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Posts posted by Funkydude527

  1. IC Phogen: "If that may be, then I bid you good day. Let me know when you might need my services." He bowed respectfully and turned off into the library, going to see what beings haunted these hallowed and valuable shelves.


    OOC: Phogen is open for interaction.

  2. IC Phogen: "Oh, my bold actions are coming, my dear. They simply need time to ferment. In the meantime, I am at your service if something needs to be done." Phogen's reply was both eloquent and concise, his confidence and crisp words parrying the potential blow to his ego. "After all, I am as much your employee as your employer, and more than willing to back up my claims."
  3. IC Phogen: "Ah, but reliability and utility can be two very different things." The smirk morphs into a sickening grin. "I have found that even the most ignored and loathed can prove to be excellent cogs in whatever machine I need to create, especially those with unusual shapes and mismatched teeth."
  4. IC Hirsch: The doors to the meeting room where Iniki and Arkie sat opened with a hiss. Vofosu and a fourth member, a matoran of gravity who carried himself with far too much of a hunch to be a soldier and far too much of a smile to be properly experiencing the war walked in. The matoran sniffled the air for a moment before bounding into a chair at the table. "Hello there!"


    It was a bit odd to the other matoran in the room to see such a reminder of what once was of her kin. A smiling, happy, almost cartoonishly endearing villager who was more than happy to give a friendly snack or a helpful set of directions to the local toa. The way he politely folded his hands on his lap and kicked his legs idly made it all the more so, a reminder of how blissfully ignorant and powerless they once were.

  5. IC: Sliver.


    "An only child?" I sneered, "I know your sort. The favourite. Spoiled. Got everything handed to you on a silver platter." 


    IC Phogen: The response was cool, and collected. "My father doesn't acknowledge my comparatively insignificant existence and sent me to be dissected alive by a retired god for the next ten thousand years. So from where I'm standing, spoiling seems a bit out of the question."

  6. IC Phogen: "My friend, you speak the answer with your question. Ambition, guile, an affinity for planning down to the last meticulous detail for the tiniest possible contingency, a capacity for fooling other in ways that makes others love to be fooled... Why, I would think the answer would be obvious, but since charity is in my nature I shall provide a hint: I am the only intelligent rahkshi from him." Phogen's voice was hypnotic, smooth and wonderful, sending pleasant shivers down their spine. The chuckle she gave following sent a very different kind of shiver.

  7. IC Phogen: "I offer you an advantage over your foes. Think of it as pooling our collective resources, rather than some sort of unprofessional bodyguard arrangement. I'm sure you have enemies, and that facing them down with a level four sonic rahkshi at your side would be preferable to meeting them alone. Besides..." The derahk grins. "...what do you have to lose by the arrangement? I'm offering my services for nothing more than reciprocity, erring generously, of course, in your favor."

  8. IC Phogen: "The pleasure is all mine." Indeed, it was. These two showed promise. "Say, I have been gone for awhile, and my old gang of allies and comrades seems to have dissipated. Perhaps you two would be interested in a sort of... Lets say, association? For the purposes of mutual protection, teamwork during and not during assignments, that sort of thing."

  9. IC Hirsch: The door to the shatterdome mission in Xia control slid open with a pneumatic hiss. Hirsch suddenly felt very out of place. Vofosu has run off far ahead of him and was now leaning over her console, looking appropriate, considering the circumstances. All around the room, matoran and vortixx sat in quiet shell-shock. Hirsch got the sense that, while they had not lost today, that they were losing. The line had been drawn, and it had been held, but it could buckle no farther. The glimmering city was now scarred, not dead, not yet dying, but scarred and injured. Like the Kaiju fleeing on the oversized monitor above, Xia and her defenders would have to slink back to lick their wounds, hoping to heal them before the next onslaught. And were they not healed in time, even more of the city would be eroded away. 


    Hirch, probably for the first time since waking up, realized exactly what sort of hope escape presented. What hope he carried with him. Here, there was a slow death. But outside, there was good land far from where the Kaiju would bother to travel. A place for beings to exist outside of a decomposing husk. The matoran followed the commander inside, and stood behind her, his small form standing out against the glow of screens and displays from around the command center.

  10. IC Phogen: "Both of you, of course." The grin is warm and inviting, letting the two know the derahk is very pleased. He also carries himself with great confidence and class. "I'm now acutely aware I forgot to ask you something vitally important back in Nynrah. Might I have your names?" 

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  11. IC Phogen: Ah, to have power.

    Ah, to have that which satisfies all cravings and transcends the concrete.

    Ah, that which ends arguments and starts them in equal measure. Ah, the elixir of politicians and hidden gift of the masses.

    Ah, that which, like battle and other intoxicants of darkness, creates and destroys in equal measure.


    How close-minded must Toa be to shun this and limit themselves to police duty and reactionary action? No doubt the Brotherhood would not be so limiting and nearsighted with their population of elementally charged beings. Phogen was awaiting that day with baited breath. Now all that must be done is a continued acquirement of power to garner a command. Oh, now that was an intoxicating thought. Commander Phogen, leader of a battalion of the finest troops in the universe. And outside of it, eventually. A standard at her command. Conquest of not just the world, but the conquest of every world. 


    Ah, to have a tempered assessment of the facts and a healthy amount of that Toa nearsightedness. 


    One victory at a time, Phogen. First up, a rebuilding of the power base. After all, she could never accomplish a vision as grand as hers without associates and allies. He smiled warmly and approached the two that helped him in the field of battle, whose bond was forged by war. He walked up next to Sliver and Grim, and nodded winsomely to them both. "Ah, just the rahkshi I wanted to see."

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  12. IC Phogen: The derahk let out a low whistle, appreciating the view. It had been an excellent evening overall. He reached into the box of rounds and pulled out one on the Lightning Discharge rounds. He said "I have an idea. Aim for the power substation." He twirled the round in his hand, leaning on his staff.
  13. IC Phogen: "This is gonna smart tomorrow..." With a groan he rolled his shoulder, realizing the wound was already starting to heal. Unlimbering the khopesh, he spotted for them as the first shot rang out with a satisfying Thwunk. It slammed into an empty building close to the tower, but not quite. "Angle back maybe twenty degrees, and right forty degrees."
  14. IC Phogen: Phogen leaned against the doorframe and dropped his staff. He wasn't looking so hot. Growling, he felt his back. Blasted creature broke right through the casing to... Hm... "Do either of you two know how to patch up a kraata?"
  15. IC Phogen: Indeed, it did. The rahi slumped to the side, it's mass elbowed off by Phogen. He stood, shaking, but quickly finding his nerve. His eyelights flickered for a moment, but came around just fine. He reached back and put a hand to his kraata casing, pulling it back and looking at the small seep of blood. He looked to Sliver, and said "Thank you, my dear. I'll watch the door while you two man the mortar."
  16. IC Phogen: Landing next to the mortar, he suddenly stopped. He froze and shut his eyes, listening. He heard something beyond the click of rahkshi voices and the farm me of matoran basic and the crack of battle. Something... Not supposed to be there. He took a step forward staff prepared. Another step, staff sweeping to the left and right. Something was here. It was so silent. There was no way a sniveling Matoran could be that quiet. Only a rahi could be that...


    Phogen can cut it just a second late, spinning a quarter turn as the lithe Nynrah Mualto pounced out from the stairway leading into the warehouse. He let out a lined yell as one of the claws caught on the back, throwing him to the ground. Luckily, Phogen wasnt quite defenseless. She sunk one of Exxan's knives into its flank. Still, the beast had taken worse than a throwing barb, it's cousin Muaka delighted in the taste of kraata, and it's matoran captors had fed it very little. It was not about to dislodge itself from the rahkshi that easily.

  17. IC Phogen: "Blasted... MOVE!" Phogen took off after Sliver, switching to his own flight mode. The lack of patience in some people was irritating. If they were making a break they had to make it together. They made a weaving advance on the warehouse, avoiding fire the best they could, but now they were open targets for the rifles and boasters and discs all around the city.
  18. IC Phogen: He knew in an instant he didn't have the strength to stop it directly. However, the cyclone rahk was slowing it down drastically and preventing it from reaching them on time. Maybe if he could slow it down in one particular place...




    The mortar exploded overhead, the pin pressed in by his sonic blast far too early. Tiny metal confetti peppered the trio harmlessly.


    Another thud. The matoran certainly had fighting spirit. "Another one! Three... Two... One... Mark!"

  19. IC Grim:


    "I have one."


    He pointed at Phogen. "You are a Derahk, yes? What level are you?"


    IC Phogen: "Three, and I have excellent control over my powers." Phogen was honest and vapid.

  20. IC Phogen: "Use your cyclone powers to put up some sort of defense from above." He pointed to Sliver. " We'll lay down some cover and make a full tilt break north, full speed flight-" Phogen dodged a pair of discs she could hear whistling through the air in her direction. She quickly picked up a simple  launcher of her own and returned fire wildly, unable to get a clear shot from their ropey cover. "Fall back to the power substation at the north end of Port Street, pick up whoever we can along the way, and regroup. The substation is made of hardened protodermis alloys. It should give us some space to breathe and figure out how to take care of that blasted mortar."

  21. IC Phogen: A nearby roof erupted in a red thunderclap, turning the house into a lopsided elting structure of lava. and a mortar crater manifested itself just a little ways down the street, sending chunks of earth pelting the rahkshi. To Phogen, it was becoming increasingly clear that someone needed to take charge. And he was the one with the plan. He called out to Grim. "I have a plan!" 

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