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Posts posted by nescover

  1. This is my favorite set so far out of the ones reviewed.


    The color scheme isn't as cringe-worthy as some of the other sets -  the purple and black work well together and they didn't overload it with too many colors.


    I love how the gun is in the chest rather than as a hand-weapon. I actually like the trans-purple drill weapon, too.


    I like the Protector's masks in general and the black and trans purple just looks slick.


    If you couldn't tell, I like this set.


    Thanks for the review!

    • Upvote 1
  2. I stopped following Bionicle several years ago. Around the time the Toa Nuva discovered Metru Nui (so, the end of 2003) I stopped following the story and buying the sets. Now that Bionicle is coming back, I'm interested in catching up on all the lore I've been missing out on.


    Can anyone give me a crash course on the main plot events starting from 2004?

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