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Posts posted by BioniCro

  1. I thought it was okay. Voice acting was adaquate, really liked everyone. Animation was okay, but artwork was really pretty. I thought action could have been a bit better in terms of timing, felt there was a lot of empty time in action where nothing really happened, except toa striking a pose and standing around.

  2. Mata Nui: Probably somewhere between Ga and Po Koro. Just far enough to stay away from the sea monsters and desert rahi and close enough to stay in pleasant climate and close to water.


    Metru Nui: Le Metru, because it just looks awesome in green, deals mainly with transportation (rather that then learning or working forges) and Le Metru matorans do seem a bit more relaxed when compared to their brethren. Also, I like the desing of buildings.


    Okoto: Probably Region of Earth, doesnt seem too dark when compared to Onu Koro, yet always seems to be in shadows, so its probably nice and cool, yet not freezing.

  3. I listened to just one, but I had to stop, come back here and say this: THANK YOU. Amazing work! You really projected visions, images and style of Bionicle into music. They should ###### hire you, I sure wouldnt mind if you would work on the future Bionicle works.


    I find the Top Gun reference odd, since I'm pretty sure the tubes are standard in a bunch of things, including the OT and real life.

    You could see the faces of the hero pilots in Top Gun, whereas the Soviets were masked and mysterious and TIE PIlot ish.


    Not to mention the evil, intimidating musical theme whenever non-US fighters showed up and the epic, all-american rock music theme that poped up whenever Cruise did something epic.

  5. So, we had Toa Mata to Toa Nuva, Toa Metru to Toa Hordika, Toa Inika to Toa Mahri and then Toa Nuva to Toa Phantoka/Mistika... What I am wondering is this: Can we expect Toa Masters of 2015 will have an additional versions like all Toa prior to them? Like, when Lego releases those skull villains, can we expect a new version of current Toa?


    Do you think that is possible? Would you like that?


    What would you like in the future Toa? What kind of designs, themes?


    • Upvote 1
  6. I'm clarifying here: we are casting based on the G2 characters, and not the old characters that happened to have the same names?


    Tahu isn't a grim leader, but one who has to be bailed out by his teammates.


    Gali is our Team Mom, sensible but can't quite relate to the others in a social context (can't tell jokes)


    Lewa is most like Tahu, except a little more happy go lucky and less risk-taking.


    Pohatu is brash and stubborn, less 'lovable athlete' and more 'desert wanderer'


    Onua is quiet, but the Heart of the team. He's most likely to keep the peace and consider the wisest move.


    Kopaka is a Lawful Good Paladin to the CCBS bones. That's why she clashes with Chaotic Good Tahu.


    We can't cast people because they remind us of the Gen1 characters. It's why I cast Nathan Million as Tahu, sure he's be a horrible Gen1 Tahu, full of angst and anger, but gen2 Tahu's lovable rogue who can get serious, it's perfect.


    Really? I havent read or seen too much material other then online episodes, but Tahu still kinda reminded me of his G1 self. Yeah, not as gruff and maybe a bit more confused in the beggining, but... I just cant take him as any less of a while he is wearing that mask. That mask is maybe the most of them all (along with the one worn by Pohatu). And isnt Lewa supposed to be a cynical, sarcastic daredevil?

  7. Nathan Fillion has to do either Tahu or Lewa. Anyone who's watched Firefly should be able to see how he can pull off 'lucky charming leader', and Castle gives us how well he could do 'wise-cracking sidekick'.


    Morgan Freeman would make a great Onua, with his smooth measured tones.


    Get Yahtzee Croshaw to do Pohatu. I know he doesn't have an Aussie accent, but I can totally hear his sarcastic quips coming out of Pohatu's mouth. Failing that, get him to do Kopaka, for the same reasons.


    I like Fillion, but his voice sounds a tad too young and too soft for Tahu. I always thought that Tahu should have a bit rougher leader voice, rather then a charming rogue type.


    Yahtzee Croshaw has a voice that would make me shot my eardrums within 5 minutes of listening to him.

  8. Realistically, Kevin Michael Richardson for Onua. He is a very prominent voice actor a does the voice for Bulkhead in Transformers Prime and the high school principal in American Dad among other things. As for the rest, I would like the rest of the voice actors from MoL to return as the voices of the Toa, except for Pohatu who is now a gruff Australian for some reason. 

    Yeah, the same thing went through my head, but I just felt he is too much of a big guy and too less of a quiet wise one.



    Pohatu: Manu Bennett

    Thats really great idea.

  9. So, just for fun. Imagine a new movie, cartoon or something, based on 2015 bionicle property. Now, pick any actor you feel fitting for the the role of Toa heroes. Any whatsoever, I doesnt matter if they dont do animation or their high profile, you can pick just about anyone. They dont even have to sound simillar to the voices from original animation. So, here are my ideas...


    Tahu= Toby Stephens (Authoritative, but not overblown. Very cool voice) http://www.theplace2.ru/photos/Toby-Stephens-md4432/pic-363208.html


    Kopaka= Travis Fimmel (Cool, but not in classic style. A bit odd, but intresting) http://www.imdb.com/media/rm361144320/nm1379938?ref_=nm_ov_ph


    Gali= Katheryn Winnick (A voice that can sound both warm and strong. One of the rare actresses that pull women warrior thing convincingly) https://www.pinterest.com/pin/463659724108796447/


    Lewa= Sharlto Copley (Incredible accent mixed with a bit odd but awesome style of acting. Very diffrent, very fun to listen to) http://www.liveforfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/sharlto-copley.jpg


    Pohatu= Karl Urban (A kiwi actor for a aussie styled Pohatu. Really DO NOT BYPASS THE WORD FILTER - Makaru without going overboard like Christian Bale in Dark Knight movies) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Urban#mediaviewer/File:Karl_Urban_2012.jpg


    Onua= Max Martini (wise and authoritative, but not in a manner that makes him sound like he is seventy years old) https://coolweakspot.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/max-martini-e1311695485425.jpg



    • Upvote 2
  10. Summer vacation. My family and I were walking around the town after noon. Scorching sun and loads of tourists. I hated it. I went to buy a Mickey Mouse magazine (I read that like crazy when I was a kid) and joined my parents on the terrace of a coffe bar. As we sit there I was skimming through the Mickey Mouse magazine and finally flipped it to see whats on the last page. I will never forget it... Some pyramid like structure formed a background behind six humanoid robots wearing masks. I remamber Tahu standing in front with his flame sword held high in the air. Left of him was Onua (who was my favorite Mata since I first layed my eyes upon him) in a hunched pose with two giant sets of claws. Lewa was right from Tahu and he looked really with that amazing axe of his. Behind them was Gali, who never impressed me all that much. Standing a long way behind them were Pohatu and Kopaka and it was pretty hard to make out details on them seeing how far behind they were (I think they actually stood on the pyramid structure). That picture was my first and one of my dearest Bionicle memories.

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