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Posts posted by ToaVagre

  1. good news everybody, Amazon slipped up on one of their PDF's with this jumble of a quote: "When contact was lost with a planetside an island grotto on After fitting Tosh with a breath mask and breaking his stun cuffs with a shock"

    This is two or three different sentences but as I said, It's not meant to be there. This is from island of lost masks apparently, make of it what you will, however I'm confident these sentences are definitely from IoLM, unless Amazon's trolling us.




    Edit: scrap that, well it's on a Bionicle PDF, I just realised I read it in one of Ryders Star wars books once, I think, I'll have to check.

  2. Entry name: Phycon

    Legend tells that on the mystical island of Okoto, Makuta's most trustworthy servant is re awakening. Mutated and twisted, Phycon intends on leading an army of skull spiders against the Toa. With his aquatic abilities and elemental spear he truly is a worthy opponent.


    gallery:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/129459714@N04/sets/72157649305538602/

    (first photo is the main pic)

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