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Posts posted by Reddaye

  1. Got a new post by Faber. I think we're getting deeper into this, now; the little dude totally looks like the GSR, so we may see an art direction totally divorced from anything that looks like Lego.


    Looks more like a Toa in my opinion, that ice formation must be massive if that's the GSR.




    Alright guys the commie talk is starting to get off topic so let's stop talking about it, but for those who wish to continue I have started a topic dedicated to this joke.


    Oh man, a whole topic devoted to Bionicle-Putin jokes? Oh I know where I'm going next.  :P


    But in all seriousness I'm super stoke for Bionicle 2015, and the music/sound effects in the preview video sounded phenomenal, so I have high hopes for whatever we hear next.


    Question: How long are the "mini-movies" gonna be again? I think I remember 90 seconds, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure how I feel about the mini-movies, not because of the animation, but because of how much can actually be shown in that amount of time. I would've loved to see a longer TV show with full stories. I wonder who will voice the characters...


    If they have voices. They might go with the lack of voices and just have robotic sounds and captions from the original animations and games. Alternatively, the shorts could be narrated and the Toa/Masters might let out a grunt or two.


    According to some of the creators at NYCC, the characters in the animated shorts will, in fact, be voiced.


    When asked about the length of the mini-movies, 90 seconds is the answer the creators gave us, though I'm sure some might be longer than that. The Legend video itself is 106 seconds, so not much longer than that 90-second estimate.


    I wonder if they will get the old voice actors for the shorts then.










    In Soviet Russia, Bionicle doesn't exist, since Soviet Russia was gone long before Bionicle was initially released.

    I'm aware of this, I just said that because that's how the joke usually goes, also did anyone notice that Ekimu and Makuta use hammers as their main tool, I wonder how long it's gonna take for some conspiracy theorist to claim that bionicle is Communist propaganda by using this argument.
    And don't forget the new Toa Lenin!
    And Okoto looks like Ukraine... so the Toa are actually the Russian aggressors coming from another place?


    I'll get photoshop of that up ASAP.

    Let's hope Putin doesn't annex any of the pieces from our sets to make himself a better moc.
    Lord of the Skull Spiders, move over.
    To be fair now I think Putin should replace Makuta.
    This is going to turn sour very quickly....



    They know...


    This just made my night.

    • Upvote 4



    This is pretty cool:




    A Russian news channel reporting on Bionicle at Comic Con. Some BZPers appear as well!



    0:52-1:10 -- "Finding out about this, followers of Bionicle from all different countries flocked to New York for the Comic Con show to sate their sensory-emotional deprivation, as the desire to see, briefly touch, or even just smell fresh Lego plastic is what makes up the dreams of a true Bionicle fan"


    This is both the funniest and most painfully truthful assessment of the Bionicle situation, Russian news is amazing :P


    It sounds like something my dad would say.


    also u c Three people from TheThreeVirtues taking a picture in front of the mask of creation  while one of them is holding the poster.


    Woah! You're right.

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