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Posts posted by kopekethechronicler

  1. I say nay.


    Sure, I'd love to know the rest of the Toa Mangai's Kanohi.  But not through a fan poll.


    The Toa Mangai have always intrigued me because their story could tell us so much about the geography, cultures, and politics of the Matoran Universe.  I want more details, but I want legit in-universe backstory for them.  The way I understand it, these polls just turn the most popular headcanon into canon, without any serious review.  There's some discussion, but voting is ultimately up to the whims of the fans.  Choice of Kanohi is pretty arbitrary, so I'm kind of okay with this arbitrary method of canonization in this case.  But if it should stop there.  If we're going to replace the mystery that is the Toa Mangai, it needs to be replaced by something really good.

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