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Posts posted by FactualNation

  1. my first bionicle was actually pretty lame.It was the mistika Toa Tahu.I never really Knew the storyline but I went to my friend Luke and he was hardcore like me now.It was awesome. my mom bought it for me at target.I got into my PS2 but gave it to my dad because I did not need it.He asked why and how I should keep it.I said all I needed was my bionicles.He smiled. I got into MOC's. For a four year old,it wasn't that bad.I still have his mask. :)

  2. I think that my favorite weapon had to be the mahri machine guns.KONGU DOUBLE MACHINE GUN FTW! BTW,I made this storyline with my mocs and my favorite,Zaktar and his toa friends are battling for the mask of life.Zaktar got kidnapped but he killed himself for an unknown reason.Mata Nui becomes the new makuta king and it becomes even harder to retrieve the mask of life! So,thell me what you think! ;)

  3. The best year was obviously 2006.Outstanding storyline and sets.My friend Luke would call the green inika heads ''Small blobs of Doom''

    I think ' was the worst of all 09.Terrible storyline and film.Don't even get me started on the bionicle stars sets!

    Now way bruh

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