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Posts posted by Brikkyy13

  1. All in all, it looks like Mata Nui, which is good. The gear-function was definitely a good idea because that is sort of central to Gen2. Perhaps however you might try to secure the two halves of your custom gearbox together better; they look like the weight of the arms is pulling it apart and I can imagine that alters the function's effectiveness.

    Oh, I hadn't noticed it looked a little lopsided in the photos. I had just swapped out the axels for ones that would bear the weight better, I didn't realise I hadn't pushed the beam all the way back in. That's gonna cost me points :P


    Love the idea! Props for trying to create a previously set-less iteration of a character. Capturing the look of the Great Spirit Robot is a huge challenge, and I think you were extremely successful in establishing the character through colour, armour design and function. Some really great, innovative ideas in both the body and feet - I do like the more technic "titan" build, but the integration with CCBS shells is creative and effective. And finally, keeping the Ignika in the chest is a cool concept, though it does make the shape of the torso strange. Cool stuff. :)



    Thank you. As for the strange torso shape, I explained earlier that it was done intentionally for a more bulky look. :)

  2. It's decent, but it certainly has some issues. To start with, I like the armoring on the upper torso and lower torso, and the arm designs are nice too. The feet designs are bad, per say, but I don't think they fit the character, and maybe should've been made smaller. The gear function is nicely integrated into the design, and I see now that you even built your own gearbox, so props there. I can see where you're going with the head, but it just doesn't seem to fit either. I'd imagine either a Metru or Mata head myself, but there's really no head piece that perfectly captures the giant robot's face, so I know that's hard to pull off.At first I thought the mask in the chest was a function. Honestly, it looks awful, but I figured there was a way where you could launch it out, like what Makuta did with it in the animations. But, um, that does not seem to be the case. The color contrast is far too striking. Maybe the silver Ignika would've worked, but I think you would've been able to pull it off just as well without it at all. (Unless it really can be launched, in that case forget ascetics for the action feature, I say!)One last nitpick is the abundant use of red. I can understand if you don't have enough of the ball joints or axles and such in black or gray, but still the red stands out unnecessarily here.It's a decent model, but I think there could definitely be some improvements made to it to make it more like Mata Nui. All the same, I'm sure you did a good job with the pieces you had. Best of luck in the contest. :music:

    In all honesty, I completely agree with all your nitpicking (aside from the head, I'm proud of that one). Had I given myself more time I could definitely could have made better feet and integrated a function into the chest (honestly I didn't think of a function, I just thought of putting the mask in there). I know the Ignika severely breaks up the color scheme, but it was either having a little yellow stick out or have the Great Spirit look like he was pregnant (I don't have the silver variant).


    Secondly, you are right, I am lacking in black joints, I had to use the red ones because that was all I had.


    Finally, remember the contest is a reimagining of G1 characters in CCBS, it's not supposed to be 100% accurate. (this one is directed at everyone, not you in particular. I think people are forgetting the main idea of the contest)

  3. From an aesthetic standpoint... Bleh. The way you did the chest doesn't look right to me and those feet don't work at all with the set.

    The chest is that bulky for 2 reasons. 1, I wanted to make sure there was room for the Ignika. 2, CCBS builds in general tend to be kinda bulky (especially Onua, I took a lot of inspiration from him). As for the feet, I took a play from Rocka XL and Witch Doctor and made bulky feet. I agree they could have been better but I like them as they are :)


    I really quite like this model. Although I have to say, the face is rather...lacking. I understand what you're going for with the "Mata Nui robot" design, but I think perhaps a Pakari over his face might be a good idea. Just a thought.

    I want to keep it close to the original GSR design, with the head being an actual head piece without a mask, so there would be no way I would consider adding a mask. (I couldn't add a Pakari if I wanted to, from the new sets I only have the protectors, and I don't think there's a way to get old masks on new heads :P )

  4. I haven't seen any of the new sets in any of my local stores, but there has been some clearence on some of the shelves in those stores. I've also noticed that Target and Toys-R-Us Australia are having a sale of 20% off on Lego sets, which could lead to bigger clearences and the placements of the new Bionicle sets on shelves.

    I must have tried calling 15 stores yesterday. Target won't get them because it "doesn't sell well." I can confirm that Mr. Toys Toyworld will get them though.

  5. here are some simple rules that I think will work for our new society.

    1 - We all worship and pledge allegiance to Greg Farshtey, The Great Spirit Mata Nui and the late Matoro

    2 - We have two national sports: Kohlii as the major one and Akilini as the minor (because Akilin is pretty cool once you think about it)

    3 - All statues of Toa will be dedicated to the respective set's designer and the mighty Greg

    4 - The currency is gears. The more teeth on the gear the more it's worth (but the current is virtually worthless. The exchange rate would be something ridiculous like 1 USD buys 400 teeth, based on pick a brick prices)

    5 - HF fans will be allowed, provoding they turn in all the Hero Core pieces from their figures (because CCBS is pretty good of you think about it)

    6 - Greg Farshtey and anybody on BIONICLE's story/design team has diplomatic immunity

    7 - Members of the defence force will be addressed as Toa

    8 - Removing ones mask is like removing ones clothes in current society. It will be considered as nudity

    9 - We will be assigned elements based on personality tests we take apron arrival on the island. For society to work we will ignore gender restrictions of ga matoran

    10 - All breakers of the law will be put in jail, which will be known as the pit.


    I volunteer to write the new land's constitution. Someone earlier referred to it as Farshtey Nui. I like it, but it should be put to a vote. What have been the suggested names so far?

    • Upvote 2
  6. Here is my entry to this competition. It is called "Tika o te Koura" - Maori translation of "Worthy of the Gold" (happy to change it if this is deemed unacceptable by the judges, LEGO or the community as a whole, however there was nothing against this in the rules). I believe that my entry should be considered because of the "creative use of parts" rule. I have used original Mata bodies as legs, which (to the best of my knowledge) has never been done. Here are links to the main photo and the gallery.


    MAIN PHOTO: https://www.flickr.com/photos/129031941@N08/15885660786/in/set-72157649524315382

    GALLERY: https://www.flickr.com/photos/129031941@N08/sets/72157649524315382/

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