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Toa Rudysaurus

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Posts posted by Toa Rudysaurus

  1. So, obviously, I'm disappointed like everyone else, that Mata-Nui is gone. But is he? We are still months from initial release with 5 more figures coming this Summer. I think it isn't entirely out of the question to include Mata-Nui in the "Okotoverse". I think he may return as a spirit of some kind, that boosts morale in the heroes, like some sort of god. We know that Makuta and Ekimou are only mask makers and not supreme gods like they were previously, so that gives room for Mata-Nui to be a god-like being. If he is included though, I hope they don't make the whole story about him like the last 5 waves or so of Bionicle did. What do you think he could be if he does return?

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