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Posts posted by alabob

  1. For a new Lego game, I would love to see a mashup type of game, kind of like Lego Battles for the Nintendo DS, I loved that game because it had most of my favourite Lego themes in one game. But what I was thinking is there would be a lot more themes and perhaps older themes (like Bionicle, please Lego!) that have been discontinued. It could be like an open world game that would allow the player to explore different worlds from the different themes, like a city, the world from Legends Of Chima, Gotham, Space, etc. And the plot could be the good guys from all the themes team up against their villains. And like all the Lego games, the player could unlock different characters to play as, (and maybe one bionicle matoran for a little easter egg and to make fans happy) but the player could also choose to be on the good side, or the bad side. And maybe to make it even cooler there could be a multiplayer battle mode.

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