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Posts posted by Rumpofsteelskin

  1. On top of the obvious purple/yellow answers...


    I wish they didn't replace brown so soon. Heck, I wish we had a brown titan.


    Wish the turaga weapons came back in different colors.


    Wish the Inika masks got the same treatment as the mask packs.

  2. -Zamor shoots easiest and has some of the best results, and looks great on any character its on.

    -Thornax probably looks the "best" objectively, and the little spikeballs are rad.

    -Skyblaster has that bulk, and power. Feels like a cannon.

    -Nynrah and Squids...the firing mechanisms weren't too great.

    -Rhotuka really fit for the time but don't really fit anywhere else.

    -Cordak were bulky to an extreme, but the firing was cool when it worked 6 in a row.


    Zamor still my favorite.

  3. I know visorak probably don't look like the coolest sets, but you should own one, and a Rahagah.


    Krekka is one of the cooler "simple" titans.


    Oh, and they're hard to find, but if you can get one of the Kohlii matoran, get one! I recommend Matoro or Hafu (or, alternatively, the Jaller/Gukko and Takua/Pewku sets.)

  4. The last shot reminds me of the first Terminator. :D Its a good revamp, and I especially like the hand design. I think the legs would look better if they were orange though. Overall great job!

    Thank you for the kind words! I would have made the legs more orange, but I don't own any more classic orange connectors, or orange Vahki legs. Mata red Vahki legs looked a little too boring.

  5. For my first MOC in...ever (honestly), I wanted to do a remake of one of the original Toa that was as faithful to its roots as possible while still keeping up with modern design and...having bendable knees. I apologize in advance for the very bad camera shots and the need for flash, my house is very dark and my phone camera is very bad.





    Straight up front shot



    Side shot



    Just because you chopped his legs off doesn't mean he's about to give up.


  6. I had left my sets in the attic for years, and recently after taking them out...there's a brown goo-ish looking stuff on some of them. It isn't mold (i dont think), it looks more liquid than solid, and i can really only compare it to if i had left spilled coke on them for a really long time. It appeared on figures in different bins, but they were all in the same attic. Could it be harmless wood stain? Additional info is that it's very, VERY hot in said attic.

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