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Posts posted by pohatroo

  1. here is my next 'Rahi' creation : a Junglirdion

    Junglirdion are the greatest hunters in the jungle regions of Okoto. they love to snack on dermis turtles and other small creatures. reciantly something has been causing them to turn against protectors, which they never eat, and travel to other regions of Okoto.


    I give lego full permission to use my character idea regardless whether i win or not


  2. here is another one of my creations; it's a Finerak


    Finerak are a species that usually live in the fire region of Okoto. they are generally wild and aggressive and will attack anything they see with there fire stinger. recently they have begun wondering in the other regions of Okoto causing havoc and leaving destruction in there path. 


    i give lego full permission to use all or part of my character idea regardless whether i win or notZTSg21p.png

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  3. here is my latest creation: Globatrax, lord of poison

    Globatrax was once a jungle protector who went by a different name. But he went mad with greed after he had heard about the mask of time. He began searching for the temple of time with the mask supposedly lay, but fell into a pit of energized antidermis in the ancient ruins and transformed into Globatrax. Globatrax is greedy and selfish. he will do anything it takes to get the mask of time and use the mask to become the lord of time. powers: blasting acid that destroys anything out of his mouth, injecting a mutogenic poison that slowly and painfully mutates the recipient into a mindless monster, poisonous claws that corrode anything they touch.


    i give lego full permission to use some or all of my character idea regardless if i win or not



  4. here is another character: Shadulon lord of darkness


    Shadulon is the reason that Okoto is being rummaged by the evil dark lords so the mask of time could be found. He will kill all his servants once he has the mask of time, then use the mask to go back in time and rule the entire universe. powers: possessing any body he chooses, mind control, shadows follow him were ever he goes, shadow blasts, illusions, and teleportation.


    i give lego full permission to use any part or all of my character regardless whether i win or not



  5. the is my new creation i call it: The Horde Lord.


    not much is known about the Horde Lord, nobody knows his name or where he came from, in fact he randomly showed up on Okoto one day and started taking over villages with his mass army of creatures. Weapons: beastia staff, energy armus. powers: the ability to summon and control any creature in the universe, shooting beastergy from his right arm. Beastergy is a form of energy blast that makes inhabitants and toa act at there most primal causing them to fall under the control of the Horde Lord.


    i give lego full permission to use any part of my character regardless whether i win of not.Evmhdqy.png

  6. here is another entry of mine, I call him Electius, lord of destruction

    Electius was a protector of lightning whose village was mysteriously destroyed. Overcome by grief Electius searched for the legendary energised protodermis pits so he could jump in the and transform into a toa, but fell into energised antidermis and became the lord of destruction. Now Eletrolt destroys everything in his path so he can find the legendary mask of time and use it to go back in time and save his village, but his now destructive personality will make it hard to accomplish this. powers- the ability to shoot bolts/ beams of lightning from his body and the misfortune of him literally destroying everything he comes in contact with.RaH0hEO.png

    I give lego full permission to use part or all of my character idea regardless whether i win or not

  7. here is another entry of mine, I call him Eletrolt, lord of destruction

    Eletrolt was a protector of lightning whose village was mysteriously destroyed overcome by grief Eletrolt searched for the legendary energised protodermis, but fell into energised antidermis and became the lord of destruction. Now Eletrolt destroys everything in his path so he can find the legendary mask of time and use it to go back in time and save his village, but his now destructive personality will make it hard to accomplish this. powers- the ability to shoot bolts/ beams of lightning from his body and the unfortune of him litterally destroying everything that he comes in contact with.

    I give lego full permission to use part or all of my character idea regardless whether i win or not



  8. here is my entry i call my creation: Insectius, lord of corruption 

    insectius wasn't always the way he was once he was a villager of Okoto then one day he fell in to a pit of energized antidermous which gave him extraordinary powers and mutated his appearance, but at the cost of his good soul. now Insectius terrorizes the island and will do anything it takes, even tear apart and destroy his own home to find the mask of time so he can use the mask to live forever. powers: the ability to corrupt peoples minds so he can control them to do what ever he wants and make them go insane and see enemies that aren't there


    I give lego full permission to use my character idea, regardless if I win or not


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