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Posts posted by zapper7028

  1. As a child, I went through a lot of what I call "obsessions."  The toys I played with, the books I read, the heroes I pretended to be when I played.  Dinosaurs, big rigs, Superman, and many other things will always hold a place in my heart.


    Today, the only one which still holds is Bionicle.  Not only do I frequently build MOCs, I play with them, staging my own little battles, creating stories in my head.  I was incredibly excited for G2 when it came out, but it really didn't do much to fill the Bionicle-shaped hole that had been left after G1 ended.  But, you know what?  That's OK.  G2 is its own story, with a beautiful (if somewhat shallow) world, and unique characters.  now, in my opinion, G1 was better.  The convoluted story has never really bothered me that much; I always like to create my own world, and my own story.  Bionicle was one of the very best parts of my life, and it saddens me to think that we might never get it back.


    I can only count myself incredibly lucky that I existed at the same time as this amazing story, even if I was only old enough to really get into it after 2005.

    • Upvote 4
  2. Well, apparently as a child I was dyslexic:

    Pohatu => Potahu

    Hakann => Hankann


    I also tried pronouncing the "h" in Bohrok (turning it into Bo-Her-Ok).  An interesting one that wasn't me was a childhood friend who pronounced "matoran" as "matter-ann."




    When I first got into Bionicle, I pronounced Lewa "Lee-wah."  I still say it that way sometimes.

    Is that not how its pronounced? That;s how they say it in MoL.


    It's Lay-wah and that is the hill I have chosen to die on.

    Loo-Wah or Lee-wah.  I've never pronounced it Lay-Wah, though I can see why you would.

    • Upvote 1
  3. So, I had the inspiration to make a rahi-esque MOC this week, so I just sat myself down as soon as I had time and started building.  On the whole, I'm pleased with it except for the lower legs, which I made lazily, for the sake of finishing the model.  I would love suggestions on how to make better legs, by the way; I often find myself running out of inspiration and motivation when finishing a model, usually on legs or arms.


    So, without further ado, I present Sakorahk.














    Sorry about the low-quality images.  I don't have a very good camera.

    • Upvote 2
  4. IC: Quark - Dormitory - Here at last!


    Quark sighed as he sat up.  He bounced on the cot for a moment, admiring the fact that it was neither uncomfortable or comfortable; a perfectly bland, absolutely unremarkable bed.  He was still in bed due to how late he had arrived at Corpus last night.  Even Rahkshi needed a solid eight hours.

    He stood up, wincing as he almost scraped his spines on the low ceiling.  Boy, they really designed for the minimum here, didn’t they?  He stretched (careful not to punch the walls or ceiling by accident), letting out a massive yawn.  He was careful to keep said yawn quiet, knowing that his Power Scream ability could give his neighbors a really nasty headache.

    He slung his bag across his body, his twin shortstaves clinking reassuringly against his waist as they swung from their straps.  He wasn’t really hungry, and didn’t exactly know when his first class was, so he decided to do some reading.

    Quark danced to his own rhythm.  Literally.  Keeping the rhythm of a normal walk, he rotated his shoulders to the beat of imaginary music.  At one point, he kicked off of one wall, leaping all the way across the hall before mirroring his earlier action, then kicked off of the ceiling, flipping down and (barely) landing on his feet.  It was a miracle he hadn’t decapitated anybody.

    He entered the library, shutting the door behind him quietly.  He scanned the room, then the shelves, quickly finding the section devoted to his favorite subject - natural sciences - and plopped down on the floor with a book on the mechanics of elemental powers.


    OOC: Quark open for interaction in the library.  TL;DR: Quark is hyperactive and likes physics.

  5. This is the third iteration of a pretty simple MOC I've had for a while now.  Originally, it wasn't a Toa of Plasma, or a Toa at all, really, but I decided to rebuild it into Sudekh.  In my opinion it turned out pretty well, at least for someone dealing with limited orange pieces (Why couldn't Toa of Plasma be an easier color to build with?).








    Front (Weapons Stowed)


    Back (Weapons Stowed)


    Fightin' Pose!


    I know this is no great build, but it's my favorite MOC that I have currently assembled.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Emotionally?  Pohatu Mata (whod've thought).  He was my very first Bionicle set, and one of my first LEGO sets to boot.  He's also just my favorite character, plain and simple.  I like his personality, his lines... I also liked the design of his G2 set, though I wish they put as many pieces into him as they did Tahu or Kopaka.  I'm also a big fan of both Toa Jaller sets (I think Jaller Mahri was the better build, but the Inika was the first toa team that we had all six of, and besides, the Kanohi Calix just looked cool).  I'm also a fan of the Vahki sets, especially Rorzakh.


    Structurally, my favorite had to be Toa Mata Nui (the Titan version).

    • Upvote 2
  7. I would actually agree with Supreme on how skinny the model appears.  If that's what you're going for, that's cool, I guess.  I do like the gold chestplate, though.  Creates a neat contrast with the brown and tan.  I think it might work a bit better if the silver parts were also gold, or if you replaced the gold with silver, but who am I to judge?  I'm no Michelangelo.

  8. Not too fond of the hair, but the rest of her features some very interesting G1 style building and that I like. he colour scheme is okay and I like how you integrated red into the build, though the bloody looking mouth is a bit macabre. Still this is a very good first so let me say well done and I look forward to more of your builds!

    I'm honestly not a huge fan of the hair either.  Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make it any better (I never actually owned the original Roodaka set, and I essentially figured out how to make the head by the power of Google).  Also, didn't mean for the mouth to appear bloody, that's supposed to be the "lip" piece, but other colors just looked awkward to me, considering the rest of the color scheme (I don't have any dark red/maroon stud pieces).  Anyways, thanks for the feedback!  I hope to do better with future builds.

  9. A plot summary would actually be really nice for a n00b like me, if it's convenient for anybody.  653 pages of posts is a LOT.


    Anyways, character profiles.


    Name: Quark

    Variation: Power Scream

    Level: 2

    Gender: Male.

    Gear: Nothing much, uses a pair of glorified metal sticks, Nightwing-style.

    Appearance: Similar height and proportions to most Rahkshi, maybe a little bit taller than average.  He wears purple armor, more or less unmodified, with the exception of his right arm: his right bracer is white, instead of purple.  His eyes are yellow.

    Personality: Spontaneous is the perfect word to describe Quark.  Imagine an Le-Matoran stuffed in a Rahkshi body, and you'll get a good image of his personality.  He has a tendency to jump around, pull practical jokes, make AWFUL puns, and generally be an (I hope) endearingly annoying goofball.  That's not to say that he can't be serious; on the contrary, when it comes to matters like combat, Quark can become taciturn, even grim.  He sometimes has a short temper.

    Bio: Nothing much to say here.  Quark was spawned from a tank of distilled evil Makuta essence, etc.  Though young, he's a pretty quick learner, and is already competent with his weapons of choice and has an excellent grasp of the Rahkshi language.  He is also proficient at giving people headaches, as much with his jokes as with his power scream.  

  10. I really like this build. The fact that you seemingly restricted yourself to using only parts from G1 Bionicle give it a more 'authentic' feel. I always considered that while the use of newer parts and hefty system integration allow for more details, or smoother builds or whatever, limiting the part pool to only Bionicle parts from that era always resulted in a build that felt more... true to the theme? I don't know, I just prefer builds like this one to the hyper-over-designed things that "master" MOCbuilders put out.


    Great job!



    Thanks!  I agree, G2 armor pieces look a little odd on Bionicle MOCs to me.  There are some exceptions, but I just find G1 easier to use, more flexible, and just better-looking.


    I would love to see the body shot without anything blocking the view of the details. The torso looks like a very interesting construction. Exposed pins tend to be something I try to avoid myself, though understandably sometimes you can't help it. 

    For a vortixx moc it looks rather good. I wish there had been a shot from the front without the sword, but that's a minor thing.

    Sorry about the poor camera work.  I'll try to update the post with something a little better.


    Though the Metru Red shoulder plates on the lower legs stick out a tad much compared to the rest of the leg.

    I would agree with you.  The legs are one of my nitpicks with this model.  I need the red armor to go with the color scheme, but I also need the silver armor pieces underneath it, as they're actually part of the structure of the leg.  I suppose I could rebuild the whole lower leg, but it took me the better part of a day to get the legs designed and built.

  11. So, this is a whole smorgasbord of 'firsts.'  My first post on BZPower (Woo!), my first (published) MOC, and my first successful Vortixx build.  On the whole, I'm pretty satisfied with the model, though there are some aspects of it which I'd like to change, if I knew how.  This is the third iteration of the model, after fixing the major issues with the first two (namely, a very not-attached waist).


    As you can see from the title of this post, this Vortixx has no name yet!  If you have a comment, or just want to get in on naming her, submit your name idea and I'll pick my favorite.  I'm only doing this because I'm unoriginal and have no ideas of my own regarding names!


    Front (Shield)






    Front (Sword)


    If these camera angles are bad, I'm sorry!  It's my first time.

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