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Posts posted by FatoraktheChronicler

  1. Thank you, Lyichir.


    I think it's obvious that G2 is the point of division among fans, clearly seen from above. Personally I love it and agree with Lyichir's assessment, but others will not. We can already see this now. It's a huge point of debate, something that's going to be keeping the BIONICLE community struggling for ages.


    I think what BIONICLE really needs to boost is fans is to NOT boost it's roots and retread G1, but to keep going with G2 but try to make things more aware. Perhaps do more advertisement. I've barely seen BIONICLE advertisement and it would help if they did it more on things like YouTube or even TV, because yes, people still watch TV.

  2. According to people who saw the set at London Toy Fair, the set is a room with bookshelves, a portal, and a monster/demon. No vehicles.

    That's actually nice to know. That describes his Sanctum Sanctorum VERY well, so it'll probably be that.

  3. I had an account registered only for that contest thing back in 2014 but I realized "Gee I shouldn't waste this account."


    So as a result, here I am to discuss stuff and things.


    I came here from the TTV Message Boards as a moderator, but I have known of BZpower for a while. I used to browse the main site for news as a younger kid on BIONICLE and other themes. I never actually had gotten into the community though. I was very young when BIONICLE ended anyways. I know my older brother was active on the internet when G1 was still thriving, but I don't think he ever had an actual account here.


    So how are all you guys? It's so nice to have a BZpower account and start discussing stuff with the community!

  4. How do you know Ekimu is scheming? Sure he wants the Mask of Control and to destroy it, but then again, Makuta wanted Kulta to do that for the Mask of Creation.


    As I've stated above, I feel it's just them trying to out-wit each-other.


    And yes, I watched Journey to One. He didn't come across as suspicious to me at all. If Lego wanted that they'd make it more obvious, judging what we've seen from their other themes (Ninjago and stuff).


    Also bringing up Dume only helps this claim because it was obvious he was up to no good. Now VAKAMA as a Turaga, on the other hand, refused to tell the Matoran the truth about Mata Nui's death or the disappearance of the Toa Nuva, leading to the Matoran's persistence to know. I feel Ekimu is acting more like G1 Vakama than Dume.


    Not to mention both where a Mask Maker to begin with.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Either way any fanbase is going to have division among them. I don't feel BIONICLE is immune to this either.


    It's a sad fact when some people bring negativity to a fanbase, and it spreads all over. The fact is, people have different opinions and so the fanbase may start beginning to disagree. Unfortunately, G2 has been a major point of contention for all of this.


    I feel like this result was entirely unavoidable, though, even if G2 was never a thing. As stated above, some people don't like certain years. I know for a fact my brother didn't like 2008 because it began to become too sci-fi for him, and that he much preferred when BIONICLE was mystical and we didn't know the answers.


    My point is, we're going to have problems as part of a fanbase. It's just unavoidable, especially when major, controversial decisions arrive.

  6. A possible Dr. Strange set? That sounds great!


    I would hope they would do the Sanctum Sanctorum, but seeing what they've done for Ant-Man and Iron Man 3, it's probably just gonna be another vehicle set, which is really a shame.

  7. Brutaka also had a royal blue and gold color scheme. Look what we got with him


    And yes, Turaga Dume was shown as shady since day one. But after the Toa awoke Ekimu, he was impatient, rude, and inherently dishonest(a little bit). It isn't that far off to consider him a possible liar and anti-hero.

    I mean, Yoda was dishonest, impatient and rude with Luke for Star Wars. A lot of wise masters are like that in common media. I don't see why Ekimu has to be scrutinized for the same.


    A wise teacher has to be stern and to the point, and if someone (let's take Tahu, for instance) is arrogant and charges into an enemy and gets his mask ripped off, Ekimu has to call out his errors in a stern way because Tahu didn't listen.


    The Toa still trust the guy, though.

  8. Yeah but does ALL of BIONICLE need to be generalized? Personally I like it when a character is out-of-the-ordinary for their type of people. It makes them feel unique. I think that was one of the points of Tamaru.


    And plus, if you do remember from MNOG, on occasion during the Le-Matoran celebration after the defeat of the Nui Rama, he would occasionally spread out his arms and pretend to fly. So he does indeed strive to at least fly, something I think Le-Matoran do have as part of their personality.

    • Upvote 2
  9. I think there is going to always be a ton of negativity whenever a reboot, re-creation, or addition of a favored franchise happens. Take Transformers, for instance. They've been dealing with this kind of thing for ages. Or Pokemon. There is going to be division in this kind of thing because some people don't like change.


    I, for one, am a huge G2 fan and a fan of G1, but I also face scrutiny from other fans. Some people are G2 fans but prefer G1 better. Some are just simply G1 fans.


    In the end, I feel it's natural negativity is going to rise. Some people just prefer the old BIONICLE more than the old. I don't blame them, either.

  10. I was fine with Dual Destinies not having Maya. It was good to wait for her return, I think. Plus it was good to build up Athena's story and focus on Apollo's conflicted feelings about the moon case. Also, I heavily enjoyed seeing Phoenix come back as a lawyer, even though I did enjoy how he built up as a character in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney when he was disbarred.


    As for the anime, it's OK so far. Not the best. I wish it was more better animated and didn't have ANY CGI whatsoever. Also I'm not used to watching too much anime so the opening title seemed off to me.

  11. Cashews come from a fruit found in Africa.


    The first dinosaur named was the Megalosaurus back in 1824.


    There was a war called the War of Jenkins' Ear which was started between England and Spain in the years of 1739 to 1748, after some captain named Robert Jenkins got his ear cut off by a Spanish captain named Fandino once he accused Jenkins of smuggling. Then Jenkins got his ear presented to Parliament where they declared a war against Spain.


    Definitely an interesting start to a war.

  12. Well gee, I'm kinda new here so I'm not too keen on the necro-post thing, but I couldn't find a very recent Ace Attorney topic, so I decided to make a new one. (Hopefully this is OK).


    Get your objections ready! It's Ace Attorney!



    Personally this is one of my favorite game series ever since I first heard about it from Kahi on the TTV Podcast. I'm too poor to buy a DS or 3DS, or buy any games in general, so I looked up videos and stuff and I instantly fell in love with this series!


    I think my favorite two games in the series are Dual Destinies and Trials and Tribulations. With the upcoming Ace Attorney 6 making it's way out into Japan and eventually into America, I want to know what you guys think of the series! Also, what do you think of the anime so far?

  13. Looks like the webisodes are continuing this year, as abbreviated versions of Journey to One.

    Just noticed those. Pretty neat but the editing is kinda eh.


    To be honest, I kinda preferred the style of the 2015 animations and the pacing it had. That was one major gripe I had with Journey to One when I first viewed it, and seeing these condensed versions not edited as well isn't that good either.


    Also, it is a pain to re-find this video through the site. I wish they'd add like a search bar for the site or something, especially when it comes to the creations section!

  14. Oh goodie! I've seen this theory float around on other forums, and I gotta say it has some good thoughts to it, and it could be plausible! (Since Takua was originally identified as a Ta-Matoran.)


    However, I like to think Tamaru's fear of heights is what makes him unique among the Le-Matoran of Mata Nui. I dunno, what you said certainly makes sense to me.



    Also, Tamaru happens to have lime green and turquoise(?) armor, while Bo-Matoran have green and blue armor. However, I feel his color of green armor looks like a mix of green and blue, so that also is entirely possible.

    • Upvote 2
  15. Hmmm... If anything I don't see Ekimu becoming the villain, per se, but he's not exactly the nicest guy, and he shouldn't have to be. Not all of the Turaga in G1 were nice, and after all, Ekimu has to train these Toa, so he pretty much has to be stern with them. Plus this guy has to build up the society of the City of the Mask Makers back to it's former state. I wouldn't say that's an easy task.


    Plus, it's kind of comes down to how Ekimu wants the Mask of Control. Makuta wanted the Mask of Creation and for Skull Grinder to destroy it, and Ekimu wants to do the same for Makuta's mask. It makes logical sense; they want to keep each other in power checks. It's kind of a competition.


    So nah, I don't believe Ekimu is evil. The storyline is simple so far, and making Ekimu evil I don't think would accomplish too much to the narrative.


    If anything, I think Ekimu is meant to be sort of the "Takanuva" of the group, and the replacement for the light/shadow dynamic is creation/destruction, seeing as to Umarak becoming the "Destroyer."

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