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The Meta Knight

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Posts posted by The Meta Knight

  1. When I heard the team is canceling our most beloved line for the second time, I screamed so loudly, the earth itself began to tremble with my agony (all in my imagination of course).


    For what a guy who hasn't posted on this site in at least a year's opinion is worth, I agree with many of the statements made here: It was disappointing to hear about the cancelation, but Gen 2 had a decent run. I'd describe Gen 2's cancelation the same way I've heard some Ratchet & Clank fans critique the movie; it was disappointing to say the least, but we got a decent remake of the original game. So it is with Gen 2. Even if you didn't enjoy the story, you can't deny that seeing the Toa in new and improved forms made the whole thing worth it.


    Stepping out of the Gen 2 era, I think Bionicle is much better off than it was. A big thanks to the design team. I hope everyone here gets things worked out, and all my best wishes go with you and the dedicated people who worked on Gen 2.


    • Upvote 4
  2. tn_15_06_06_bionicle-product-card-update

    The BIONICLE product card picture on the products section of LEGO.com has been updated, now sporting a skull villain mask instead of the Mask of Creation. The website itself has not been updated yet, unfortunately, but this shows that work is definitely being done right now and that we can probably expect a website update soon, hopefully with new episodes! What else do you hope or expect to get with the website update?


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    Let's hope they get a better voice actor. :P

    • Upvote 1
  3. Hello errbuddy. Haven't been active here as of late, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm a BZPeep.


    Finally managed to get my hands on Onua and Gali, so I just thought I'd drop in and give my thoughts on 'em. 


    Gali is certainly a much stronger build than I had anticipated. Pretty solid. I thought she would end up being my least favorite of the new Toa designs (not that I hate any of them :P ). Boi was I wrong. I didn't realize this from any of the pics or reviews, (which I didn't read very many or much of to begin with,) but they reallly succeeded in making her appear feminine for once, or at least more feminine than the other Toa. Didn't think a slightly shorter axle minus a small technic bar in each shoulder was all it took to make a build more feminine. Luckily, she isn't too feminine... *shudders* Anyway, I didn't think an extra pair of friction gears would've made a difference either, but now that I've experimented, I'm aware that she really can't lift her super clunky trident without them. As far as dual functions go, I'm very satisfied with Gali's. I knew she could use her trident head as flippers, but I wouldn't of guessed she can even hook them together for a mermaid fin of sorts. 


    As for her standings among the Toa, I'd say she's certainly not my least favorite. That place now belongs to Pohatu, even though I love his design (minus the trans-green). I was iffy on the mask design at first, but I've since gotten over it. It's still the only 2015 Toa mask I'm not infinitely satisfied with though. Lewa's is close, but I'm still pretty darn satisfied. She at least LOOKS like the female of the group this time around, so I'm satisfied with her design all around. It's also noteworthy that she has no insanely out-of-place color contrasts. (I'm looking at you, Kopaka.)


    Onua and Kopaka were the sets I was looking forward to having the most. When I first saw there designs, I was all like













    They're definitely my favorite Toa redesigns out of the bunch. Love the spear and shield with Kopaka. Fits him well. Not to mention he's ripped now. That's points in the right direction in my opinion. Onua, on the other hand, makes Kopaka look like a friggin toothpick. I've said it a million times before, I'll say it again, nothing suits Onua better than a warhammer. He should've had one to begin with. Also really love the dual function. It probably makes the most amount of sense out of any of them, and it also reminds me of Whenua Metru to a degree. They also managed to give him the hunched over effect, which I didn't notice in any of the pics. I'll never get over Onua's head coming out of his chest. But the arm function was what took me aback the most. I understood what people meant when they said the Toa had friction gears to add to the friction of their gear functions, but when people said Onua had a ball-in-socket joint to replace that, I drew a blank. I had no idea how that would work. But now that I've seen it, I must give credit to the resourcefulness and ingenuity of the design team. It's a truly remarkable little gizmo. It makes Onua as strong-armed as he looks. Now that's what I call ingenious.


    I was not disappointed by either of these sets. I was even surprised by them in some respect. Let's hope the completely bare-boned (literally) sets of the summer wave live up to the legacy of the Toa.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Why not just call it a MOC? And hasn't the lego.com gallery been promoting this for years? This whole thing just feels pointless considering the fact lego were already doing it (minus the weird name). 


    If history has taught mankind anything, it's that everything sells better when you give it a weird name. It certainly sounds friendlier then MOC. I've been coming to this site, as well as other Lego themed sites for years, and I still don't know what MOC stands for. Neither will the children know what it means if Lego were to advertise it as a "MOC." Even if it was explicitly stated what it means, it still wouldn't draw as much attention as "Kronkiwongi." MOC may be a simple word, but I can guarantee that it will be much more alienating than the word Kronkiwongi. I think it's safe to say this will be a much more successful advertisement campaign.


    Leave it to Lego to always think of the kids.

  5. From what I have gathered, "Toa" is the name of the species while "Masters" is more of a title. If that is the case (and I am sure it is) then to say, "Toa Tahu", is akin to saying, "Human RahiSpeak". That of course sounds rather odd to specify the species, but to acknowledge one's title, while more formal than many of us are used to, is quite propper (can you say, "Sensei Wu"?). Therefore, I believe that the Toa should be called Masters in reference to their title rather than their species.


    While I do like your argument, I think one can conclude that, as far as the gen-1 use of the word "toa," it is both a species and a title. Tahu was referred to as Toa Tahu all the time in gen-1. The word means "hero." Hero is a title. And don't tell me "this isn't gen-1." Gen-1 logic is practically all we have to go by at the moment. :P


    :i: :m:    :a:     :g: :e: :n:     :m_o: :n: :e: :r:

    • Upvote 1
  6. Least favorite Pokemon, huh.


    Gen 1...well, like I said, Poliwrath is unquestionably the worst there is, but that seems unfair considering he truly is just the most awful. I think Blastoise is a good runner-up though. The worst final starer evolution for one of my favorites....for shame...

    Gen 2...not a big fan of the Ledyba family I guess? Hitmontop and Pineco are also kinda dumb. Stantler has a weird butt.

    Gen 3...Volbeat is one ugly bug. Castform isn't doing anyone any favors by existing either, honestly.

    Gen 4...Hippopotas.

    Gen 5. Man, there's a few...Samurott, Patrat/Watchog, Simipour, the Kami trio...bad, all of them.

    Gen 6 really only has Slurpuff  going for it as far as bad looking mon go.


    Especial mega mention to Mega Metagross, Heracross. Parts of Gyarados.


    I don't dislike a lot of Pokemon. Choosing favorites is probably harder, just because I like so many of them.


    You have just claimed hatred to some of my all time favorite Pokemon. Blastoise, Mega Gyarados, Mega Metagross, Mega Heracross, Ledyba, AND Hitmontop. Let me just say that every Pokemon is beautiful; it just takes the right trainer to see it.


    I think it's safe to say making a list of Pokemon you hate is a good way to start a flame war. (on certain sites that aren't Bzpower...) Why don't we all name some of our all time favorite Pokemon instead? 


    I'll start. (since if I don't, nobody will take me seriously...)


    Gen 1.  Gyarados. I love him because he's that first-gen mon that's always stuck with me. I almost always have a Gyarados on my team to this very day. I also love all the fully-evolved starters that aren't Venasaur. (Blastoise included. He's a giant tortoise with friggin' cannons coming out of his back. 'Nuff said.)


    Gen 2. Steelix or Scizor. That's a tough one. Tyranitar ain't too shabby either. If I wasn't making an effort to exclude legendaries, I'd totally choose Ho-oh.


    Gen 3. There are probably more Pokemon I love from gen-3 than any other generation. To name a few, there's Sceptile, Ninjask, (he's a ninja) Milotic, Absol, Tropius, (yup,) Gardevoir, Metagross, and Rayquaza. That's probably most of them. Probably.


    Gen 4. Dialga is my #1 favorite Pokemon as of sixth-gen. I also love Lucario. He's probably my #3. Leafeon is also my Favorite Eeveelution. :3


    Gen 5. Escavalier or Galvantula. That's also a tough one. I also love Gigalith, but not as much as the other two. Serperior is cool, too. It's the only not-totally-weird fully-evolved starter in gen 5. Gen 5 also has more Pokemon I hate out of any generation, but that could just be a virtue of being the generation that added more new Pokemon than any other generation.


    Gen 6. Aegislash. He's just too cool. There's also Greninja. He's also a ninja.


    I am in need of fellow Pokeman trainers to assist me in my quest to complete the national pokedex. I currently need a bulbasaur/mudkip/tyrunt. Thank you for your faithful patronage.


    Also my motivation for filling the national dex is simple: shiny charm. So I can get this thing.


    He'll probably be my Mega on a team of Lucario, Gyarados, Aegislash, Gardevoir, and whoever else. I've been thinking' I should have a good bug type on my team as well, and the first thing that came to mind was escavalier, but I'm not a particularly huge fan of relatively slow Pokemon. The next one that I thought of was Scizor, (both are bug/steel types) but I don't want to have too many Pokemon that can potentially Mega Evolve (for reasons not disclosed) on my team. Also, whereas Mega Charizard X would make good use of physical Dragon-type moves, Mega Lucario wouldn't be too shabby either. And don't even get me started on Mega Gyarados. Sorry for not really being specific on where I'm trying to go with this team, (I'm trying to go for an "all-round" kind of team) but any suggestions?

    Have you looked on the GTS for those Pokemon? It's probably likely that people with the other starters or fossils would be looking to trade those for ones you'd have.


    If you want a bug type that's not Scizor, what about Scolipede or Volcarona? They're both very good.


    Also, as you mentioned Mega Lucario, is this not for standard OU play? If it is, then you can't use him as he's an Uber.




    Thanks for the reply. I didn't actually think to look on the GTS. (mainly because I forgot that it existed :P


    :i: :m:     :a:     :m_d: :e: :r: :m_p:


    And I didn't actually know Mega Lucario was Uber, either... that really sucks. He's one of the coolest Megas ever.  :(  Glad to here there's no restriction on the other Megas I was considering, though.


    As for your recommendations regarding which bug-type to use, I actually already considered Scolipede, and decided against him. (nothing personal, but he's not very... attractive...) I didn't think of Volcarona before, though. I will consider it. 


    Thanks for the advice! 



    UPDATE: Just checked Smogon, and apparently, Aegislash is Uber as well...  :crying: * (NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-- *and so on*)







    *Meta Knight doesn't cry

  8. Anybody wanna answer some of the questions I asked before Maomahrimatoro decided to get on this topic just to blurt out his opinion? (Sorry to sound rude, but I still require assistance.) I was reluctant to post the question to begin with because I didn't want to sound like some weirdo who lives alone and has no friends. (even though I am...  :crying:  **) But now I just feel even dorkier. 







    **Meta Knight doesn't really cry

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