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Ventum (Mittens)

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Posts posted by Ventum (Mittens)

  1. I was between 1 and 2, but Micah's gundam seemed more in the spirit of the contest, Felix's entry doesn't really come across as a piloted mecha to me. Plus I think making such a great gundam must have been pretty tough!


    Ya know, I never thought about it, but Felix's really doesn't seem like a piloted mecha. Hmmmm... Guess it is just a matter of opinion on that one

  2. This set looks quite interesting. I love the new lime armor overlays that come in this! The play features are pretty good and top notch too!

    I notice with a lot of these new sets though, that they main play features are just slapped on some base of HF bones and armor. It's cool and all, but they make the bases look very hollow and unfinished. Really quite a bummer, since I actually kind of like the idea of this year's wave, and liked the Winter wave.

    Cannot wait for more reviews!

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