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Posts posted by SkeletorMaster



    But that hasn't happened, all of the pieces we've seen are not really specialised, you can use them with any set.


    Hate to be the party pooper, but we haven't seen these pieces yet...

    Um, we HAVE seen several of the new pieces in the Lego mag spread. The new torso piece is pretty obscured, but the new armor and add-on are clearly visable on Tahu's legs, and all three fellows clearly have some special stuff in their torsos.
    They aren't specialised though, you can use the leg armour on any CCBS limb of the same size. I can imagine the torso armour attaching any differently from the SW torsos and the build is mostly Technic. Again, you can do this with any CCBS set.
  2. I don't see the problem with more detailed pieces, it's been something CCBS has been quite lacking in in my opinion. Now if the pieces get really specialised, then we have a problem.


    But that hasn't happened, all of the pieces we've seen are not really specialised, you can use them with any set.





    Which has more sharp edges: 2006 or 2015?


    2006 had some guys with maniacal grins and metal fences, but 2015 has guys being burnt and crushed for entertainment. :P


    Actually the more I think about it, the worse it sounds XD.

    Zombie spiders and creepy zombie warriors not withstanding?

    Are we also sure that Ekimu isn't a vampire? He's been asleep in a sarcophagus/coffin for many years...

    You thout it was Ekimu. But it was I, Dio!




    Makuta eventually stopped thinking.

    You now realise that the Stone Mask was a Kanohi that somehow fell to Earth and Kars just took the credit for it.
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  4. I think the markings on the Mask of Creation are just arbitrary rune-looking things, not part of the alphabet.  I don't see them matching any of the symbols from the alphabet, and they're all symmetrical about the center line (mirrored, and would therefore have half of them be incorrect) aside from the ones on the center spike.

    This. They probably put the runes on the MoCr while designing it before the story team actually came up for a meaning to the symbols.
  5. I can just imagine a bunch of green villager masks in Makuta's lair. Switch to Makuta, and he is seen laughing maniacally while all of the Jungle villagers are running around screaming, smacking right into trees and banging into each other (due to not seeing through the Skull Spiders stuck to their faces). When Lewa comes to save everybody, he is knocked to the ground and gets eaten alive by those same Skull Spiders... Kingdom of the Crystal Skull red ant style.


    All of the villagers are saved, but Lewa is done for. Poor Lewa.


    If anybody's interested, my review of the new Lewa and Gali sets is now live on The New Elementary!



    Just another day for the Toa of Air Master of Jungle.

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