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Posts posted by LN.01354

  1. Alright, here comes the unpopular opinion. These videos are so bad they are hilarious.


    We've got a temple of time with the oh-so-clever giant pendulum on it, the spiritual elements that were previously vague now reference prayers to... the sky? What?


    This world has nameless villagers who specifically mention having sons, as well as a cute baby villager with goo-goo eyes. 


    There's a confusing prophecy that says the Toa will find the special masks and the Mask Maker, even though they've established that there are two(perhaps this is some kind of fake-out for them finding Makuta instead of Ekimu, but I'm not sure this story is clever enough even for that).


    We have failed and strange attempts at humor with Tahu making what are supposed to be somewhat threatening skull spiders look as effective and terrifying as thrown pillows.


    We have a voice actor who was clearly chosen for his "narrator voice" trying to play seven different characters(one of which is a woman) and a Protector who dresses up as an old person until it's time to take action, where he reveals that he has a gatling gun on his back.


    And so far all the "nods" to the original story are slapping the Mask of Time in whatever nonsensical place imaginable.


    Call me a curmudgeon, but these videos do not make me confident that this story will be even remotely as good as the old stuff, even with how convoluted and messy it got. They're rehashing all the basic elements of 2001 without putting any heart or thought into telling a good story. Now it's just each cutout Toa having a "destiny" to find their golden mask with the help of a nameless nobody who gives them extra weapons. Thrilling. I suppose there is still a chance for Lego to redeem themselves when the story continues to play out, but right now it's a childish mess in this viewer's opinion. 


    Well, right now they need to make kids feel welcome to join the story, and they need to introduce this entire world to them, with the products just hitting shelves. Does anyone remember the early days of BIONICLE? Dare I say it, this is actually more in-depth. I mean, come on let's face it: MNOG was you walking around Mata Nui, and that was it. People can whine and say "Oh, this is worse than Gen 1!!!". Simpler? Yes. Worse? No. I expect that within a few months, we'll get books, comics, more in-depth stories, and longer episodes. 


    Imagine if Lego started the series with the Protectors just walking around, doing village stuff, and then the story just drawled on for months before the Toa arrived. The Toa arriving was literally the first thing that happened in Gen 1, and....oh look at that: Gen 2 is doing the same!

  2. I must say, I LOVED those episodes! The animations is wonderful, I don't mind the English accents, and to be honest, the jokes actually made me laugh! (I didn't slip. XD)


    Also, this whole Vahi thing is starting to get weird....It has appeared in EVERY episode, and for all we know, it may be in the Toa videos also. They are making a big deal about it, and quite frankly, I will be very annoyed if they just end this with "Oh, you all came from a different dimension! Now, go back."


    If it ends of that the Protector-signal thing was just calling the Toa out of their own Gen 1 dimension, then I will be beyond furious.


    That Protector baby was cute though! : )

  3. Did anyone else notice that there is a massive whirlpool near Region of Water? Also, look at the southernmost part of the island: Is it just me, or are there underwater islands?! And if you go east of that.....more objects appear to be submerged!


    Either we will get a Barraki-type line, or there is something massive beneath the island.....

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