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Posts posted by Obsidian907

  1. Hello and here is my only entry for the Battle for the Gold Mask.


    Entry name: Xiadax & Solitros

    Gallery: Imgur

    Bio: Xiadax was a experiment conducted by Mutran under Teridax's order to create a Toa/Makuta hybrid to be used in case he was destroyed and continue his desire for power. Xiadax was created by using a Makuta Armor, Antidermis, Teridax's essence and a Toa Stone. Mutran finished Xiadax before he journeyed to Karda Nui with the other Makuta but left him in stasis for when Teridax ordered his deployment. After Teridax was defeated by Mata Nui a Shockwave from the robot  was sent to Mutran's Lab releasing and awakening Xiadax from his stasis. Xiadax was drained from his slumber that he crawled his way to Mutran's Rahi test subjects and began draining their life force. Once finished Xiadax left the lab and discovered the Armory and began using his powers to pull the armor and weapons he needed and left Destral. Xiadax made his way to Xia and after absorbing the life force from a Vortixx trying to evacuate the island, he absorbed it's knowledge and was capable of speaking. He then made his way into one of the factories and forced the remaining workers to craft him a weapon of his design. Once the Vortixx finished creating the robot for Xiadax and presented it to him. Xiadax dubbed the robot "Solitros" and decided to test it out his pet on the workers. Once Solitros finished dispatching the workers Xiadax crafted a harness for him to connect to his master and receive energy and assist him in combat. After seeing the rest of the Vortixx leaving Xia and heading to Spherus Magna Xiadax decided to head there as well. Once arriving on Spherus Magna Xiadax felt overwhelming energy coming from the distance and decided to claim it for himself.

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