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Posts posted by OniLink96

  1. If I remember correctly my very first Bionicle set was the original Tahu way back when. I might have gotten one of the McDonald's toys first, but I can't remember. I just remember building my little Tahu set at my grandparents' old house when I was five.


    I know I had one of the McToran after we moved from there, but I really can't remember if I had any before. If me having one of the McDonald's toy first was the case, I think the only McDonald's Bionicle I ever had was Jaller.

  2. What do you mean by "layers"? I can only assume something like what I meant by there being tiers, but I'm not sure.And how exactly are the comics less accurate? From what I can tell/remember the comics are actually rather faithful to the toy designs. To the point of not even giving the characters proper hands until the sets featured them.

  3. I just recently started reading up on Bionicle again after years of being removed from the series. Like I have the entire Glatorian series (from an unusually long subscription to LEGO magazine) and still haven't gotten around to reading it after the fist issue. And I'd like to start over from the beginning and experience all the elements of the story of Bionicle from the beginning.


    So I have a few questions. What is and is not canonical in the Bionicle storyline? Are their "tiers" of canon in the Bionicle canon as there are in many others? I'd assume anything coming from the mouth of Mr. Farshtey is king in the fandom, am I right? Are the books from C.A. Hapka "lesser" canon?


    Just general questions about what is and is not a part of the official story. Thanks for the help. ^_^

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