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Posts posted by Volitak

  1. Sad to say, I'm dropping out here. I feel that my character is invisible, and there haven't been any people to interact with him or for him to interact with. I rather like the storyline, but it's just the invisibility of my character that sucks the fun out of my experience. I know his loss won't make much difference to anyone. I will be following the story as an outsider for now. I don't know if I will rejoin later, because the problem might be even worse the later I join. Anyway, that's all. Bye, everyone.

  2. Unfortunately to say, I think I will be dropping out of Bionifight. Really, my character has been invisible. There hasn't been enough interaction to really make this enjoyable for me. I would like to say, though, that this storyline is pretty good. I rather liked it. I almost don't want to leave, but I didn't see enough on the social aspect. I trust that the loss of my character really makes no difference, but I will be following the story still just to see how things end up. Bye, everyone.

  3. IC: Xira


    He looked around once more. There were a few people who weren't around that should be around. "Just my luck, they probably found one of those gems that the staff is all hyped about. Well, I don't plan to be here long... I shouldn't need the reward anyway." He found himself wandering through the halls outside the knowledge sector once again. "Might as well..." he said in a hushed tone as he walked for the door.


    OOC: Ok, so nobody has interacted with him yet. He's still open for it at about any time.

  4. IC: Xira


    Xira glanced around casually. Seeing no one, he continued walking around. Even he wasn't sure what he was accomplishing. Some may have thought that he was completely lost, although he wasn't. "Just about no activity whatsoever. Where is everyone...?" Xira sighed deeply and continued walking.


    OOC: Open for interaction.

  5. IC: Naeman


    Naeman had been wandering around, just trying to figure out where he was going. However, midstep, he promptly fell asleep, and remained standing in the middle of the hallway.


    OOC: Naeman open for interaction.

  6. IC: Xira


    Xira had been lying low since the fight ended. Nobody knew why. Perhaps it was to think, perhaps to recover, or maybe just to get away from the crowded areas. He seeme to be quiet, and generally stayed away from the others. This time, though, he seemed especially isolated...

  7. IC: Xira- Fighting frost tarakava


    About fed up with the nuisance that was the tarakava, Xira ran straight for it, leaping up in an attempt to stab it through the back with his longsword.


    OOC: Ok, let's try to either finish this fight or pick up the pace.

  8. IC: Xira


    Xira looked around, his eyes constantly searching for the tarakava. This became difficult at times, because of it's tunneling capability. "Keep alert, you two! It could strike at any second!" He shouted to the other two fighters over the blizzard.


    OOC: Still fighting the tarakava. Waiting for it to make a move.

  9. IC: Xira


    Xira reached the source of the sound. He saw the huge frost tarakava attacking two toa. "Oh, great. Not every day I get to fight rahi." He charged over to the area of the conflict. "Need a hand here?!" he shouted to the toa, whom he did not yet know.


    OOC: Attacking frost tarakava with Zel'Sai and Daedelous.

  10. IC: Xira


    Xira had stayed in his hiding spot long after the Rahkshi had left. He waited... and waited... and then it happened. He heard the growling noises, which he did not know the origin. "I'll guarantee there's some action there..." He jumped up and began running toward the noise in the distance.


    OOC: Xira heading for the Tarakava

  11. IC: Xira


    As the silhouette approached, Xira made out the shape. Definitely a rahkshi. As it drew closer still, he recognized it as the one he had seen in the cafeteria, gorging himself. "Him again, huh...?" he whispered to himself almost inaudibly.


    OOC: Going to bed. Nobody attack Xira.

  12. IC: Xira


    Xira had fought as much as he could, and seeing that Elittra(Whom he did not know.) and the others had left for other fighters, he too made a hasty retreat. During this time, he saw a hunched figure climbing up the mountain, probably chasing that dragon like all the others. He swiftly and silently made his way closer to the figure, keeping out of sight.


    OOC: That'd be Kat.

  13. IC: Xira


    Viitka headed elsewhere, and Xira headed over to assist Lekona, Artorre, and Elittra once again. "Sheesh, nobody fights honorably here... Time to even the odds. Let's do this!" He gave a battle shout and charged to the fight.


    OOC: About to assist.

  14. IC: Xira: Fighting Viitka


    He busied himself holding off Viitka, doing all he could to just block, although Viitka broke through a few times. He countered when he could, and held her off from Elittra, Lekona, and Artorre.


    OOC: Be back in around 30 mins.

  15. IC: Xira


    Xira leapt in just in time to see Viitka trying to take out Elittra. He lunged at Viitka from behind, trying to knock her away and free Elittra from the drift.


    OOC: Viitka, prepare for battle with Xira.

  16. IC: Xira


    Xira took a small glance outside of his crevice. "I am sick of waiting. I guess I'm gonna have to bring the fight" He looked around, and saw Artorre and Lekona, outnumbered by quite a few men. "Sheesh, that's not very sporting. LET ME AT 'EM!" He shouted as he leapt out and ran to join the fray.


    OOC: Xira requesting permission to assist Artorre and Lekona.

  17. IC: Xira- Mount Ihu Arena


    Xira had climbed a good ways before stopping at a small crevice he discovered. "Better to wait for them to come to me." Seeing it was very deep, much mor so than was visible, he entered, and awaited a challenger. Should nobody find him, he decided on leaving and finishing off any who ventured near.


    OoC: Going to bed. Xira is not open for a fight yet.

  18. IC: Xira


    Upon seeing that most had already ran for the mountain, Xira began a stealthy pursuit. He darted between obstacles, and was surprisingly undetectable, for having jet-black armor in a snow-covered mountain. "Alright, don't do anything stupid, and don't attack. That makes too many enemies. Just defend," he whispered to himself.


    OOC: I am assuming that we will continue tomorrow. I have to go to bed in a few minutes.

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