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Posts posted by Spiffy247

  1. Well, I think I know exactly what I would be, based on my SelfMOC. Once I have edited the backstory, I will take photos. But basically, my SelfMOC is an honorary Toa. A Toa of Destruction. Black, Gold, Gunmetal and clear Purple. His weapons and two B****** swords and a hammer. Mask is Mask of Control.

    Expect to see him soon.

  2. ...Yes. Creepy. I like it? I think? Very SPIFFY combination of the windscreen and silk bag to create such an unsettling combination of un-Lego-like textures. The Y-sockets and technic bits in the back really contrast with the organic shapes.

    Down Right Spiffy is here!


    Very detailed.  How long did it take to make?

  3. Thanks for sharing that. It's a great testimony to the impact something like BIONICLE can have. I've not likely experienced what you have, but I can say I felt similarly to you at times like the cancelations (and in particular I remember taking Matoro's death the same way I would a real celebrity). It's heartwarming to read that our favorite toy line got you through what sounds like a very trying time for you. I hope all is well, and feel free to PM me if you ever feel like talking to someone.


    The sad truth is that medication and doctor visits can't fix it all. I am going to live with a lot of my problems for the rest of my life. But I am happy to build MOCs and write stories.

  4. I will not tell the whole story, but I will tell the necessary parts.


    When I was younger, I had just started getting the Lego magazine, after getting the smallest Lego Ninjas set. I was was mainly into Throwbots, which seemed to be the coolest thing. I was reading through the latest Lego club magazine, and saw Bionicle. I thought "wow, this is cooler than Throwbots".


    My Dad was working at a toy store, so I had him pick up Tahu for me. Then that Christmas, I got the Nui-Jaga. And sadly, that would be my last Lego set before my mental disorders got bad. My life got turned on its head. Instead of Lego, I started spending my time on games more than ever because I was to depressed to build anything Lego. It was like that for years. 


    I ended up in the hospital three years later. And then, my first Lego set after that was Skrall from the Glatorian wave. I rediscovered Bionicle, and started buying lots of Lego things. Not longe after, I found out about the Cancelation of Bionicle Gen 1. It hit me hard. 


    I then started MOCing for a short while. But I could not build anything that nice, so I gave up on it. 


    I started buying Lego Factory sets, even though it was not as great as Bionicle. When I found out about Gen 2, it was like I refound an old friend. then at the beginning of 2016, I started MOCing. And I finally was able to make something I could be proud of. One day, I was looking at youtube videos while my brother was playing Fallout on my PS4. I saw a TTV video that mentioned Bionicle was cancelled. As I clicked on the video, I was hoping to myself it was a joke. as I watched the video, I was hit hard. It was like I lost something that day. I went to my Mom, and told her what happened. I told her the the thing that lifted my spirits after my hospital stay was Bionicle.


    A week later, I saw how people were not giving up on MOCing and writing stories. I decided I would focus on writing the stories and making the characters that were moving around in my head. I really wish we will get Gen 3 one day, but until that happens, I will do my own thing. 


    Bionicle was my last set before the worst part of my life, and the first Lego set after my hospital stay. It will always be a symbol of my recovery.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Actually, my current SelfMOC used to use a 2016 torso, a unity piece, and a second unity piece to connect his wings. Now the only torso-ish piece I use is the hip piece from the metru/Inika build days.


    I still use torso armor, but I do that for appearance, not simplicity.

  6. That's odd...


    None of my canisters had glitter, and prior to this thread, I didn't even know some had glitter!


    Curses, this means now I have to go and get the glitter versions too for my collection...



    How 'bout instead you give me a clown, a flagpole and a submarine, and meet me at the docks in an hour.

  7. I like to think I'm a competent MOCer. My self-MOC has a silver Avohkii, as you could probably tell from my avatar. He's got a custom torso between the sizes of a Matoran/Turaga and Toa.

    I am in the same boat. I''m not amazing, but I do well with what I am trying to create. I hope to get a camera next month, so expect to see my better MOCs.

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