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Posts posted by ToaFluttershy

  1. Mask really reminds me of Nidhiki, and I've never seen a Toa of Air with a bow. Makes a lot of sense really... Love seeing your artwork! Hope to see a few more Bionicle speedpaints from you in the future!

    Well Kongu Inika had a crossbow, but I guess that's not really the same thing, plus his didn't even look that much like a crossbow.

  2. So....My theory is that the Toa were taken after the rebirth of Spherus Magna, brainwashed (like always, maybe they'll regain memory, or glimpses, or something), and sent off to another planet that was in need of help (Maybe this happened to the Toa before Mata Nui, maybe this actually happened before Mata Nui). Anyways, the Toa are supposed to be heroes, traveling around and helping anyone who needs it.


    I remember thinking that too, but apparently there has to be a special download button present, and I'm assuming it's up to the creator to decide if it's there or not.

    I see the download button, so I don't know why you can't see it? Do you have a soundcloud account? Maybe that is what it is. *shrug*


    Anyways, Time turned out fantastic. I never really got into the Bionicle Music by itself, and couldn't name a single track until now. This is some really good stuff, right here. Please keep the music coming!


    I have no account but I guess he fixed it anyways.


    Do you mind putting download links for your songs? y'know, for some of us who use them, and will totally give you credit for your work.


    Can't you download them off of SoundCloud? Sorry if I'm mistaken


    I remember thinking that too, but apparently there has to be a special download button present, and I'm assuming it's up to the creator to decide if it's there or not.

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