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Posts posted by WhenISayRun

  1. IC Bugsbi, Pala-Koro

    ''We refer, as you would see if you turned to look at us and our armour, still wet with beetle juice, to the recent struggle against the troublesome tree-eating bugs. We presumed any survivors would have headed here.''

  2. IC Knove, Pala-Koro

    After a few hours of travelling, the three weary travellers trudged tiredly into Pala-Koro. ''Hey,'' shouted Knove to anyone who cared to answer, ''guess we won then...?'' He shifted his pack on his shoulder and headed towards a gathering of people.

  3. IC Frest, Le-Wahi jungle
    Frest groaned and looked around. Seeing his two companions lying on the ground unconscious, he realised they must have been overwhelmed during the battle. Still, it looked like they must have won... he shouted to the others.
    "Oy, you two- get up; I want to head to pala-koro to find out what's going on."
    His companions began to wake, and he gathered their supplies for the journey.

  4. OOC: Within the Koro, several complex systems of chutes, built by Onu-Koro’s engineers, wind and twist about the trees. These chutes run to and from different sections of Le-Koro, and can easily transport Matoran by a mix of air pressure and gravity. Smaller chutes are also used as quick delivery systems for letters and small packages. Each access point is a small “chute station” where the users might choose their destination and chute accordingly. The largest chute station is near the Le-Koro marketplace. -From the Le-Koro BZPRPG descripton

  5. IC Knove, Buggsbi, Frest- Le-Koro

    The three adventurers stepped into a hut, following Akhulii's advice, when suddenly Knove had an idea. ''Hey, Akhulii- could we not disperse the poison through the transport chutes?'' Frest nodded; ''Hmm... it would get it all over the Koro quickly...''

  6. IC Frest

    With a sudden swipe of his arm, Frest plucked a beetle out of the air, impaling it on his claw. "Right. Let's get started then!" The travellers raced into the chaos, swiping at the bugs.

  7. IC Frest, near Le-Koro

    Frest sat back in the tree and looked despairingly at Knove. ''I want to explore Xa-Koro as well, you know, but I just don't have any diving gear...'' suddenly the forest shook at the not-very-careful aproach of Buggzbi. He attempted to pick up the tree Frest and Knove were perched in; and failed. Knove screamed as he fell to the ground, to land on Buggzbi's outstretched cloak. Glancing witheringly at Frest, he spoke to Buggzbi. ''So, what's up, big fella'?''. ''You know my name- use it'' Buggzbi grunted in reply, ''I think we should head into the city, see if we can find someone to buy diving gear from''.


    ''Well, that's what we'll do, then.''

  8. Name: Frest

    Species: Lesterin

    Power: Ice

    Appearance: Frest is very tall, and dressed in mainly white armour, but for some crystal spikes on his head and shoulders, and his large, bulky foot armour (his left leg is noticeably bulkier due to his injury). He has one normal hand, and one crude three-fingered metal claw. 


    Mask: Kanohi Rau (translation).
    Gender: Male.
    Tech Items: None... yet.
    Weapons: Dual-ended crystal-tipped blade, extremely strong, round, probably ancient shield found in a cave in Kini-Nui.
    Alignment: Mildly good; not really bothered.
    Personality/ History: In his youth, Frest was extremely reckless, but this ended abruptly with an unfortunate incident with an angry rahi, in which he lost his right hand (he's still learning to write with his left) and the movement of his left foot. In the aftermath he moved to Le-Koro, and searched for a mechanic to help with the upkeep of his new specialized armour. What he found... was Knove. The two grew close, and Frest began to understand the value of teamwork. Four months later, he met Buggzbi at a chute station. They found a shared interest in the history of Kini-Nui, and embarked on their first expedition three weeks later (Knove reluctantly came with them). They are currently planning to explore Xa-Koro. Frest is now a great team-player, but can be grouchy, especially about his injuries.
    Weaknesses: His injuries slow him down a lot in combat, hates not being in charge, hates fire
    Name: Knove
    Species: Matoran
    Appearance: Knove is short, even for a matoran- and especially compared to Frest! He wears mainly oily blue rags, with a little dull bronze armour, and some crystal armour on his left arm (found in the Tiro Canyon).


    Gender: Male.
    Weapons/ Tools: a standard set of tools, and a crystal blade found with the armour.
    Alignment: good.

    Personality/ History: Knove grew up in a small village in the Fau Swamp. His mother dealt with the town's technology, and taught him all she knew. However, when he was still young, his mother died in an accident. For a few years, he kept up her duties, but soon grew bored and moved to Le-Koro, where he was eployed by Frest. He is friendly and out-going, but can be naive.

    Weaknesses: Overly trusting, naive, not used to his amour, or fighting in general!


    Name: Buggzbi

    Species: Toa

    Power: Magnetism

    Appearance: Buggzbi is about average height, but very heavily armoured. He is adorned in mainly red and dark silver, with patches of glowing blue; but all of this is normally obscured by his huge cloak.


    Mask: Kanohi Pakari (strength)
    Gender: Male.
    Weapons: Buggzbi mainly fights with his fists, but he does own a large curved blade- it's usually hidden somewhere under his cloak.
    Alignment: No-one really knows.
    Personality/ History: Buggzbi keeps his past shrouded in total mystery. Somehow he came to arrive in Le-Koro, though, where he met Frest and Knove. Although usually volatile and argumentative, he seems to enjoy their company- or maybe he just wants the treasure. Who knows...?
    Weaknesses: Volatile, argumentative, often overestimates the power of his Kanohi.


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