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Posts posted by BFN

  1. There are several good new directions that could be taken.


    First off, I think the other two evergreen themes should be given the LEGO City Undercover treatment, except... not just on Nintendo, please. A LEGO space game or castle game could have many new things to offer, so long as the Castle game does not just turn out like a non-licensed Hobbit game. :P


    I do have to agree with everyone that the TT gameplay style is getting a bit stale. Introducing new features such as flight (LEGO Batman 2) or ground battles (LEGO Star Wars III) are nice, because they actually change the gameplay quite a bit, but TT could certainly do better. For example, there should really be a chance to show some actual creativity beyond the character creator, considering these are LEGO games.


    Oh, and on the topic of features, 3D flying with vehicles around hubs is great, but why give them weapons if they don't actually... fight anything? :P If this was incorporated in some missions with actual enemies, the dogfights would be a blast, unlike LEGO Batman 2's method of just moving the target over the thing you have to shoot at...

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