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Toa Green Ninja

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Posts posted by Toa Green Ninja

  1. Just a few corrections.


    1.) This blue tribe are new additions to the Frosticons; just continuing this year's trend of adding more members to old headliner tribes.


    2.) The 2x2 tile Gurggle is holding is called a Cubit. It's an ore used to combine Mixels in the shorts. This one in particular is a Rainbow Cubit, which can mix any two Mixels regardless of tribe, while other Cubits have a set two colors. This is the first time Cubits have made their way into the LEGO sets, which is awesome!


    3.) That purple tribe has been concluded to be based on food. All of their names reference food, the mockup bags from Nuremberg Toy Fair have giant food in the artwork, each holds a food prop or two, and Vaka-Waka's bottom head's teeth look discolored due to eating (possibly cavities? He seems to be holding ball-like candies).


    Thanks for covering my favorite theme next to BIONICLE!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Did anyone else notice that last year the mixels all had the same background with colors altered, but fir this year they each have a unique location backdrop that suits their theme?

    Yep. That's because the Series 4 Mixels (sans the Infernites) live on a celestial body called Mixel Moon, which is still in the Mixels universe, but it is a different planet compared to last year's Mixel Land (think of it as the Mixels' Earth).


    There's still a big chance that the old tribes visit the alien ones in the cartoon, though!

  3. Guys, absolutely no need to worry! The game is coming to Android, as the trailer and back of set instructions confirms.


    Anyway, I got this on my mom's iPad a few hours ago. Not the best game ever, however I am enjoying it! I've already completed Lewa's campaign, and working on Gali now.

  4. DANG BOY!

    Do you think asking the employees would help me obtain them perchance?

    It took a while for me to tell the guy about the fact that the theme is back after five years, and that other people have been finding the sets at their local Targets. Took even longer to wait while he went and got them. You should probably use the DCPI checker before you leave to see if they stock the sets you want; it worked for me. But yeah, by all means try!


    Anybody else think the "mystery mask" kinda looks like the Terminator?



    Oh nooooo... there's only one more Lewa in stock at my local Target. Won't be going until tomorrow... praying!


    Target.com lets you hold a specific item at a store sometimes. That's how I got my Chi Cragger.
    That would be helpful to know if Target actually had the sets available online right now. Perhaps I'll call them in the morning...


    I'm passing on the new sets and getting a big haul of classic parts from eBay. Its a better use of money for me personally.

    Are you just going to diss everything this reboot has to offer? At least give it a chance with one set, bro.

    • Upvote 5
  6. With a lot of us waiting for BIONICLE sets to come into stock at stores soon, Hero Factory stock is dying out... if you've already purchased a set lately and aren't planning on purchasing any more, what was your final set?


    Mine was Evo XL Machine on Christmas Eve. It's fantastic!

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