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Posts posted by JackDaMac2001

  1. IC

    Rediet looked back after he talked to the brown being. He gave a "one second" sign to the being as he noticed a suspicious looking creature in the crowd. He snuck up a bit on it, wondering what it was. He walked away and turned his full attention to the brown being



    Open for interaction


    After realizing that the brown being had not noticed him, Rediet proceed to walk out the gate. He found the largest and smoothest stone he could on the beach, and scribbled "Toa for hire, price: a good adventure time available: any". He held the stone in his hands and sat near the gate.



    anyone need a toa for hire?

  2. IC:

    Rediet looked to the gates. A small brown being was talking to the crowd. Rediet wanted answers. This guy looked like he had answers... Rediet stepped forward and waved at the being. "Hi, I don't really know what's going on, but I heard from some guy that there are new arrivals here... I, uh, just got here and have no real idea of what is going on"

  3. IC:

    Rediet looked around. He had been walking around Ga-koro for ages

    I need three things, something to fight, a clue of what was going on, and a kanohi Arthron... whatever that was.



    open for interaction

  4. IC: Rediet


    Rediet had decided that what ever action was on this island, it would be some where else. He glance towards a volcano in the distance. "Sure, why not?" Rediet said as he started walking towards it.


    Rediet to Ta-Wahi

  5. OoC: Read his character bio, I feel ashamed for trying.


    IC: Rediet: "very helpful," Rediet muttered, suppressing his anger. I don't really want to make enemies after I just got here, so I better cool it, he thought. Rediet decided that waiting for this event to blow over would be the logical course of action. He could find answers then.


    OoC: open to interaction

  6. IC: Rediet



    Rediet wandered into the crowd and took everything in. Wow, he thought, but sight seeing will not give me answers. He noticed a being of his stature, clad in white and grey, standing in the crowd. "Uhh, what exactly is going on around here?" Rediet said to the being, not particularly caring if he was interrupting what the stranger was doing.


    OOC: It seems my character has arrived at the wrong koro at the wrong time...

  7. IC: Rediet



    At first there was darkness, but a hiss of metal awoke the Toa of Fire. "What?" he yelled out, not quite sure where he was. Fumbling out of the metal object, he noticed a mask had fallen out of it. He picked it up, and against his better judgement, put it on. A wave of power rushed through him, and with it, memories. He remembered he was here to protect something... Oh yes, the Matoran, he thought, Oh wait, what's a matoran?. Rediet finally stood up and looked around. At first all he saw was some mountains and the beach he was on, but swiveling around, he saw the ocean behind him. Upon further inspection, Rediet noticed a village... floating on the ocean! "I want answers," Rediet demanded to no one in particular, "And I think I can find them there". Rediet slowly started to make his way to the village. When he got close, he saw that there was a particular commotion going on. Snippets of the conversations drifted into Rediet's ears. "It looks like I'am not the only newcomer to this island". It seems like I arrived at the wrong time, he thought, I should probably stay put and see what happens...


    OOC: Open for interaction

  8. Name: Rediet (Pronounced Re-dite)

    Species: Toa of Fire

    Description: A minimal amount of silver armor is strapped onto his slim bright red frame. His slender legs are completely without armor, but his arms have two silver shoulder plates.

    Gender: Male

    Weapons: Two simple knives

    Weaknesses: has a deep fear of cold. he also has little to no combat skills.

    Technological items: none

    Alignment: good

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