Kirai”, whispered Yoshii my current trainer, bodyguard, cook, butler and right now my spotter.

    “Thanks Yoshii”, I whispered back,

    I lined up the sight with the first target’s head before moving it up to compensate for the drop and left for the wind, breathing slowly, I squeezed the trigger,


    “Huh? Where’s the fifth?!”


    A horn rang out across the city,

    “S**t! we’ve been spotted!” I turned to run out the window I came in,


    “ARTILLERY!” Yoshii yelled as her dragged me down…



    I will post the next chapter soon.


    *The treaty that unified the warring States into the five districts.

    **The Great War was a conflict between the Alliance and The Independents lasting 56 years.

    *** Demon-King

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