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Posts posted by Timeline15

  1. for robots like the Vahki, or a swarm like the Bohrok, clone sets make sense. For distinct sentient people, it does not. The toa all have different abilities and habitats, so it makes sense that they would have different physiques. For the most part, I feel that 2015 has captured exactly what I always imagined these characters being like (with the possible exception of how bulky Kopaka is, and Gali could do with being sleeker).


    And... did he really just suggest making the sets the same colour? You do realise that the whole reason we have elements is as an excuse to make the sets a series of bright colours right? No child would feel motivated to buy 6 sets in the same colour, unless they were DRASTICALLY different in build, (something that lego can't really afford to do), and I know MOCists certainly wouldn't.

    • Upvote 4
  2. Can't tell if trolling or just stupid.... lego employees are more than allowed to swear if they want. This was an official panel, not a video to kids.


    On a lighter note, I like where lego seem to be going with this. Bizarre how different the new masks ended up, given that lego seemed to be thinking very greatly about the old ones during the design process.

  3. That's a possibility, I just think people wouldn't forget the person who took control of their entire universe, or the fact that two colossal robots fought in the sky. If the Matoran forgot that, no matter how many generations it was, I would lose some respect for them. Write it down for gods sake! XD


    Still, I'm interested in the characterisation of this new, non god-tier Makuta. he seems like he might actually get a character beyond being evil this time. He just wanted to be revered by the islanders early on. I want to see where they go with that.

  4. Avmatoran, if this were a continuation, naming someone Makuta would be like naming someone "dog". Even if it weren't a species, it would be like naming someone "Hitler". Swappable weapons are literally of no use in discerning whether it's a continuation, as there is no reason to believe they are exclusive to one universe. It's a homage, or a cool play feature, nothing more.

    Aldo, the brother story playing out exactly the same a second time would be a bit weird, not to mention okoto is the spitting image of mata nui.

  5. To be fair, she was kinda humourless in Mask of Light. I just hope that's what they're going for here, and not "lololol she tells bad jokes! laugh children, please!"


    Also, I don't think anyone was reading any gender stereotypes from this, given that all the characters have flaws just as- if not more- stupid. If she were the only one with a weird character flaw, THAT might, might be gender stereotyping, but here, you're basically saying that women have basically been stereotyped with every single character flaw in existence at some point. While that is closer to the truth than I would like, I doubt anyone saw anything gender based in this characterisation.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Someone mind telling me why everyone seems to hate the name Teridax? What's wrong with it, I think it's cool that Makuta was a species. they always used to call him THE Makuta, so it wasn't just his name.


    It is in this new universe, but I'm just confused as to why people are so happy he's not called Teridax.

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